Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Cone of Silence

7:40am on the dot. Packed my lunch, waited for my brother to get on the bus then off for another fun-filled adventure in Desk Land!

As soon as I got to my desk my mom had me putting stamps on envelopes once again. After running out of $1 stamps I proceeded to collapse in the chair in front of her desk and on her desk. It's usually pretty cold in the office which is supposed to help wake you up but it's so damn dreary in that office that my eyelids drop like lead curtains. After 5 minutes of slacking I went to update a couple things on the web site and looked a couple things up online for my mom.

Had a bit of lunch and then headed off to Kmart to look for outdoor furniture. Where that came from I have no idea. We power washed the deck like 3 weeks ago and we haven't had a chance to stain it so it's just kind of chillin' all bare and ugly at the moment. I never really realized how big it was until it was empty, I think it'd probably make a good party deck ... but I don't really have parties, lol.

We finally got the address labels for the envelopes so I put labels on all 482 envelopes ... which sounds quick in one sentence but it was repetitive motion for maybe 2.5 hours that left my shoulders and neck sore once again. We made a trip to the back warehouse to get some dividers for the binders I'll be diligently working on on Thursday and wasted a little time talking to the builder guys. The guy I make binders for, Mark, is really really nice. He's going to have three kids (two step) at Purdue next year. The guys sound nice but apparently the girl is a total bitchface.

Got home and slacked until I had to go to the advanced screening of Get Smart. It was hilarious and I just <3 Steve Carell to pieces. Anne Hathaway was pretty funny as the femme fatale agent and she kicked some serious ass. The Rock (aka Dwayne Johnson, lol) was great as the giant doucheface agent, 'cause he looks the part, he's all mean and "I'm gonna beat the shit out of you" looking. I went with two friends and we got there pretty early and got a free mini poster and talked a lot about nothing before the movie started. I made the mistake of drinking pretty much all of my drink before the movie started so I had to piss like a race horse when we got out.

We met with two other girls at Starbucks and I indulged on a strawberry's & creme frappuchino. We talked a lot about boys and weight and dreams and boys and a lot of other shit. I was pretty quiet the whole time because I don't really enjoy talking about all that stuff.

I realized that I ate pretty much nothing today. I had another rice crispy treat for breakfast, a sandwich and some string cheese for lunch with a Mountain Dew, and then a couple handfuls of popcorn, a slushie and a frappachino. I didn't get a chance to eat dinner because my friend showed up earlier than planned to pick me up for the movie. I was going to eat egg rolls, I really wanted them. <33

Now I'm gonna stay up doing nothing and sleep late-ish tomorrow. I want to wake up, eat a quick breakfast then go for another bike ride. I'm really happy the park is so close, I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have anywhere pretty to go for my bike rides.

I <3 Steve Carell.
Cherry slushies are delicious.
Loud music is very good at waking me up.


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