Monday, May 19, 2008

Our endless, numbered days

Is television really supposed to pry more emotion from me than my real life? Am I really that detached to reality and so devoted to fiction? I mean seriously.

Okay so yesterday my Internet connection exploded or something, no I'm being dramatic, it just kind of disappeared therefore a post was not established. Yesterday was great, I woke up late (like usual), ate pancakes and then hung out with a really great friend at the park for like two and a half hours. We "hiked" which in reality means we just walked the trails and made mild excursions away from the defined path to goof off. I really wanted to climb a tree but I couldn't find a good one, or at least once I realized I really wanted to climb a tree we'd passed all the really good ones.

It's weird now how easily I find myself babbling on when I talk to people. I mean I don't normally talk that much, or at least I didn't used to but a year of college spit out an Emma that can run her mouth if given the opportunity. I also find that I cut people off mid-sentence sometimes and usually want to kick myself in the face for it. I'm sorry I'm an ass, the end.

Season finale of Bones started me off with tears, I should've known better, can't kill off Booth, that would just be ridiculous. I got over that quickly, mostly because Brennan punched Booth in the face, that made me feel much better, I even laughed. The rest of the episode was really great, just how the whole season's underlying plot unfolded. I came up with initial hunches and they were completely wrong, I didn't throw everything together until like a minute before they actually revealed the truth. Zack? Really? I cried, I'm gonna miss him as a main character, 'cause I imagine being in a mental facility will mean he's not a series regular anymore. I don't think they'll be able to even create another character like Zack, he was just so adorable, and I felt so bad for him.

Then House. Jesus.

I was expecting to cry, I mean I never really liked Amber but it's just sad to know that Wilson is so upset and the fact that the character was developed and you got to know the softer side of her just made it easier to connect. Thirteen didn't say anything until 6 minutes into the whole episode and she was quiet most of the rest of the time, I couldn't really tell what was bugging her. Then, of course, House points it out, I tried to forget about the fact that she might have Huntington's because that means that she'll get progressively worse over the course of episodes. House tested her mid-season and I thought he might've looked at the test results even though he threw them in the trash. But she really does have Huntington's now so I'm kind of pissed off. This does mean, however, that she's going to have her own story line or something next season, you couldn't have left that episode without wanting to know what's happening with her. Maybe they'll actually delve into her life in general because we know a lot about Talb, but he's a boring philanderer and Kutner, well he doesn't actually seem all that interesting, though he's just adorable, I want to hug him often. Thirteen, I mean Remy, has much more potential for an interesting underlying plot. And Cuddy was holding House's hand, how cute, more story line there, guaranteed.

Okay and the end of the episode they ended everything with one of my favorite Iron & Wine songs "Passing Afternoon," so literally as soon as the song started I was already bawling my eyes out. Wilson lying in bed with Amber, that just tore me up, so after the episode ended I was crying still because I couldn't get the song out of my head then I went and played it on my mp3 player and cried some more. Now I'm listening to Iron & Wine still 'cause it makes me feel better. I'm going to have some interesting dreams, I really don't know if that's a good thing though.

I start work tomorrow. Which means I wake up at 7:15am, I don't know how I'm going to cope. Apparently I have my own computer at my own little desk. My mum has declared that I am going to, first and foremost, be her assistant just because I'm going to be in her office most of the time. "I thought I was going to be a temp, everybody can make me do their stuff" "Yeah but you'll be mine first" "But I'm still everybody's .... temp then" "Yeah" and that deliberate pause was to emphasize that fact that I almost called myself everybody's bitch in front of my mum, oops. I'm kind of excited, but I would love to just be lazy and write all day tomorrow or something, I don't know.

KT Tunstall is on Wednesday.
There is no candy in my house.
I want some Sunny Delicious.
I love Iron & Wine.
Waking up early is for losers .. with jobs.
My hair is going to be beautiful tomorrow morning, oh yes.


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