Sunday, June 29, 2008

It'll be a while

I should most definitely be sleeping right now but I thought I should fit one more post in before I'm gone for the week.

12:30am, Subway sandwich and a warm shower to wake me up. I pack a little of my stuff and then my mom decides we should go bathing suit shopping again, I am less than thrilled. And of course it showed, my mom kept bugging me as to why I was so grumpy and one she figured out just kept grilling me anyways. So let's just say the next hour was very uncomfortable and we didn't find a suit.

Got home, watched some VM and then packed a little more. My friend came and picked me up for the party around 6:15pm and that's when the night picked up. Chatted a little then ate outside and just plain goofed off. The kid who's party it is starts shooting off some littler fireworks and some chinese firecrackers. And of course, considering it's boys playing with the fireworks he manages to burn his finger a little. It looked a lot worse than it was, a firecracker went off a little too early so the skin was a little burnt looking, but after a little ice on it he was fine.

Spent a lot of time just goofing off with people and hanging out. Watched a bunch of the boys play Smash until it got dark whence we headed outside to play with the big stuff. The fireworks were really pretty and we did sparklers but I did get a few bug bites even with massive smoke and some bug spray, but I didn't itch them so they don't bug me.

A couple of us hung out pretty damn late, I got back to my house at 12:30am, and we were just talking about random shit.

Kacey I wish you could've been there!!!

I have to pack a little more now.
6am sharp.
I hope I don't burn too horribly.


Friday, June 27, 2008

Best abandon ship

10:05am, Cap'n Crunch, 3.5 miles on my bike, collapse on the floor, cold shower.

It's a nice little routine I've gotten into. I did another mini-profile for my rp and then grabbed a bit of lunch and watched another episode of VM. Then I watched another, and another but stopped to have my dad take me to the sporting goods store and get me my beautiful bday backpack.

It's green, has lots of pockets and zippers and straps and I <3 it. It's a model called Recon which makes me think reconnaissance mission like I'm in the army trying to get information on the enemy or something. But yea, I can't wait to have things to actually put in it. I'm going to take it with me to Michigan to put all my non-clothing things in. But I can't wait to use it when we're hiking in Yellowstone, which now we're getting a cabin outside the east entrance so it should be pretty awesome.

The next hour or two I spent writing because I wanted too. It was a character-based drabble, I think it was under 500 words but I'm not sure. It turned out pretty decent. I'm trying to get back into writing so once I have to write 8-10 paragraphs for the rp I won't have to write much fluff to get myself up there. Drabbles are what I think will help right now; even though they end up being condenses stories I know I could make them longer if I really needed to. I'm also trying to work on writing about emotion and thought processes rather than just actions and speech.

Anyways, a friend came and picked me up around 8pm and we headed off to another friend's house really quick to listen to his little brother's band for a bit. Picked up a friend there and headed out to bowling!! I actually did really good this time, 123 the first game and 159 the second, heck yes I rock. I was jamming out to the music and jumping around and just being all-around spastic which is great because I really needed to act like a retard. I used to be able to do that all the time at school and the only time I can do it at home is when my sister talks to me, which isn't that often.

We went to Arby's after and I got a chocolate shake and some curly fries. Ate them together, it wasn't as good as I expected. Left after a little chatting and went to hang out at a pool house with some other kids we know. I expected booze and sure enough they were all playing beer pong when we got there, we were trespassing btw so I really didn't want to be there. Sure enough maybe 30 minutes after we got there a cop shows up. He yells "Hey!" and all of a sudden guys are jumping the fence but I was actually relatively calm. I laughed when the guys practically fell over the other side of the fence, I looked to see if they were okay and saw the cop's flashlight so the rest of us just hurried off to our cars and left. Went home and now I'm here, I just chugged a bunch of water which I don't think was a good idea. That milk shake left me really thirsty.

Tomorrow I get to watch boys blow themselves up with fireworks! I miss you Kacey!!

My boxers are very comfortable.
I have to pee now.
It rained a lot tonight.


When I Get Where I'm Going

Yesterday's work day: stamps, databasing, trip to post office, databasing, stamps, games on the Internet.

Got home and had some delicious spaghetti and watched an episode of VM then headed off to se Brad Paisley in concert. We only missed the first act and a half which I was perfectly fine with 'cause we didn't know them. Jewel performed right before Paisley and she was pretty good but she did this weird pitch change thing when she was holding out her notes. I kind of wanted to punch her in the throat. She even managed to yodel, that's right, the Alaskan actually yodeled, scared the hell out of me, but it was still interesting.

Paisley's crew took a half hour to set up the stage so he was out by 10pm, but it rocked really hard. He sang just about 12 song I think before the encore and man was it fantastic. I love all his paisley guitars they're really pretty, lol; there was a blue one, a yellow/brown one, and I think another brownish one. Paisley can really play, he's the best country guitarist I've heard and he can just play and play and play. Last year at the state fair I really loved all the videos he had as background for his songs and this year they were even better. A little before the encore they showed a cartoon that Paisley drew and played pure instrumental for background music. He played two songs for the encore but we'd left right before so we only heard the bulk of the first song. My favorite Paisley song is "Whisky Lullaby" which he duets with Allison Krauss and he had a video of her actually lifesize like she was there singing so it was pretty incredible. He also played "Mr. Policeman" which is hilarious and also "When I Get Where I'm Going" which I almost cried during, that's such a good song.

I got back home at 11:30pm-ish and was exhausted so I just konked out and that's why yesterday is on today. I'll still post something a little later.

Paisley <33
I dislike mud.
We're getting a townhouse for Yellowstone, what?


Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Girl's got spunk

10:11am .. I don't really know how that happened. I woke up and there were already hooligans in my house so I suited up, ate a chewy bar, got a water bottle and was off for my bike ride. Once again, 3.5 miles, a cold shower and a long collapse on my bed led to an episode of Veronica Mars.

I watched two more episodes and surfed around the Internet. Listened and sang quite loudly to some Brandi Carlile and Katy Perry while I did a bit of writing, creating your own planet for a role play sounds fun, but baby does it involve some serious work. The rp I've joined is still in it's starting stages and players were to create a planet for the universe we're going to be playing in. My planet is closest to the universe's sun star so it's damn hot. Even has it's own races so I mixed up a little portfolio for those kids today. Later on I'll be working on a character profile ... well that is very very later on, i.e. after my vacations, super fun!

I did a little sketching which was a refreshment. It was more of a room plan than anything, but I really love doing that sort of stuff so I think I'm going to continue doing it throughout the summer. Calms me a little.

More VM and then a trip to the sporting goods store, yes I said it would come and it did. I got a nifty new pair of shorts and some new goggles but sadly no backpack. The one I wanted, too many pockets to handle and a striking green color, was frickin' $85 so I'm going to try and get my dad to buy it for me this weekend as a bday present. All the cool kids want expensive North Face backpacks for their bdays, don't discriminate.

