Sunday, June 1, 2008

Suck it!

So yesterday there disaster was rampant in the area! TORNADOES!! Or at least tornadic weather (idk if that's a real word, but the weatherman used it). I was gonna post but there were multiple quite near my house lightning strikes so I decided against it. Also we lost power for like a second and the computer restarted and I didn't feel like going through the incredibly slow and laborious log-in process to inform the readers of my boring as hell.

My music is very loud at the moment ... AND I LOVE IT!!!!!! (Katy Perry)

My sister and my brother both had friends over so when the tornado siren went off my mum, brother and his friend were in the closet (roomy mind you) and me, my sister and her friend were in the small bathroom. They were in the tub, towel on the bottom, both sitting on bean bags while I sat on the toilet. At some point I thought it would be fun to turn the lights off, idk why (I think I wanted to know how dark it got) and my sister just pulls out her camera and starts taking pictures. I stared at the flash a couple times, it hurt. You think she's weird for bringing her camera ... well on the first trip in I brought (because I'm always ready for tornadoes, I like being prepared, so sue me): a pillow, my teddy bear, shoes, book, book light, glasses case, phone, wallet, and my external hard drive. That's right, I bought my external with me, I'm a nerd and I know it.

Yesterday I slept in until 12:51 exactly, or at least that's the time that I appeared out of my cave 'cause I hollered a good morning to my sister and she remembered the time. I went on a field trip today, to none of other than the Wal-Mart and Trader Joe's, mmmm. We were driving along and pointing out all the trees and branches that fell down. We didn't have any tornadoes but we did have straight line winds which .. story time ... when I was in sixth grade I think we had horrible straight line winds at my old house (aka my dad's house). Sixteen trees on our property fell down and one of them clipped the corner of the house where my sister and I were sleeping, scared the fucking bejeezes out of us (only hit the rough though). We were up at 5am the next day to count trees and we were climbing all over them, our driveway was completely blocked. A tree fell on the back of my dad's gold Ford F150 (I loved that truck) and bent the bed, I don't really know what happened to that car. But yea, trunks everywhere and it took us forever and a day to clear the trunks because they were so thick. Those trees were older than the house (which is now near 160 years old).

Wal-Mart was boring. We got pretzel bread and a baguette from Trader Joe's. Oh. My. God. They have the best pretzel bread ever, it's sweet and has those big granules of salt on it, a little loaf like 6"x3"x1" (that's right I got technical) but it's so good, but we had to split it between my mum, sister, her friend and me. One person too many, but anyways DELICIOUS!

I spent the rest of the afternoon watching nonsense on the boob tube and stalk Jill Bennett's profile on MySpace ... well I just watched all the videos she had on there and some were pretty long so I kind of felt like a stalker. Watch this video, it's my favorite.

Jill's the one who screams a lot, eats the banana and shows her boy undies. Bridget McManus is the one with the chopsticks, she flips her hair for the camera and takes off her bra. Also Bridget and Jill are the one's that wrestle. And the famous Blue Blaze takes a scene or two, aka Liz Feldman, she's the one who talks about her grandma being a top. Don't you love the puppets?

Okay but anyways, I was going to hang out with people tonight, actually be social, but plans fell through. Boo suck.

I got really good chocolate from Trader Joe's.
My mum got me Mamba's yesterday.
I made a mini meatball sub for dinner.
I'm a fatty.


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