Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Xena Warrior Princess

When I haven't had any real contact with a friend and then they call me out of the blue, or not even out of the blue, I have the tendency (of getting very physical, Maroon 5 what?) of talking very fast and for long amounts of time without breathing properly. The result is a pounding noggin, that's right I can feel my heartbeat in my temples, don't you love it when that happens? My friend called me to confirm REGION PLANS!!!!! I kept excusing my ADD, I was switching topics like none other. I blamed it on Bridget McManus, done and done, I love that girl. <33

Running up and down the stairs makes me tired ... hmm wonder why. I didn't feel like doing the elliptical so the next course of action was murdering the tops of my thighs. Ow ow ow. I collapsed on my floor, I'm so graceful.

AfterEllen videos all day. More Cathy DeBuono, I need somebody like her in my life, she's such a sweetheart ... and I still want to be friends with Jill Bennett. Hero worship, the end.

I tried to work on my HTML cheat sheet but failed. Curse you Microsoft Word 2007 and your .docx format!! (two exclamation points indicative of my anger)

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate my laptop, it's so damn loud all the time !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My dad bought a half RV half van, like there's two seats in the front and it opens up into an RV in the back. Everything is too damn tiny. It gets 10 miles a gallon. My dad wants to drive it to Yellowstone. "NO!" That's what I told my dad, then I stomped up into my room, I am woman hear me roar.

I was up 'til like 3 last night ... 'cause I just couldn't get off the computer. I'm such a loser ... and there was lots of lightning, too bright = I put a towel over my window. I don't have curtains on my window and it's like 4.5' tall and only like 1.5' from the ground and next to my dresser so all the neighbors get to see me naked. How fun! Quite inappropriate, that's absurd, gross, PEDOPHILES STOP IT!

That's my ADD kicking in.
On the Internet.
I love Marnie Alton, she's funny and adorable.


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