My sister and I "needed" new bathing suits for this summer, well technically I'm the only who "needed" one, my sister actually grew out of hers. I want a wave proof top ... which doesn't really exist except in the surfing world so I'm going to end up wearing a t-shirt over my top so my boobs cannot unexpectedly flee my suit and give the beach a show. I did however try on some suits and was thus thoroughly depressed by said bathing suits. Fucking college. My sister got a really pretty purple and blue tye-dye suite though, so I'm happy for her ... though that was the suit that actually fit me, lol.

Came home and sulked while watching VM. I picked out my outfit for Warped Tour, or at least what I plan on wearing, that's right, I plan ahead bitches ... well it's still a month away but one can never be too prepared.

Speaking of, I got Brad Paisley's last three cds so I'm going to listen to those all day at work tomorrow to country myself up. There will most definitely be some binder work in store for me tomorrow, I can't wait!

Lucy Lawless was on the last episode of VM I watched before I started this post, so I'm going to end on a happy note.

I <3 K-Bell.
I <3 Xena, Warrior Princess ... and Gabrielle of course.
I slept exceptionally good last night.


I'm like the rain in a downpour

7:55am, chewy bar, work. Donut, database entry all fucking day. I went to a local radio station with my mom to listen to her record some commercials and her sales rep ended up giving us two tickets to see Brad Paisley this Thursday. I'm going with a friend because my brother has his championship baseball game then. I realized that I really don't have friends that like country, I'm happy I've got at least one.

Went to a Fever game tonight (WNBA) and it was pretty good. Apparently our team is a 4th period team, we only won I think by maybe 10 points but at half time we were losing by at least 20. There was an Australian girl on our team (she was the shortest too, lol) and it got me thinking. Do Australians really play basketball, I mean I never really associate basketball with any other country except the U.S. But anyways, she kind of sucked, this girl KT got like three 3-pointers in a row, it was crazy. Ate some free food in the suite, another sales rep from a different radio station got us these tickets.

I was just on AfterEllen and read an article and watched a video about Entertainment Weekly naming all it's new classics so I got myself a list of my classic tv shows, they're not in order 'cause I can't be biased on my loves.

Firefly Simply my most favorite scifi show of all time. The characters were all lovable, the action was real, the jumpy space "camera shots" and the fact that you don't hear anything in space. Seriously, sound doesn't travel in space, can't hear when your ship takes off, so shove your fancy sound effects into a black hole. I love you Kaywinnit Lee Frye. (Definitely have this box set)

Bones I love this show too much, it's a serious addiction. I was happy to see David Boreanaz on tv again because I loved him as Angel. The characters contrast so well, the dialogue is fantastic and the science, oh the science is amazing. Booth & Bones are the best part of the show, no doubt for me. Emily's eyes are amazing. (I've got seasons 1&2 right now, can't wait for season 3)

Charmed Now I'm a fan of Paige so I don't want to bash seasons 4 and beyond, but seasons 1-3 were definitely the best. The girls were strong, kick butt and look up names later. And HMC, you are the best (Piper was my favorite can you tell?). Their powers were active and there wasn't much Leo or Cole then, good stuff. Though Dan kind of got on my nerves. (Only have season 1 at the moment)

Stargate SG-1 I don't think I could ever get tired of this show. It was one of the first scifi shows I got addicted to, it was simply out of this world, both literally and figuratively. The worlds were amazing, the Gou'uld not so much, but Jack was hilarious. I <3 Samantha Carter, and Teal'c of couse.

The X Files Oh Scully & Mulder, my heroes when I was growing up. The show gave just enough of the scary stuff to keep you alert and ready to yell out predictions in the middle of a scene. I watched this show with my parents when I was younger and Scully was always my favorite, I wanted to be her when I grew up, and at that point I wanted to marry Mulder, now I'd rather have Scully. I <3 Gillian Anderson.

Veronica Mars Season one had a plot that could not be beaten. Lilly's murder and Veronica's blotchy memory of Shelley Pomroy's party, such a great backbone for the first season. K-Bell is just so pint-sized and adorable, as Veronica she's just got spunk and attitude flying out every which way, Veronica Mars was an amazing character. Too bad seasons 2&3 weren't as strong. I <3 style="font-weight: bold;">

Dead Like Me This show was incredible. The reaper thing hooked me the very first episode and once my lady Daisy Adair was brought in I was completely hooked. Laura Harris why do you have to be so beautiful? George & Rube were so sweet together; Mason made me want to hug and kick him at the same time; Roxy had loads of moxie and attitude; and Betty, even though she disappeared pretty quick, was spunky. Dark yet still chock full of humor, fantastic show. Daisy will always be my favorite though. (I've got both seasons)

No work tomorrow, that means bike ride.
It's supposed to rain though.
My stomach hurts.
And so does my neck.


Monday, June 23, 2008

Annie on My Mind

My mom got concerned 'cause I wasn't downstairs before 8:00am .. I had actually woken up at 7:55 but she was the reason I got out of bed. She hollered at me, it's not a nice thing to do when I'm half-asleep but it sure does wake me up. I ate two oatmeal cookies and then we were off to work.

As soon as I got to my desk I started in on the binders. I sleeved spec sheets and organized the remaining 4 binders then was rudely interrupted, okay not rudely, but my sleeving was interrupted nonetheless. I had to look up some spec sheets online and print them out on my mom's color printer for one of the builders, but the web site he wanted them from was being a bitch. I had to re-enter product numbers at least 5 different times, but I printed them out then finished up those final binders.

Cut out for lunch at the Cracker Barrel bitches. I managed to get the peg game down to one peg, that means I'm a genius, heck yes. I actually do manage to do it every time I go, though usually I can only do it once. My mom said I'm getting old because my short-term memory was failing hard. Whatever, I don't know why she be hatin' on me, lol.

Went back to work and checked all the binders to make sure they were in order and not missing any sheets. Then I went about with the mailing list again: (1) stick on return address label and open flap, (2) fill envelope with letter and two calendars, (3) glue envelopes shut, (4) stick on address label, (5) stamps (which I didn't have today but will do tomorrow). But anyways I did 250 envelopes in 3ish hours, my shoulders and neck hurt like a bitch I must say. Oh I got gummi bears from CB and ate like all of them ... I <3 fruity candy.

I had my mom drop me off at the library so I could pick up some books I'd requested and ended up coming home and simply reading one of those books right off the bat. It was the shortest of the bunch but I finished it and only watched one episode of Veronica Mars (while eating dinner mind you). I had my heart set on watching Across the Universe but I just got too tied up in my book, and I'm really glad I finished it. I've settled for another listen of the ATU soundtrack though, but it's not as good as the movie.

I'm exhausted.
I <33333333 books.
My feet are cold.


Sunday, June 22, 2008

We cannot settle for a quick defeat

My mom came to wake me up at 12:28pm ... "I'm going to Menard's, cinnamon rolls on the oven." And then I was out of bed and downstairs before she'd even left, man do I love cinnamon-infused baked goods.

Veronica Mars all day, I really need to get a life. I had an urge to start writing at one point during the afternoon and actually took a break after an episode. I got as far as opening up a Word document and a Firefox window to check Facebook real quick and then the Internet entrapped me with all it's digital splendor and I was gone for an hour without realizing I'd not done what I wanted. By the time I did realize Word was still open my muse was but another stream of dust in the vacuum my addled brain has become. That's probably why my writing is currently better than it has been in quite some time.

