Saturday, June 21, 2008

Nothing seems to be changing

12:21pm I actually got out of bed. A solid 11 hours of sleep I should think, pretty damn good for me. Though I had the fortune of waking up with not only a hunger for lunch but also a fantastic new stomach pain. Well that is my acid reflux reprised (lol that's not supposed to be a verb I don't think) it's recurring role in making my day hell. I had this tasty taco/beefy thing for lunch which I'm sure on any other day would've just been super fantastic but I just got to feel shitty for an hour or two.

I about tore up my closet looking for my meds because my closet is the dumping ground for all things college. Found them and I only have one pill left now, I need to go and get some more. Hopefully today will just be a one time thing at least for a while, my acid reflux just sneaks up on me like a ninja. Though it might have something to do with that Mexican food I had last night.

Spent the rest of the day lying in my bed and watching Veronica Mars because I am so freaking awesome. I took a break or two between episodes to surf on the World Wide Web. I re-discovered the William Gibson Cyberpunk library I stumbled upon a couple years back and I've decided once I finally finish the giant as hell book of scifi short stories I'm reading I'll catch up on my cyberpunk. I'm trying to expand my scifi knowledge so I'm thinking that the next scifi genre I want to penetrate (lol) is biopunk, steampunk will follow after that. One of my most favorite books of all time is William Gibson's Neuromancer which I've read a couple of times already, I can never get sick of it.

Anyways, I <3 Veronica Mars still. And Leighton Meester was just on the episode I watched, I miss GG. I heard that the CW might be shutting down or something ridiculous like that because they're not getting enough viewers. If they're not getting enough viewers then how did GG rack up 14 nominations at the Teen Choice Awards?? Whatever.

Oh and Mac finally came into the show, she was my favorite character ... besides Veronica, and I couldn't remember when she became a permanent fixture. It think it's season 2, but I <3 Mac, she's such a nerd I love it.

My favoritest cat in the universe decided that she would switch personalities on me so my hands look really gross at the moment. A little bleeding, but generally it's that the scratches are swollen, doesn't hurt much, kind of painful to look at though.

More K-Bell on the way for me. <333
Fish sandwiches are delicious.
The creek is flooded again.


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