Monday, June 16, 2008

Morals of Convenience

This morning I woke up at 7:35am ... but I didn't get out of bed 'til 7:42am, shut it I was cold. Homemade rice crispy treat for breakfast (my mom made it with the marshmallow goo in a jar so it's always really sticky and delicious) and then off to drop my brother at school. Get to work and my mom immediately puts me to work on her mailing list.

All day, every single minute of my time (save for those few slacking moments) was filled with that damn mailing list. Before the letter was proofed she had me stick return address labels on 9"x13" envelopes. Then I had to stuff them all, she printed 500 labels, I ended up using 482 of them. I did 232 before lunch, 'cause I ran out of envelopes.

We went to a restaurant about two blocks away for lunch, it was called Yummy's and hell yes it was. I had a 1/4lb cheeseburger, thick & incredibly potatoey french fries and a couple of my mom's onion rings. That burger with bun and all that jazz was probably near 2" tall and the diameter I should say maybe 5", it was crazy huge and delectable (I only ate half, lol). Washed it all down with too much Mountain Dew. Tomorrow I'm not going to eat anything ... explanation to come.

Went to the Post Office and bought $350 worth of stamps, then headed to Office Max for 250 more envelopes and a glue stick (purple glue bitches). My mom says I should try and get a job at the Post Office next summer 'cause apparently they pay really well. I could totally organize all that shit in the back, I think it could be interesting but I doubt I'd ever pursue it seriously. Got back and glued the envelopes I did before lunch then went about labeling, stuffing and gluing the other 250. At the end of the day my mom had me putting stamps on everything, I only got through 100 envelopes ... more tomorrow yay!

Also I'm supposed to start putting some more binders together for another company. Basically I put together a catalog of appliances the company is able to put up in their building, this time instead of just 5 binders ... it's 14. I'm so lucky; but they don't have to be finished until next Tuesday which is pretty awesome.

I had giant cheese-stuffed ravioli for dinner and then drove with my mom to pick up my brother from baseball practice. I know that I'm supposed to be practicing for my driving test at the end of the summer but I refuse to drive unless I actually have somewhere to go. If it's just driving to drive I feel guilty about wasting money and of course driving the car for no reason even though my mom's car gets probably 25mpg at least. So yea, driving = mreh for me.

I spent a lot of time tonight just kind of surfing around the Internet & listening to music, which is always a good way to wind down. Had my mom trim my hair after my shower and yea, that's pretty much all I did today, hoorah.

Oh and about not eating ... I weighed myself for some reason, and at the end of the day, who does that? I'm thinking maybe with all the food I ate today I could take off a couple pounds but seriously I need to grow an inch or two to even all my weight out. I could've sworn I'd been losing weight, maybe I'm gaining muscle ... hopefully that's it. I got all self-conscious .. maybe I'll just go on a water diet, water and crackers. Too drastic, nvm, I'll just bike more. But I've got to be bathing suit fit in less than two weeks so I'm being all rawr at myself right now. And I even need a new wave-proof suit (halter + wave = free bewbies ohnoes!).

I <3 rice crispies.
Work is stupid.
Mailing lists are the devil.


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