Saturday, June 14, 2008

Idk what my roller derby name would be

I woke up at 11:38am ... 'cause I'm cool and it's Saturday.

The rest of my afternoon was spent doing nothing on my computer (per usual) and getting ready for the ROLLER DERBY!!

That's right, I finally went to see the Naptown Roller Girls. I was so excited ... well since Tuesday I was excited. I'd known about the local team but I never really had the urge to go see them, okay I did but I didn't think I could get anybody to go with me. My mom, friend and I trekked on over to the state fair grounds for the match: the Tornado Sirens (NRG) vs. the Dixie Derby Girls (from Alabama).

We got there right as the doors opened at 6 'cause we though we wouldn't be able to get tickets but we bought some from a couple guys in line. We got seats in the front, we didn't want to sit up by the track for fear of serious damage and then checked out the merch table and bought rad t-shirts and I got a cute little button.

NRG are part of the Women's Flat Track Derby Association (WFTDA) which means, of course, they play on a flat track. It's maybe 40ft long and 20ft wide with a cautionary/referee track on the outside followed by on the floor seating. So when the girls crash into each other and tumble on to the floor they get human cushioning, fun right? Well I was a little scared about getting crushed but next time I want a front row seat. Game explanation maybe?

There are 3 positions and 5 girls on a team: 1 girl is the Pivot, the front girl who sets the pace of the pack, 3 blockers who ... well basically they just block people, and 1 Jammer, the chick who scores all the points. The Jammer is at the back of the pack, the pack moves on the first whistle and maybe 5 seconds later the Jammer moves on the second whistle. The Jammer has to get through the entire pack once before she can start scoring points, she scores a point on every girl she is able to pass on the track. The Jammers are the fastest on the track and they use the other girls to trail and they grab hold of the girl's arms and they swing them around corners to go faster, it's some really crazy shit. Jane Ire (who'd have guessed she was a lit. major? lol) was my favorite Jammer and Touretta Lynn was my other favorite, she was Pivot most of the time (and her number was F@&* You.

We won something obnoxious like 82 to 40-something. At the end of the first period it was 14 to 4, we were almost always double their score which was frickin' sweet. I'm really happy they played well on the game I went to see, if they'd lost I'd have felt really shitty. But yea there were three 20 minutes periods, with two 15 minute intermissions between. Unfortunately our entertainment during those breaks was a belly dancing class ... full of not so skinny or attractive women. I mean I know you can't be a stick to belly dance and make it look good but seriously, it was gross.

Anyways I came home and watched Jumper with the family. I'd read the book when it first came out and it was nothing like that at all. They just took the basic "I can teleport and bad guys want to get me" thing and made an action movie out of it. But it was still good, so I can't complain too much. Now I was going to watch me some Veronica Mars but I don't really want to anymore, so I might just read or something and sleep for a very long time. Yay for Sundays.

I <3 roller derbies.
I <3 my kitty.
I got a free foam finger. :]


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