Anyways, I watched a new Brunch with Bridget vlog, I just <3 that she was a cheerleader, I know where all that energy sprouted from. She had this other comic Gloria Bigelow on and she was coincidently a cheerleader in high school and college too so the two had pom-poms and wrote cheers about being gay. It was cute and chock full of enough spastic movement to top Bridge's episode with Elizabeth Keener. Lol I saw Keener on a commercial for sliced deli meat, I actually irl lol'd, 'cause I'm so awesome. Oh no my writing is digressing, ah who cares.

A trip to Target produced 6 packs of gum ... for only $4; AMAZING! Oh and also another pair of sweat crop pants. I needed a new backpack (I want to snag a good one before we go to Yellowstone) but Target was mreh on the matter so to a local sporting goods store I will go! I got a phone call from a college buddy right as I got home and we chatted a bit. I think she's going to try and come visit me while I'm at my grandma's the first week of July. That's right, I'm leaving next Sunday for the first week of my vacation.

There will be plenty of beach, but hopefully not plenty of sun burn. Dune buggy rides, movies, antique shopping, horseback riding is also a possibility. It'll be pretty fantastic. We're coming back on the 4th for fireworks at home and then I don't think we're leaving the 5th but there is a possibility that we'll leave that soon for Yellowstone. I have to spend every ounce of my free time this week planning out shite for Yellowstone because I don't think my dad will be doing much, well that is except for paying for everything. :]

I think I'm going to try and get some sleep now and leave Veronica Mars high and dry. I made it through the first season and I'm on episode 3 of the second season, Charisma Carpenter made her guest appearance the last episode so I had a Buffy/Angel flashback, I <3'd Cordelia, not as much as Angel though. Work tomorrow, kill me.

David Boreanaz <3
Late night chocolate <33
K-Bell <333


Saturday, June 21, 2008

Nothing seems to be changing

12:21pm I actually got out of bed. A solid 11 hours of sleep I should think, pretty damn good for me. Though I had the fortune of waking up with not only a hunger for lunch but also a fantastic new stomach pain. Well that is my acid reflux reprised (lol that's not supposed to be a verb I don't think) it's recurring role in making my day hell. I had this tasty taco/beefy thing for lunch which I'm sure on any other day would've just been super fantastic but I just got to feel shitty for an hour or two.

I about tore up my closet looking for my meds because my closet is the dumping ground for all things college. Found them and I only have one pill left now, I need to go and get some more. Hopefully today will just be a one time thing at least for a while, my acid reflux just sneaks up on me like a ninja. Though it might have something to do with that Mexican food I had last night.

Spent the rest of the day lying in my bed and watching Veronica Mars because I am so freaking awesome. I took a break or two between episodes to surf on the World Wide Web. I re-discovered the William Gibson Cyberpunk library I stumbled upon a couple years back and I've decided once I finally finish the giant as hell book of scifi short stories I'm reading I'll catch up on my cyberpunk. I'm trying to expand my scifi knowledge so I'm thinking that the next scifi genre I want to penetrate (lol) is biopunk, steampunk will follow after that. One of my most favorite books of all time is William Gibson's Neuromancer which I've read a couple of times already, I can never get sick of it.

Anyways, I <3 Veronica Mars still. And Leighton Meester was just on the episode I watched, I miss GG. I heard that the CW might be shutting down or something ridiculous like that because they're not getting enough viewers. If they're not getting enough viewers then how did GG rack up 14 nominations at the Teen Choice Awards?? Whatever.

Oh and Mac finally came into the show, she was my favorite character ... besides Veronica, and I couldn't remember when she became a permanent fixture. It think it's season 2, but I <3 Mac, she's such a nerd I love it.

My favoritest cat in the universe decided that she would switch personalities on me so my hands look really gross at the moment. A little bleeding, but generally it's that the scratches are swollen, doesn't hurt much, kind of painful to look at though.

More K-Bell on the way for me. <333
Fish sandwiches are delicious.
The creek is flooded again.


Friday, June 20, 2008

Now is the time

10am, chocolate chip Chewy bar, monotonous 3.5-mile bike ride, collapse on floor, cold shower & Attack of the Show! And all before noon, I'm so productive.

I half-watched an episode of Crossing Jordan but mostly surfed around the Internet ... again. I forgot how much time I spend on the Internet when I have nothing to do. I watched YouTube videos of Erin Foley, an episode or two of We're Getting Nowhere on AfterEllen and caught up on a couple blog posts that I missed.

Watched Little Miss Sunshine on my computer 'cause my external kicks some serious ass. After that I started looking around for some good design sites online. I finally found out the name of the lounge chair of my dreams, or at least it's origination. Eames <33. My grandma has one in the basement of her second home and I spend as much time as I possibly can in that thing when I'm up there. It's so comfortable and leather (normally I'm opposed to it but it's so damn fabulous). I want to start an online scrapbook of all the fabulous things I'd love to have in my apartment, 'cause I can guarantee it will be totally kickass ... like me!!

Check it out:

I found these light bulbs on TreeHugger a while back and I fell in love. They're so funky and just decoration by themselves so hopefully they'll still be in business when I'm ready to buy them. I figured that I should start collecting books for my planned massive library. Every time I go to a garage sale I peruse their book selection, every time I go to Goodwill I check out the books, and of course there are those stores strictly for books. I'm keen on pretty much any book but science fiction is my passion so I think scifi will be the bulk of my planned collection. All the art for my apartment will likely come from DeviantArt 'cause all of the stuff on there is AMAZING and not very expensive.

Maybe when I have free time I'll go to the craft store and buy some canvas covered frames so I can make use of some of my old t-shirts. I've always wanted to created my own artwork and stapling old t-shirts to wooden frames will be my start ... 'cause my drawing has gone to the shit hole, lol.

Went to dinner at Puerto Vallarta's, a local mexican place with fabulous queso, with my mom because she didn't want to cook dinner and I didn't want to eat leftovers. :]

Anyways, I just finished watching 4 straight episodes of Veronica Mars. I downloaded all three seasons before I left school and I've been meaning to start watching them because I loved that show so much. Veronica was my hero, and Kristen Bell is a hot tamale, as Elle in Heroes? Oh goodness, knockout.

So I'm going to watch more now and then probably pass out. Last night I went to bed at midnight 'cause I didn't have anything to do, but then I got about 9.5 hours of solid sleep, except I had to go to the bathroom at 4am. I forgot how weird it is to walk around without my glasses on.

Anyways, more Mars, the last episode I watched had Damone's "Now Is The Time" in the ending so I was pleasantly surprised. One of the tattoos I plan on getting includes a summation of Damone lyrics from "When You Live": Live with your soul / Love with your heart. Purty innit?

I <3 Veronica Mars.
Hayden Panettiere has a kind of annoying singing voice.
Strawberry milkshakes are delicious.


Thursday, June 19, 2008


7:40am once again. Rice crispies for breakfast and also a cookie, it was so tempting with those pretty red sprinkles ... delicious.

