Thursday, May 8, 2008

May flowers, I think not

I was expecting rain but I was trying to be optimistic, or at least I tried when I was going to bed last night. But my optimism hasn't yet proven to control any type of earthly force so I awoke at 9:45am to the incessant beeping of my alarm and a constant and unrelenting rain. As consequence I slapped at the clock to turn off the alarm and slept in until 12:30pm. I win at lazy days.

Except I felt bad waking up that late so I ended up exercising inside for a bit, showering and then wasting away my day in front of the television. CSI: Miami, Crossing Jordan, The X Files, Stargate: Atlantis and Stargate: SG-1 ... it's like my daily ritual or something. I've memorized when they're on.

I even forwent Grey's and Lost for back to back Resident Evils, oh yes, zombies top all. Besides, the mighty Internet can let me watch them tomorrow.

I went to bed last night feeling a little guilty about not posting yesterday, how much of a nerd am I? Apparently most businesses now do job applications over the same mighty Internet. That's all the wisdom I've rummaged from yesterday's goings-on. No, wait, one more thing: I love Bellacino's turkey grinders with the passion of a thousand lovers (I was going to say burning suns but that really didn't make any sense).

Wait again, my dad and I watched part of Rent together yesterday. I watched the whole thing he left early, he was getting mighty uncomfortable with all the gay lovin' I think. My papa is a pretty rightest kind of guy, the only thing leftist about him at all is that he's in full support of alternative energy (yay!).

For some reason I feel like writing something, anything. I'm listening to my "I wish I had somebody" playlist 'cause it's late and I feel a little emo, it happens, shut up.

I love Rachael Yamagata's voice.
I want a large sandwich and a strawberry smoothie.
I don't like when my cats get wet and rub on me.
I need to do my laundry.
Mother's day is on Sunday.
It's kind of hot in my room.
I still think Milla Jovovich is too pretty.



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