Sunday, May 4, 2008

I am an Oompa Loompa of science

Fear me.

So I've just finished watching what's already been established as the first season of The Big Bang Theory, i.e. all 14 episodes. Don't worry they're only like 20 minutes each so that's like 3 hours or so of my day, whatever.

I woke up at noon again and was informed of brownies and a field trip!! En route to said field trip, nothing exciting, Wal-Mart boo, there was mention of a car wash. Last time I went through a car wash in the car was let's say maybe 5 years ago, so I said heck yes of course. I out-loud wished for my camera in the car so my mom said we'd do it again, but that was blatant sarcasm ... or was it??

I came home and glued to face to the computer (BB) then went for a trampoline excursion. Now seriously I remember it being a work out but dear lord my legs were tired after less than 10 minutes. It's a hardy bounce mind you, the springs are worse for wear and there's a little less bounce than I remembered but it's been a couple months. Bouncing along, bounce-sit-down-bounce-somersault, not a good idea. Disorientation left me lying on my back staring at the sun, oh yes, not a repeat performance. Total lie, I'll do it again tomorrow or something.

Internet surfing led me to my newly acquired Sunday viewing, Brunch with Bridget, on Bridget McManus is adorable, she has the attention span of a two year old ... which means she acts just like me! Then I watched a new web series called Imaginary Bitches, which is about this twenty-something girl who has to invent imaginary friends because her real ones are all shacked up and not up to chatting and hanging out or whatever, but the twist is (because apparently being crazy isn't twist enough) is that all her imaginary friends are total bitches. Yea, I know, sounds kind of lame but it was actually kind of funny, new episode each Friday I think so I'll try and check out a couple more webisodes before throwing it away completely. (btw

Ribs for dinner, serious Guitar Hero II afterwards. My fingers hurt, I suck at Psychobilly Freakout and Trogdor (medium mind you, I lack in skillz). More computer face time and well, yea, my night is to end with another movie I think.

Last night I watched Ultraviolet (tech craving satisfied thank you) and I keep forgetting how pretty Milla Jovovich is. I'm just upset I can't watch all Resident Evils now, I forgot to download them, I suck. Tonight I don't really know what I'm going to watch, I kind of want to wake up at a decent hour tomorrow and start biking but there is no guarantee.

I don't think anybody is reading this yay!


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