Got to work and immediately started in on the binders. Put massive amounts of papers into individual plastic sleeves and organized tabs, so much fun. Went to lunch downtown to a pizza place called Bazbeaux's, it was soo good. I had a slice of sausage and a side salad with creamy cucumber dressing. After lunch my mom and I stopped by this store called At Home In The City, it's got all these quirky items for your home, decorations and all that jazz. They've got a section called Silver In The City which is all silver jewelry so I was in heaven. My mom and I spent 10 minutes looking at rings and she bought me and early b-day present, it's a braided ring, and I love it to pieces. I feel kind of weird wearing a ring though 'cause I haven't worn one in such a long time it feels funny to having something on my finger.

Went back to work and put together the actual binders and then sleeved some more papers and did some more tabs, more binders too. I read an article on Lisa Edelstein and her doggy, such a pretty fluff ball, kind of looked like an Alaskan Malamute, but it didn't say in the article what he was.

I listened to Katy Perry's new album maybe 4 times today but I listened to Charlotte Sometimes' new album more than 5 times. Charlotte Sometimes has a song called "Losing Sleep" that I love to death and that girl has some amazing pipes, can't wait to see her at Warped Tour.

Did some minor surfing on the Internet when I got home and had some excellent Chinese (that my mom made, from frozen stuff of course) for dinner. I watched an episode of The Office (I <3 Michael) and then watched Last Comic Standing and I saw Erin Foley (I <3 her too). Watched this weird show called Fear something or other, it had Jack Carter from Eureka on it, I think that's the only reason I watched.

I keep forgetting that So You Think You Can Dance is on so I don't know any of the dancers, I even missed the results show tonight. Maybe I'll remember next week. Semi-finals of Last Comic Standing is next Thursday so I'm definitely going to watch that.

I'm watching Kathy Griffin My Life on the D List right now, I <3 Kathy Griffin.

Strawberry shortcake is delicious.
MTV is actually good in the morning.
My stomach hurts, rawr!


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Phenomenally fantastic

10:00am right on the nose, but I practically fell out of bed. I slept like a log last night ... probably because I went to bed at 2am, I'm so awesome.

Rice crispies cereal (that's right no sugar) for breakfast real quick with a bit of ER mixed all up in there. Then I went for my bike ride, again that's another 3.5ish miles so I was exhausted upon return. After a nice cold shower I made some egg rolls for lunch and watched a little more television. As you can tell, today was boring as hell.

I was on the Internet for a bit, aka most of the afternoon/evening and now night, just dilly dallying around my normal stomping grounds. I MySpace stalked a couple bands, fell back in love with Charlotte Sometimes and watched clips of The Big Gay Sketch Show on YouTube. I also watched a couple videos on AfterEllen of Suzanne Westenhoefer, she's funny as hell, then checked out a couple of her routines on YouTube too.

Made another trip to the Warped Tour web site to check out the band list, I'm so pissed that Paramore is only playing for 6 days. I know they've already been on Warped before but I <3 Hayley, so yea ... she needs to be there. I made a list of some bands I want to check out while I'm there.

Almost did my laundry ... I don't remember what stopped me, but that just didn't happen. I fixed my desk chair, it was wobbly and made funny noises. Then I fixed my desk, it was doing the same thing. I'm awesome and I have a drafting desk but right now it's flat 'cause I have all my shit on it, but it can tilt upwards if need be, but the need won't be.

Tomorrow at work I'm going to be doing builder binders all day!! At 3:00pm my mom and I are going to a local radio station so she can record a new commercial for the company, she wants me to read part of it. I dunno if I should do it, she'll try and pressure me into it though.

I don't have anything to do at the moment but I really don't want to go to bed. I just don't feel like sleeping, and I'm kind of thirsty.

I <3 Hayley Williams.
I <3 Charlotte Sometimes.
I found a $10 gift card to Border's in my wallet, lol.


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Cone of Silence

7:40am on the dot. Packed my lunch, waited for my brother to get on the bus then off for another fun-filled adventure in Desk Land!

As soon as I got to my desk my mom had me putting stamps on envelopes once again. After running out of $1 stamps I proceeded to collapse in the chair in front of her desk and on her desk. It's usually pretty cold in the office which is supposed to help wake you up but it's so damn dreary in that office that my eyelids drop like lead curtains. After 5 minutes of slacking I went to update a couple things on the web site and looked a couple things up online for my mom.

Had a bit of lunch and then headed off to Kmart to look for outdoor furniture. Where that came from I have no idea. We power washed the deck like 3 weeks ago and we haven't had a chance to stain it so it's just kind of chillin' all bare and ugly at the moment. I never really realized how big it was until it was empty, I think it'd probably make a good party deck ... but I don't really have parties, lol.

We finally got the address labels for the envelopes so I put labels on all 482 envelopes ... which sounds quick in one sentence but it was repetitive motion for maybe 2.5 hours that left my shoulders and neck sore once again. We made a trip to the back warehouse to get some dividers for the binders I'll be diligently working on on Thursday and wasted a little time talking to the builder guys. The guy I make binders for, Mark, is really really nice. He's going to have three kids (two step) at Purdue next year. The guys sound nice but apparently the girl is a total bitchface.

Got home and slacked until I had to go to the advanced screening of Get Smart. It was hilarious and I just <3 Steve Carell to pieces. Anne Hathaway was pretty funny as the femme fatale agent and she kicked some serious ass. The Rock (aka Dwayne Johnson, lol) was great as the giant doucheface agent, 'cause he looks the part, he's all mean and "I'm gonna beat the shit out of you" looking. I went with two friends and we got there pretty early and got a free mini poster and talked a lot about nothing before the movie started. I made the mistake of drinking pretty much all of my drink before the movie started so I had to piss like a race horse when we got out.

We met with two other girls at Starbucks and I indulged on a strawberry's & creme frappuchino. We talked a lot about boys and weight and dreams and boys and a lot of other shit. I was pretty quiet the whole time because I don't really enjoy talking about all that stuff.

I realized that I ate pretty much nothing today. I had another rice crispy treat for breakfast, a sandwich and some string cheese for lunch with a Mountain Dew, and then a couple handfuls of popcorn, a slushie and a frappachino. I didn't get a chance to eat dinner because my friend showed up earlier than planned to pick me up for the movie. I was going to eat egg rolls, I really wanted them. <33

Now I'm gonna stay up doing nothing and sleep late-ish tomorrow. I want to wake up, eat a quick breakfast then go for another bike ride. I'm really happy the park is so close, I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have anywhere pretty to go for my bike rides.

I <3 Steve Carell.
Cherry slushies are delicious.
Loud music is very good at waking me up.


Monday, June 16, 2008

Morals of Convenience

This morning I woke up at 7:35am ... but I didn't get out of bed 'til 7:42am, shut it I was cold. Homemade rice crispy treat for breakfast (my mom made it with the marshmallow goo in a jar so it's always really sticky and delicious) and then off to drop my brother at school. Get to work and my mom immediately puts me to work on her mailing list.

