Monday, June 2, 2008

Sergeant Bones

Today I did a lot of nothing. Well mostly I helped my mum update the web site which was much more interesting than all of the stuff that I've been doing lately. It also got me to thinking about how much I loved coding when I took my web site class. Nerd *points to self*. But we also did expense reports, which meant lots of me standing in front of the copier staring at a blinking green light.

I was tired all morning because I tried to go to bed at midnight, couldn't sleep, read for a half hour then had a minor panic attack in my bed for an hour and at some point fell asleep because the next time I looked at my clock it was 4:48am. Mountain Dew never really does anything to perk me up but I figured I could use caffeine for lunch, there was no effect whatsoever. What did perk me up was a re-run episode of Brunch with Bridget where Bridge had her sister Audrey as a guest. Oh my goodness. My mum left me to fend for myself during lunch because she had a meeting, I had a turkey sandwich, it wasn't that delicious.

I've become quite heavilty addicted to but I don't really see much of a problem with that. All the vloggers seem like girls I would love to be friends with so it's easy to watch them chat and goof around together, it also helps that a lot of them are quite attractive. *cough* Bridget McManus *cough* Jill Bennett *cough*

So I fell in comedic lust with Liz Feldman from the first day I saw her on Brunch with Bridget. That was coincidentally the first day I saw the lovely Bridget and fell in love as well. But anyways, now that Liz has her own show I look forward to the new episodes so much so that I kept checking every five minutes to see if today's episode was up yet ... while I was at work. Oops. But I definitely missed the post by a half hour MOTHER FUCKER!! It's okay I watched it when I went home.

I'm going to keep a Liz diary where I list all my favorite one-liners. Here are a few from today:

"Think outside of your box"
"It's not like you wanna get in their pants, you wanna go shopping for pants with them" [about friend crushes]
"That doesn't even sound dirty and yet I think dirty things" [does that sound like me or what?]
"I'm a conformist to non-conforming"
"You studied acting, I studied actresses"
"You know what I say alot on this show? V-hole"
General Prettyface puckers up and prepares for lovin'
"I act like and idiot, but I'm actually not ... an idiot"
"I have never seen a homeless person in a tuxedo"
"Ridonkikonkulous .. somebody put that in the Lizaurus"

So today Liz had EMILY FREAKIN' DESCHANEL on the show. Bones anyone? I mean I squealed out loud when I saw her name and I was smiling and laughing the whole time. Emily is pretty and all but Zooey, her little sister, is just a little indie goddess. She's my biggest celebrity crush without a doubt.

Proof enough, I mean really.

My hair is particularly curly at the moment.
I have work tomorrow.
Vanity Fair has great articles.


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