Monday, May 26, 2008


Ohh shopping how you fill me with joy!

I woke up to the smell of freshly baked snickerdoodles, what a morning! And it was actual morning, ie before noon, so I helped myself to cookies and watched some Monty Python on BBC1, I'm so happy I have satellite. After a tiny lunch we, my sister, mum and I, set off to the mall.

I was looking strictly for a new pair of jeans, but seriously what girl actually leaves with only what she came for? Yea, that's right, none of them. H&M provided nothing substantial for my interests. I got some incredibly outrageous colored tanks at Buckle (bright yellow and this kind of orangey-red color). I got myself a pair of fabutastic skinny jeans at the Gap, that's right kids, Emma bought skinny jeans. Now I am perfectly aware that my hips aren't made for them, but I wanted new jeans and these babies look pretty damn good on me, not gonna lie to you. Dark wash, which wasn't really what I intended to buy, but they are super so I don't much care.

A trip into American Eagle (gift card thank you very much) produced 2 scoop neck tees (bright purple and navy blue) and a "Vote declare yourself" tee shirt, but what's funny is that I've not yet registered, doing it on Wednesday though. Permit renewal on Wednesday because I didn't feel like studying tonight. So back to clothing: a stop in Forever 21 turned out a cute royal blue dress, again, that's right I bought a dress. I think shopping with my sister provided me with some fashion insight, I keep forgetting how fashion forward she's been lately. PARAMORE TEE SHIRT FROM HOT TOPIC!! I always stop in Hot Topic too look at band tees and I am so happy I went in this time, my old Paramore tee shrunk in the dryer, boo suck.

Before Hot Topic I made a quick pit stop in Journey's because I wanted new sneakers but I couldn't pick anything out so I left empty handed. My current black pair of Chuck Taylor's have a giant hole in the right heel so I was considering a new pair of those but I decided to wear the crap out of my current ones before I resort to a new pair. I'm thinking about another pair of solid-colored Vans slip-ons, maybe grey or brown, I don't know.

Came home and had a mini fashion show in my room with background music provided by none other than m'lady Katy Perry. Who I am again listening too, I've fallen in love with her song Lost it's got such great lyrics and Katy's voice hits so many different pitches, it's beautiful. But anyways then my dad says that he and my brother are going to see Indiana Jones, so of course I'm off after dinner.

The movie was a little better than I expected. Though I've got plenty to nitpick about. Bad dialogue, too much CGI, bad accents, Harrison Ford wasn't cute. Shia however was a cutie in his 50s garb, I've realized that I've really got a thing for people that dress really vintage, ie 20s-50s. The style is interesting and people tend to look just fantastic in the clothing. Anyways, the action was pure Indy, the corny jokes were pure Indy, but yea....

SPOILERSPOILERSPOILERSPOILERS don't read if you don't want to know!

Aliens and Indiana Jones?!? Seriously, I'm just gonna say this again. I've heard the whole El Dorado/Atlantis advancement connection with aliens but seriously why would someone introduce that into an Indiana Jones film. Indy has nothing to do with Roswell, nothing to do with alien technology, nothing to do with any of that shit. I mean maybe if they toned down the alien appearance then they'd have gotten a better rating from me, but it was horrible. I could see inside the skull, it was like tin foil and syran wrap stuffed in there. And that alien, he must've been at least 8 feet tall. And if it wasn't shocking enough, giant spaceship under the lost city, rips the whole fucker up and flies off while the waterfalls cover up the damage by creating a giant lake. Stupid. And I knew Mutt (Shia) was Indy's son the first preview I saw, it's just natural that that'd happen.


Apparently has like a 79% positive rating though, but whatever.

So tomorrow I'm back to work, ugh. I really do not like all this busy stuff I've got to do, none of it is exciting in the least. I get to finish inputting builders names and information into the company's database. I might even be able to start making 200 page builder's information binders which will be SO.MUCH.FUN.

I watched Liz Feldman (all hail the Blue Blaze!) vlog today and she just makes her guests so uncomfortable I love it. Though they're always in on the jokes. She even did a shoutout to It's my work savior, I love that site.

My hands are really warm right now.
My fan is noisy.
I have to wake up at 7:15am.
Monty Python <33
Blue Blaze <333


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