All day, every single minute of my time (save for those few slacking moments) was filled with that damn mailing list. Before the letter was proofed she had me stick return address labels on 9"x13" envelopes. Then I had to stuff them all, she printed 500 labels, I ended up using 482 of them. I did 232 before lunch, 'cause I ran out of envelopes.

We went to a restaurant about two blocks away for lunch, it was called Yummy's and hell yes it was. I had a 1/4lb cheeseburger, thick & incredibly potatoey french fries and a couple of my mom's onion rings. That burger with bun and all that jazz was probably near 2" tall and the diameter I should say maybe 5", it was crazy huge and delectable (I only ate half, lol). Washed it all down with too much Mountain Dew. Tomorrow I'm not going to eat anything ... explanation to come.

Went to the Post Office and bought $350 worth of stamps, then headed to Office Max for 250 more envelopes and a glue stick (purple glue bitches). My mom says I should try and get a job at the Post Office next summer 'cause apparently they pay really well. I could totally organize all that shit in the back, I think it could be interesting but I doubt I'd ever pursue it seriously. Got back and glued the envelopes I did before lunch then went about labeling, stuffing and gluing the other 250. At the end of the day my mom had me putting stamps on everything, I only got through 100 envelopes ... more tomorrow yay!

Also I'm supposed to start putting some more binders together for another company. Basically I put together a catalog of appliances the company is able to put up in their building, this time instead of just 5 binders ... it's 14. I'm so lucky; but they don't have to be finished until next Tuesday which is pretty awesome.

I had giant cheese-stuffed ravioli for dinner and then drove with my mom to pick up my brother from baseball practice. I know that I'm supposed to be practicing for my driving test at the end of the summer but I refuse to drive unless I actually have somewhere to go. If it's just driving to drive I feel guilty about wasting money and of course driving the car for no reason even though my mom's car gets probably 25mpg at least. So yea, driving = mreh for me.

I spent a lot of time tonight just kind of surfing around the Internet & listening to music, which is always a good way to wind down. Had my mom trim my hair after my shower and yea, that's pretty much all I did today, hoorah.

Oh and about not eating ... I weighed myself for some reason, and at the end of the day, who does that? I'm thinking maybe with all the food I ate today I could take off a couple pounds but seriously I need to grow an inch or two to even all my weight out. I could've sworn I'd been losing weight, maybe I'm gaining muscle ... hopefully that's it. I got all self-conscious .. maybe I'll just go on a water diet, water and crackers. Too drastic, nvm, I'll just bike more. But I've got to be bathing suit fit in less than two weeks so I'm being all rawr at myself right now. And I even need a new wave-proof suit (halter + wave = free bewbies ohnoes!).

I <3 rice crispies.
Work is stupid.
Mailing lists are the devil.


Sunday, June 15, 2008

I wish I could juggle

I woke up at 11:48am ... I think this is how I'm going to start all of my blog posts from now on.

Cap'n Crunch for brunch & I started watching Silence of the Lambs. I forgot Brooke Smith was in the first one (Erica Hahn from Grey's Anatomy) .. I also learned last month that she was in the last season of Crossing Jordan, she played a hardass there too. xD

But anyways my dad comes over and then the family (minus my mom) aka me, my dad, brother and sister go to the local park for a bike ride! It was really beautiful out and we rode on the trails not just on the roads so my mountain bike actually rode on some mountainous terrain .. crazy I know. The little rack I have on the back of my bike was loose however so it was rattling up a storm and pissed the fuck out of me. I was a pleasant peach. We stopped at the new nature center so my brother could get a rest, apparently he's either really out of shape or having a non-shifting bike is just plain shit going up hills (I think it's both). I think my brother has asthma too which really sucks 'cause he was wheezing pretty bad by the time we got back to the car. I got really pissed at my dad (even though it was Father's Day, I don't really care) 'cause not once did he stop to check on my brother, he left us all in the dust, my sister and I had to make sure my brother didn't collapse or anything. That boy was bright as a strawberry when we got back to the car.

I used to turn super red but my body learned to just sweat more, I still do turn red though. That's what I get for being so pasty. :]

Came home and I tried to get all the sweat off me, gross gross gross. Too early for a shower. After an hour break my dad took us (again minus my mom) to this Italian festival downtown. I had a giant, incredibly delicious and messy meatball sub. How I love ball-shaped meat, lol. Had some orange and vanilla Italian ice too, sooooo good. <3

Home once again & then I just hung out for the rest of the night. Watched the new Brunch with Bridget, it was decent, and I always look forward to a dose of that pervy McManus charm on Sundays. I like being lazy, it's the weekend, I'm allowed. Besides, I have work tomorrow. *ripsnarl*

I'm tired.
It mini-stormed earlier.
I love singing loudly.


Saturday, June 14, 2008

Idk what my roller derby name would be

I woke up at 11:38am ... 'cause I'm cool and it's Saturday.

The rest of my afternoon was spent doing nothing on my computer (per usual) and getting ready for the ROLLER DERBY!!

That's right, I finally went to see the Naptown Roller Girls. I was so excited ... well since Tuesday I was excited. I'd known about the local team but I never really had the urge to go see them, okay I did but I didn't think I could get anybody to go with me. My mom, friend and I trekked on over to the state fair grounds for the match: the Tornado Sirens (NRG) vs. the Dixie Derby Girls (from Alabama).

We got there right as the doors opened at 6 'cause we though we wouldn't be able to get tickets but we bought some from a couple guys in line. We got seats in the front, we didn't want to sit up by the track for fear of serious damage and then checked out the merch table and bought rad t-shirts and I got a cute little button.

NRG are part of the Women's Flat Track Derby Association (WFTDA) which means, of course, they play on a flat track. It's maybe 40ft long and 20ft wide with a cautionary/referee track on the outside followed by on the floor seating. So when the girls crash into each other and tumble on to the floor they get human cushioning, fun right? Well I was a little scared about getting crushed but next time I want a front row seat. Game explanation maybe?

There are 3 positions and 5 girls on a team: 1 girl is the Pivot, the front girl who sets the pace of the pack, 3 blockers who ... well basically they just block people, and 1 Jammer, the chick who scores all the points. The Jammer is at the back of the pack, the pack moves on the first whistle and maybe 5 seconds later the Jammer moves on the second whistle. The Jammer has to get through the entire pack once before she can start scoring points, she scores a point on every girl she is able to pass on the track. The Jammers are the fastest on the track and they use the other girls to trail and they grab hold of the girl's arms and they swing them around corners to go faster, it's some really crazy shit. Jane Ire (who'd have guessed she was a lit. major? lol) was my favorite Jammer and Touretta Lynn was my other favorite, she was Pivot most of the time (and her number was F@&* You.

We won something obnoxious like 82 to 40-something. At the end of the first period it was 14 to 4, we were almost always double their score which was frickin' sweet. I'm really happy they played well on the game I went to see, if they'd lost I'd have felt really shitty. But yea there were three 20 minutes periods, with two 15 minute intermissions between. Unfortunately our entertainment during those breaks was a belly dancing class ... full of not so skinny or attractive women. I mean I know you can't be a stick to belly dance and make it look good but seriously, it was gross.

