Thursday, May 29, 2008

My ice cream is on fire!

I got to sleep late today, what a treat. I even got to work late, but I don't care, 'cause my mum fibbed my clock in time 'cause we had to run an errand.

I spent the morning entering information into the company's database .. again. I don't think I could've been more excited! But anyways we left at 11:30 to go to lunch. We were supposed to go and give my laptop to this guy to fix but when we got to his office he was gone for lunch ... what a douche face. Oh and on the way there we got stopped by a train. When was the last time I even saw a train? It's been a while ... I counted the cars, 72. So. Damn. Long.

Had Wendy's for lunch, so delicious and so cheap and I <3> with a passion, I only wished that I had curly fries 'cause they make an excellent combo. We were scheduled to go to a training session downtown to learn this new software my mum bought to help with the web site so we spent 3 hours there.

Three hours learning a program that I figured out in the first 20 minutes. So the rest of the time I was goofing off and making fun of my mum for sucking really hard. I looked up the software my dad wants me to use for his web site and basically it requires me to re-learn HTML. It wasn't that hard to learn in the first place but I've forgotten a lot of it and it's all memorization, and tables take a lot of practice. And I'm shit at style sheets, I never learned how to do them very well, let along coordinate them into the code. Whatev.

Got back to work and did, guess what .... that's right, more database entry. But my buddy called me when she got off work so we talked about how our jobs entitle us to be people's bitches and how we would make excellent personal secretaries. But then ... my phone killed itself. Well technically I killed it 'cause it ran out of battery. One second she's just babblin' along then the next ... nothing. I said, "oh fuck."

Bellacino's turkey grinder for dinner. Orgasm plzkthx. Oh goodness those sandwiches are just delicious. Then I had a cherry and blue raspberry Popsicle for dessert (sugar free!).

Lost season finale, hey girl hey. Two hours of awesomeness but apparently I wasn't as amped up as I thought I would be 'cause I kind of got bored while I was watching. The Orchid station is awesome, I wanna bend the space-time continuum, no fair! And I'm happy that Juliet didn't die 'cause I didn't know what was going to happen to the people on the island. And amazingly I only teared up slightly when Jin blew up, that's right, blew the fuck up. C4 is crazy explosive in case you didn't already know. And Kate's creepy Claire dream was weird, but seriously it's Kate, she's weird.

Now I'm Katy Perrying it up. Oh I watched more old vlogs of We're Getting Nowhere, 'cause making fun of L-word just makes me laugh so damn hard. And now for some quotes.

Karman Kregloe: I can't have a baby, I could have a kitten.
Dara Nai: What about a litter? They just keep coming out like gumballs.

Jill Bennett: You can sleep with extras, they're nothin'.

[talking about hickeys]
Dara: Nobody wants them, they just happen ... like kids.

Karman: Could we be any crackereyer?

Jill: Aren't nuns always virgins?

So yea, those lines accompanied by uncontrollable giggle fits and random appearances of Jill's pretty kitty Luna and also of Bridget McManus make We're Getting Nowhere just fabulous. And I've just realized I didn't have my daily dose of Blue Blaze today. Liz where are you?!?

I want to go see The Strangers at the movies tomorrow because I've been in the mood to watch a scary movie for a long time but all my friends are chickens. Losers, or at least they scream or jump a lot. I think scary movies are funny, the only stuff that gets me is the jump out the screen looking shit.

I want another Frosty.
My nails are peeling a little.
Eight days 'til THE REGION!!!!


P.S. -- A Dairy Queen in the city burned down. The blog title is what I yelled when I saw it on the news. xD

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