Saturday, May 24, 2008

You need SPF 45 just to stay alive!

I woke up this morning to an empty house and was very very confused. I practically fell out of bed and carefully made it down the stairs, realizing once I was down there that I hadn't put my glasses on, but that didn't really matter. Big ol' bowl of cheerios for breakfast and then my mum yells from downstairs "hurry up! garage sale and baseball game!" so I put semi-real clothes on (aka some long shorts, a tee shirt and flip flops) pull up my hair and run down the stairs. I run back up to grab my phone and some money and then we're off. I get some sunscreen for my face in the car and the garage sale turns out to be crap.

Baseball game for an hour and a half. My brother just entered the major leagues which I don't really understand 'cause he's only 10 but whatever. The other team was winning by 5 runs in the 7 minutes that we missed but we ended up beating them 18 to 7, apparently my brother's team is obnxiously good at stealing bases. Little cheaters. I avoided another farmer's tan but I didn't really think about my legs so the tops of my knees are currently the shade of a ripe strawberry and they burn like the dickens. See.....

My mum rented a powerwasher to clean off the deck because we're re-staining it tomorrow so for like 3 hours my sister and I took turns playing with the thing and spraying each other. It was cool, but my knees started hurting so I stopped and went inside to watch this movie called Kalifornia with Brad Pitt, David Duchovny and Juliette Lewis.

Btw, did you know there's a new X Files movie coming out the end of July? That's right, I'm excited!! (and my inner nerd surfaces, lol)

I told my mum about volunteering at Warped Tour and she volunteered to drive me there, so I'm gonna try and do that now. I want to make sure that I can see all the people I really want to see while I'm there. I don't know, I've got a while before I really need to submit my mini-application or whatever so I'll have to lurk around the forums for a bit.

My best buddy is leaving me, I'm kind of depressed. But we've already worked everything out, I think I'll be pretty good at a long distance relationship. She told me before dinner so I had steak to cheer me up but then I lost it in the shower then I watched Empire Records (I absolutely adore that movie) and then surfed the intarwebs. do it! Coincidently my lady, aka Katy Perry, graced the pages of their latest edition, so yay!

Now Kate is making me feel better after I cried again like 15 minutes ago. I think this teddy bear thing we worked out is going to prove to work very well.

Tomorrow I'm staining the deck and trying not to get a sunburn ... btw, my mum went to the grovery store and came back with a special present for me, wait for it ... wait for it

SPF 70, that's right kids, and SPF 55 too, but I think the 70 will prove more useful. To quote Katy: I "need SPF 45 to stay alive." I'm awesome, don't hate. Surprise! Look it's my baby!
Don't you just want to hug her to pieces I know I do, then she usually runs away, she's not a fan of smothering :].
My sunburn hurts.
I want some chocolate.
I still love Katy Perry <333
I need some water.

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