Anyways I came home and watched Jumper with the family. I'd read the book when it first came out and it was nothing like that at all. They just took the basic "I can teleport and bad guys want to get me" thing and made an action movie out of it. But it was still good, so I can't complain too much. Now I was going to watch me some Veronica Mars but I don't really want to anymore, so I might just read or something and sleep for a very long time. Yay for Sundays.

I <3 roller derbies.
I <3 my kitty.
I got a free foam finger. :]


Run from the wind not like it.

I finished up South of Nowhere today, it could've ended a little better, but I'm happy with what happened. I did nothing all day so the main focus of my entry tonight will be how much the new M. Night Shyamalan movie The Happening sucked balls really fucking hard.

First off...

Worst. Dialogue. Ever.

There were only a few lines that I thought were believable in the whole movie, and some of the lines were kind of funny but I don't think they were supposed to be. Shyamalamadingdong writes, produces and directs his pictures ... I think he just needs to stick to the last two. The story line of the movie was actually pretty interesting. It was considered an eco-thriller so it combined two of my favorite things: the environment and scaring the fuck out of people.

If the lines had been better I think the movie would have been a little more intriguing. The acting wasn't all that horrible it was just that the lines were so sucktastic that the movie blew in general. At one point in the movie Mark Wahlberg started singing and I had the strongest urge to yell "Marky Mark" but I was upset that my gf Zooey didn't start singing 'cause she's just got such a beautiful voice.

And speaking of my baby, every time they did a close up on her, which I noticed M. Night did a lot of close ups on his characters throughout the movie (good way to display emotion at face value), but anyways every time they did a close up of Zooey I got distracted by her eyes. She has the prettiest blue eyes I have ever seen and I think they probably did some enhancement in the editing but her eyes were always a brilliant sky blue. Her pupils were also pretty small though, but I imagine that was because they were in the sunlight a lot. Basically every time Zooey was on screen I kind of blocked out everything and just stared lovingly at my gorgeous lady.

I have a tendency to predict all the scary parts of a movie; I can tell when the "jump out of your seat" or "scream out loud" shit is going to happen so I tried to give my mom and sister a heads up so they wouldn't freak the hell out. That didn't really end up working.

I don't normally get scared by scary movies too much, I mean I might jump a bit or hold my breath if it's really scary, but in general I only get a little paranoia afterwards. Actually only if the movie is incredibly frightening that I get the paranoia, I usually just crack jokes about everything. Gore usually irks me more than anything, so I was happy to see there was a good chunk of gore in this movie. I mean people killed themselves, and in pretty violent ways, that's why it was M. Night's first R-rated movie. is my first stop before I go to see a movie because I like to go in with a general expectation. 21%. That was the approval rating, so I went in expecting shit and got it. I don't think I'd have liked the movie as much if Zooey hadn't been in it.

So movie trailers!!! Julianne Moore (whom I adore) is going to be in a new thriller called Blindness, it looks really good. It's about this disease that makes everybody go blind and she's the only one not affected or something, I hope it'll be good. And the X Files movie trailer came on and my mom got super hyped up. I really hope this movie is good because I loved X Files so so much in the 90s, I still watch it on the SciFi channel when I remember it's on.

Roller derby tomorrow, I hope it's good, I bet it will be.

I <3 Zooey Deschanel.
I <3 Scully & Mulder.
I was kind of narcissistic today. xD


Friday, June 13, 2008

*spins glowsticks*

When I got to work this morning I had to go and sit in a room full of old guys and listen to them try and not talk dirty. They were trying harder than I thought they'd have too, I guess old guys really are perves but whatever. I got to waste an hour doing some nothing and taking minor notes.

I did a good chunk of work on the web site today, but other than that work was pretty damn boring. My mom and I went downtown for the Strawberry Festival and had the sweetest strawberry shortcake I think I've ever eaten. It was sickeningly sweet but still so delicious, especially since it had ice cream and it was near 90 degrees today.

I find that I get pretty engrossed in coding when I really need to fix something on the web site. In high school I had a lot of fun, that's right fun, doing html and web site design in one of the classes that I took my senior year. I'm going to try and take some computer-orientated classes at school 'cause at least that's something I'll enjoy every once and a while.

South of Nowhere again when I got home, I've got two episodes left which I am of course going to watch after this post. I've become addicted to the show, I <3 Ashley Davies. I think I should buy a Save Spashley t-shirt ... or not, I'm cheap whatever.

I got bored around 9 so I decided to make a dance mix ... 30 minutes later I was dancing in my underwear like a crazy person. All the cool kids dance in their undies, don't hate. I had my headphones on (the cord is at least 7 ft though) 'cause my family was trying to get sleepy, they have to go places in the morning, ha ha. Well I have to wake up at like 7am 'cause a guy from AT&T is going to try and fix our phone, the lines have been shitty lately. He's gotta come into my room and check out some connections so that means I've gotta be awake while he's there, hopefully I'll be able to go to sleep after that. That early in the morning I don't think I shouldn't have much of a problem.

Anyways, I only ended up dancing for like 20 minutes 'cause my stomach said "Bitch please." I drank some warm water and I feel better now. Then I just continued to watch more South of Nowhere.

Tomorrow I'm going to try and go for another bike ride if it's not too shitty outside. I think my mom said it might rain though. I have a really strong urge to start dancing right now because Sandstorm just came on my shuffle ... and if you don't know that song I guess you're just not even close to cool.

I <3 techno.
It's hot in my room.
I want some ice cream.
Tomorrow is Friday!!


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Will someone wake me up?

My dad woke me up 10 minutes before my alarm went off, who the fuck does that? I had to go to the dentist at 9:30am so I ate half a pop-tart, cleaned my teeth and my dad drove me. I was literally in the waiting room for all of 15 seconds before somebody came to get me, Wednesday 9:30am, mark it down, you need the dentist you go then. The dental assistant I had was kind of cute .. and she had braces with pink rubber bands, I lol'd on the inside. She took impressions of my teeth before the actual dentist got there and the stuff smelled kind of funny. The dentist buzzed my tooth down to a little niblet, it was so gross, like the size of a baby tooth then they gave my a temporary crown. I get the real one in 3 weeks, fun fun fun.

Got back to the house, changed, grabbed a water bottle and went for a bike ride at the park maybe 2 blocks away. I put spf 70 on my face and arms to make sure I wouldn't get a farmer's tan, ew. I think I did maybe 3.5 miles in about 25 minutes, it was so damn hot though. I got back to the house and almost collapsed on the living room floor. I chugged the rest of my water and took a nice cold shower then retired to my room for a couple episodes of South of Nowhere, I'm at the end of season 2 right now, only one more season to go. :]

After my sister got back from summer school I decided to go out and "tan" on my trampoline, but I don't really tan and the smallest spf sunscreen we had was 50. That's what I get for being fair-skinned. So I basically just lounged outside and listened to music, it was nice and relaxing, I think I'm gonna try and do it more often.

