Saturday, May 3, 2008

Know what I do in the shower

So as I was getting my techno-groove on in the shower, I had an epiphany.

I know it's common for men to do a lot of thinking in the bathroom, yes that's gross, but unfortunately it's true. I tend to follow the same path, well not the exact same path, that's still gross. My serious thought takes place in the shower and that, my dears, is where this incredible blog sprouted: under scalding water, mid-robot with suds in my hair, heck yes, I rule!

Finishing my freshman year of college has made me do some serious self-evaluation and I'm not so keen on what I'm looking at, in more than a couple ways. And of course, the fact that I've had to leave all of my recently adopted college family has me pretty much a wreck. I MISS YOU GIRLS TOO MUCH!!! (as indicated by the caps and triple exclamation point ending)

I have decided that it would be best for me to catalog my summer with an incredibly retarded and likely fantastically stalker-friendly blog, I'm a genius. Besides updates on me I'll showcase recent obsessions and well, whatever the hell I want. Hopefully people will actually read this, well at least people I know, creepers no thank you!

So now I'll start off with a summation of today's events, quite productive if I might say so myself.

Noon - finally got out of bed, I am so awesome.
Noon 01 - Cocoa Krispies
Noon 05 - that one time when my mom got back - Guitar Hero, medium rocks hard, yes it does.
That one time - 6:30pm - what what KENTUCKY DERBY ... I didn't win any money, boo suck.
7:00 - 9:20pm - Iron Man, ftw. **
Then shower and this nonsense, hah.

** Okay so I had pretty high expectations going into this movie and I am happy to say that it was incredible. Perked up my techy instincts and now I'm jonesing for more tech movies, which is what I'll end up watching once this post has played out. And seriously, summer movies are going to burn through my money so fast: Prince Caspian, Indiana Jones, The Happening okay that's all I remember but there are definitely more, no doubt.

And now comes the end of my post, I think I'll try and post at least once a day, but there is no guarantee considering that my piece of shit fuck crap laptop has decided to kick up the suck factor since I've been home. Seven, count that 7, no notice shutdowns since I've been home, overheating is a bitch I tell you!


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