Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Phenomenally fantastic

10:00am right on the nose, but I practically fell out of bed. I slept like a log last night ... probably because I went to bed at 2am, I'm so awesome.

Rice crispies cereal (that's right no sugar) for breakfast real quick with a bit of ER mixed all up in there. Then I went for my bike ride, again that's another 3.5ish miles so I was exhausted upon return. After a nice cold shower I made some egg rolls for lunch and watched a little more television. As you can tell, today was boring as hell.

I was on the Internet for a bit, aka most of the afternoon/evening and now night, just dilly dallying around my normal stomping grounds. I MySpace stalked a couple bands, fell back in love with Charlotte Sometimes and watched clips of The Big Gay Sketch Show on YouTube. I also watched a couple videos on AfterEllen of Suzanne Westenhoefer, she's funny as hell, then checked out a couple of her routines on YouTube too.

Made another trip to the Warped Tour web site to check out the band list, I'm so pissed that Paramore is only playing for 6 days. I know they've already been on Warped before but I <3 Hayley, so yea ... she needs to be there. I made a list of some bands I want to check out while I'm there.

Almost did my laundry ... I don't remember what stopped me, but that just didn't happen. I fixed my desk chair, it was wobbly and made funny noises. Then I fixed my desk, it was doing the same thing. I'm awesome and I have a drafting desk but right now it's flat 'cause I have all my shit on it, but it can tilt upwards if need be, but the need won't be.

Tomorrow at work I'm going to be doing builder binders all day!! At 3:00pm my mom and I are going to a local radio station so she can record a new commercial for the company, she wants me to read part of it. I dunno if I should do it, she'll try and pressure me into it though.

I don't have anything to do at the moment but I really don't want to go to bed. I just don't feel like sleeping, and I'm kind of thirsty.

I <3 Hayley Williams.
I <3 Charlotte Sometimes.
I found a $10 gift card to Border's in my wallet, lol.


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