The rest of the afternoon I pretty much just surfed the Internet and watched South of Nowhere 'cause I'm so awesome. I counted the number of calories I ate today and apparently it only totaled up to around 1200, and I think normally you're supposed to eat at least 2000, oops. But it's a good way to loose weight I suppose. I haven't been eating nearly as much since I got back home which is good because I think I might have lost a little weight.

I really don't want to go to work tomorrow but I've got a meeting to go to with my mom, which means I get sit there and listen to old guys talk. We are, however, going downtown for the Strawberry Festival, should be delicious.

Man, now I want some strawberries. :/
My computer is noisy.
I still <3 The Veronicas.
I hope it's not too hot out tomorrow.


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

This heart it beats, beats for only you

So yesterday there was a power outage literally like 5 seconds before I was going to start my post. Coincidence, sure why not. Yesterday was filled with nonsense and database entry.

In the morning I did some mind boring entry shite most of which I can't really remember. Went out to lunch at McAllister's Deli and had a really tasty Chicken Caesar Wrap. On the way there I noticed that KFC had a new sign on the front it said Kentucky Fried ^(upside down) and Grilled Chicken, know what that spells? K FAG C. Great huh? I'm so awesome. Went back and spent the last 1.5 hours of work sticking spec sheets into plastic protectors, and slipping them into binders. Luckily I had my fantastically terrific buddy to talk online with all day, I prolly would've fallen asleep on my keyboard if not for her. :]

I also made a spreadsheet to total the expected cost of my trip to Yellowstone this summer. Near $2500, that's a lot of money. I don't think I'll be able to spend that much time with my dad, he starts getting on my nerves really early in any outing we go on. I love him but I'd much rather go on a road trip with my friends. I was thinking if we don't go he should use the money to buy himself a used car ('cause his up and fucked itself over) and a laptop for me. Actually he should just sell that damn RV and buy me a laptop, mother fucker .... I'm grumbling on the inside, rawr!

Anyways, it poured for a good hour or two while I was at work which led another 3 counties into a state of disaster, totaling to 29 counties. Spring weather, oh so fabulous. I was going to go driving yesterday but my mom didn't want to chance us getting stuck in the rain somewhere so we stayed in. I spent the rest of the night watching South of Nowhere and listening to Katy Perry. It started raining again at maybe 10pm or so and got progressively worse until at maybe 11:30pm it started hailing like a mother fucker and it was windy as hell, I couldn't see 10 feet out my window and there was a constant light show outside. My mom called me downstairs and I stayed down there for maybe 10 minutes while the worst stuff played out. Went back upstairs after to continue watching tv on the computer like the nerd I am but the power decided to go out and so did the Internet. I watched the last 15 mins of the episode I was watching seeing as my battery life is stuck on 25 mins even when plugged in all day.

While I was reading in bed with my trusty LED book light there was a bright as hell flash of lightning outside so I expected a big boom of thunder and dear lord did I get it. Scared the hell out of me even though I plugged my ears, I jumped straight up and my cat freaked the fuck out. After that it was relatively quiet. Apparently it stormed again at 4am but I was plum tuckered out. Also I missed two transformers blow, that shit is awesome, turns the sky a really beautiful blue when it happens.

Today I woke up too early to take my brother to choir practice and it rained in sheets for a straight 3 minutes, all the while I was asking my brother "Why do you have to go places so early?" Got to work and spent the whole morning and an hour after lunch finishing up the binders. Repeated motions made my shoulders and my neck hurt after only an hour or so, but I battled through. Went to Qdoba for lunch and had a Chicken Quesadilla, it was SO. DAMN. GOOD. We stopped at Target to find me some hair clips and wandered around the mall when we couldn't find any. The last couple hours of work I spent doing data entry correction, i.e. correcting entries in all caps, ah mah gawd, so boring.

I was reading Nuvo, this local entertainment newspaper, and found out that Pride is this week, I had absolutely no idea. I was thinking maybe I would go to the parade on Saturday with some guys I know, that is only if they're actually going. I mentioned Pride to my mom and she started talking about the roller derby girls so we're going to try and go see their last game on Saturday night. We're also going to go and try to see The Happening (with my gf Zooey) on Friday night, hopefully I can get some friends to go too.

Drove my mom to Kroger, I'm very bad at stopping mind you. I don't really have much of a problem being on the road I just don't like the idea of cars in general so it's hard for me to get used to driving a polluting machine. I'd much rather my bicycle.

My new Threadless tee shirts got here today!!! I now have 8 shirts from the site & I still want more!!

I'm on a Paramore high right now. Listening to their first album All We Know is Falling because it's a lot mellower than Riot! and I need mellow to help me get to sleep. I have a dentist appointment at 9:30am which means I have to wake up at prolly 8:45ish or earlier. After that, if I don't hurt too much I'm going to try to go for a bike ride then lather up and chill on my trampoline and catch a few rays. Hopefully it won't be a shitty day tomorrow.

I <3 Mandy Musgrave.
Hershey bars are delicious.
It's hot in my room.
My feet are cold though.


Sunday, June 8, 2008

Forget all your hesitations

I'm back, I know you missed me!

So I had an absolutely fantastic weekend, yessir I did, but I really wish it didn't have to end. I already miss my friends too much.

We left Friday at maybe 1ish after eating some Subway and proceeded to sing our way up north. "Don't Stop Believing" is just the best song to sing at the top of your lungs, especially hitting those high notes you know you could normally never hit unless you were using all the breath in your lungs.

After a giant hug greeting we ate a little too much food then went roller skating! I hadn't been roller skating since maybe 5th grade, so I was a little worried. I'd been roller blading after that but it was definitely something I kind of had to relearn, but luckily I didn't fall down. I did however get pretty damn sweaty. Went to a local restaurant and had some good chicken parmesan and fettucine alfredo. Collapsing back at my friends house we kind of just chilled and were incredibly indecisive while we watched Along Came Polly. Quick trip to Starbucks and then back to the house for more lounging.

Woke up at 10am Saturday to go to Chicago! We booked it Speedy Gonzalez style to get to the train station to catch a train that ended up being 45 minutes late and damn was it windy on the platform. We walked along Michigan Ave. and looked into a couple little stores then went to a late lunch at The Cheesecake Factory. I had some decent calimari (tentacles are delicious) and chocolate tuxedo cream cheesecake, I almost exploded. There were 7 of us so we got to sit in this rounded table tucked into the wall with some really awesome mood lighting.

Luckily it poured while we were inside so after dinner we headed off to H&M where I bought a tank top 'cause I could and in case it started to rain again I'd have something to change into on the train. Stopped into the new and incredibly giant Forever 21 for a bit, didn't buy anything but I really wanted to try a mess of things on. Caught the 6pm train home and had a little weather delay on the way back. Stupid tornadoes.

Grilled out at my friends' house and had some excellent strawberry shortcake then pretty much just did nothing again. There was much mention of going to a strip club but somebody was too chicken, we were going to get her a birthday lap dance, but whatever. More chilling and a quick trip to Meijer for some D batteries for the blow up mattress then minor hanging out and bed.

