Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Brain parts

I think I ramble too much in my posts, so I'm going to start making them short and sweet, and I might even post a few a day if I really want too. Nobody really cares about every intricacy that my day involves so I'm gonna straight up cut that shit out.

My mum took me to a local Chinese restaurant for lunch and it was pretty good. I had egg drop soup which sounded disgusting and smelled as such but actually didn't suck anything hard. It was really gooey, kind of like I was eating snot ... okay that's kind of gross, but I did eat this green vegetable thing that looked a little like a jellyfish tentacle. And I love eating bamboo ... I'm a panda, lol. I had chicken chow-mein, I know lo means noodles and now I know chow means bean sprouts. Wasn't horrible at all, I'll have to get it a little more often.

We went and picked up my craptop after lunch. It roars like a lion, this fucker is so damn loud. All the shit he cleaned out of the fans just made the main fan a billion times louder, and it now runs all the time. It also makes my laptop vibrate, okay well it's more of a hum, but it feels weird when I type. I have been complaining to my mum all day, she says she's going to talk to my dad about getting me a new laptop as soon as possible. Which in my dad's terms means before I go to school in August.

I successfully succeeded in dumping hole punch cutouts all over my lap, twice in a row. There was very very loud vacuuming involved, I think a newer model may be in order. Sounded like a fucking tornado siren was battling with a T-Rex. The hole punch, coincidentally sounded horrible too, like nails on a chalkboard, I wanted rip my ears off my head every time I pressed down.

The afternoon was spent on me nerding out and trying to re-learn some really basic HTML.

This is still my favorite effect.
Yesterday on Liz's blog she had a professional organizer on and she had this super nifty new way of organizing shirts so for an hour I re-organized my whole dresser. Then I realized I have laundry still in the dryer ... whatever.

I re-watched a couple episodes of We're Going Nowhere because I was I was bored shitless. I am now going to continue with a couple more videos. Maybe I'll work on my Liz diary, lol.

I ate too much today.
I love storms and torrential downpours.
I kind of feel like going puddle stomping.


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