Saturday, June 14, 2008

Run from the wind not like it.

I finished up South of Nowhere today, it could've ended a little better, but I'm happy with what happened. I did nothing all day so the main focus of my entry tonight will be how much the new M. Night Shyamalan movie The Happening sucked balls really fucking hard.

First off...

Worst. Dialogue. Ever.

There were only a few lines that I thought were believable in the whole movie, and some of the lines were kind of funny but I don't think they were supposed to be. Shyamalamadingdong writes, produces and directs his pictures ... I think he just needs to stick to the last two. The story line of the movie was actually pretty interesting. It was considered an eco-thriller so it combined two of my favorite things: the environment and scaring the fuck out of people.

If the lines had been better I think the movie would have been a little more intriguing. The acting wasn't all that horrible it was just that the lines were so sucktastic that the movie blew in general. At one point in the movie Mark Wahlberg started singing and I had the strongest urge to yell "Marky Mark" but I was upset that my gf Zooey didn't start singing 'cause she's just got such a beautiful voice.

And speaking of my baby, every time they did a close up on her, which I noticed M. Night did a lot of close ups on his characters throughout the movie (good way to display emotion at face value), but anyways every time they did a close up of Zooey I got distracted by her eyes. She has the prettiest blue eyes I have ever seen and I think they probably did some enhancement in the editing but her eyes were always a brilliant sky blue. Her pupils were also pretty small though, but I imagine that was because they were in the sunlight a lot. Basically every time Zooey was on screen I kind of blocked out everything and just stared lovingly at my gorgeous lady.

I have a tendency to predict all the scary parts of a movie; I can tell when the "jump out of your seat" or "scream out loud" shit is going to happen so I tried to give my mom and sister a heads up so they wouldn't freak the hell out. That didn't really end up working.

I don't normally get scared by scary movies too much, I mean I might jump a bit or hold my breath if it's really scary, but in general I only get a little paranoia afterwards. Actually only if the movie is incredibly frightening that I get the paranoia, I usually just crack jokes about everything. Gore usually irks me more than anything, so I was happy to see there was a good chunk of gore in this movie. I mean people killed themselves, and in pretty violent ways, that's why it was M. Night's first R-rated movie. is my first stop before I go to see a movie because I like to go in with a general expectation. 21%. That was the approval rating, so I went in expecting shit and got it. I don't think I'd have liked the movie as much if Zooey hadn't been in it.

So movie trailers!!! Julianne Moore (whom I adore) is going to be in a new thriller called Blindness, it looks really good. It's about this disease that makes everybody go blind and she's the only one not affected or something, I hope it'll be good. And the X Files movie trailer came on and my mom got super hyped up. I really hope this movie is good because I loved X Files so so much in the 90s, I still watch it on the SciFi channel when I remember it's on.

Roller derby tomorrow, I hope it's good, I bet it will be.

I <3 Zooey Deschanel.
I <3 Scully & Mulder.
I was kind of narcissistic today. xD


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