Woke up at like 8:30am, ate breakfast and left with another bout of giant hugs smashed up in there. Oh and I made a s'more using a big lighter. :]

First thing I did when I got home ('cause my family was non-apparent) was watch the new Brunch with Bridget and she had Spashley on. So now I've become addicted to South of Nowhere it's a show on The N, it's cute and upbeat. Got the new Katy Perry album 'cause it leaked and I had work tomorrow so I'm pissed off.

My head is pounding.
I want another s'more.
I wish I didn't have to leave the cool kids.
Work is the devil.


Friday, June 6, 2008

Don't hit the boat!

Todays events will be listed in chronological order and with little to no detail ... I'm tired and my neck hurts, stfu please.

I jumped straight out of bed this morning, and I literally mean jumped.
Bovaria cream filled chocolate glazed donut. End of story.
Two mindless hours web site configuration.
Lunch break at the City Market downtown, massive roast beef sandwich.
I nerded out for 15 minutes at a comic book store.
3.5 more hours of web site configuration.
One whole fucking hour of database entry.
Pesto and BBQ chicken for dinner.
One hour of driving around in a business park yelling "Don't be British!" and "Use your turn signal" at my sister.
Today's top speed was 47mph, I'm moving up in the world.
Cherry & blue raspberry popsicle while watching McManus be a retard.
Bought two tee shirts at Threadless' summer sale.
Colored & did some origami.
Now I should be packing because ....

Be jealous.
I'm very excited, I really hope I don't hurt myself rollerskating.

I love singing to KT Tunstall. <33
I heard "I Kissed a Girl" twice on the radio today.


Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Xena Warrior Princess

When I haven't had any real contact with a friend and then they call me out of the blue, or not even out of the blue, I have the tendency (of getting very physical, Maroon 5 what?) of talking very fast and for long amounts of time without breathing properly. The result is a pounding noggin, that's right I can feel my heartbeat in my temples, don't you love it when that happens? My friend called me to confirm REGION PLANS!!!!! I kept excusing my ADD, I was switching topics like none other. I blamed it on Bridget McManus, done and done, I love that girl. <33

Running up and down the stairs makes me tired ... hmm wonder why. I didn't feel like doing the elliptical so the next course of action was murdering the tops of my thighs. Ow ow ow. I collapsed on my floor, I'm so graceful.

AfterEllen videos all day. More Cathy DeBuono, I need somebody like her in my life, she's such a sweetheart ... and I still want to be friends with Jill Bennett. Hero worship, the end.

I tried to work on my HTML cheat sheet but failed. Curse you Microsoft Word 2007 and your .docx format!! (two exclamation points indicative of my anger)

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate my laptop, it's so damn loud all the time !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My dad bought a half RV half van, like there's two seats in the front and it opens up into an RV in the back. Everything is too damn tiny. It gets 10 miles a gallon. My dad wants to drive it to Yellowstone. "NO!" That's what I told my dad, then I stomped up into my room, I am woman hear me roar.

I was up 'til like 3 last night ... 'cause I just couldn't get off the computer. I'm such a loser ... and there was lots of lightning, too bright = I put a towel over my window. I don't have curtains on my window and it's like 4.5' tall and only like 1.5' from the ground and next to my dresser so all the neighbors get to see me naked. How fun! Quite inappropriate, that's absurd, gross, PEDOPHILES STOP IT!

That's my ADD kicking in.
On the Internet.
I love Marnie Alton, she's funny and adorable.


Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Brain parts

I think I ramble too much in my posts, so I'm going to start making them short and sweet, and I might even post a few a day if I really want too. Nobody really cares about every intricacy that my day involves so I'm gonna straight up cut that shit out.

My mum took me to a local Chinese restaurant for lunch and it was pretty good. I had egg drop soup which sounded disgusting and smelled as such but actually didn't suck anything hard. It was really gooey, kind of like I was eating snot ... okay that's kind of gross, but I did eat this green vegetable thing that looked a little like a jellyfish tentacle. And I love eating bamboo ... I'm a panda, lol. I had chicken chow-mein, I know lo means noodles and now I know chow means bean sprouts. Wasn't horrible at all, I'll have to get it a little more often.

We went and picked up my craptop after lunch. It roars like a lion, this fucker is so damn loud. All the shit he cleaned out of the fans just made the main fan a billion times louder, and it now runs all the time. It also makes my laptop vibrate, okay well it's more of a hum, but it feels weird when I type. I have been complaining to my mum all day, she says she's going to talk to my dad about getting me a new laptop as soon as possible. Which in my dad's terms means before I go to school in August.

I successfully succeeded in dumping hole punch cutouts all over my lap, twice in a row. There was very very loud vacuuming involved, I think a newer model may be in order. Sounded like a fucking tornado siren was battling with a T-Rex. The hole punch, coincidentally sounded horrible too, like nails on a chalkboard, I wanted rip my ears off my head every time I pressed down.

The afternoon was spent on me nerding out and trying to re-learn some really basic HTML.

This is still my favorite effect.
Yesterday on Liz's blog she had a professional organizer on and she had this super nifty new way of organizing shirts so for an hour I re-organized my whole dresser. Then I realized I have laundry still in the dryer ... whatever.

I re-watched a couple episodes of We're Going Nowhere because I was I was bored shitless. I am now going to continue with a couple more videos. Maybe I'll work on my Liz diary, lol.

I ate too much today.
I love storms and torrential downpours.
I kind of feel like going puddle stomping.


Monday, June 2, 2008

Sergeant Bones

Today I did a lot of nothing. Well mostly I helped my mum update the web site which was much more interesting than all of the stuff that I've been doing lately. It also got me to thinking about how much I loved coding when I took my web site class. Nerd *points to self*. But we also did expense reports, which meant lots of me standing in front of the copier staring at a blinking green light.

I was tired all morning because I tried to go to bed at midnight, couldn't sleep, read for a half hour then had a minor panic attack in my bed for an hour and at some point fell asleep because the next time I looked at my clock it was 4:48am. Mountain Dew never really does anything to perk me up but I figured I could use caffeine for lunch, there was no effect whatsoever. What did perk me up was a re-run episode of Brunch with Bridget where Bridge had her sister Audrey as a guest. Oh my goodness. My mum left me to fend for myself during lunch because she had a meeting, I had a turkey sandwich, it wasn't that delicious.

I've become quite heavilty addicted to but I don't really see much of a problem with that. All the vloggers seem like girls I would love to be friends with so it's easy to watch them chat and goof around together, it also helps that a lot of them are quite attractive. *cough* Bridget McManus *cough* Jill Bennett *cough*

So I fell in comedic lust with Liz Feldman from the first day I saw her on Brunch with Bridget. That was coincidentally the first day I saw the lovely Bridget and fell in love as well. But anyways, now that Liz has her own show I look forward to the new episodes so much so that I kept checking every five minutes to see if today's episode was up yet ... while I was at work. Oops. But I definitely missed the post by a half hour MOTHER FUCKER!! It's okay I watched it when I went home.

I'm going to keep a Liz diary where I list all my favorite one-liners. Here are a few from today:

"Think outside of your box"
"It's not like you wanna get in their pants, you wanna go shopping for pants with them" [about friend crushes]
"That doesn't even sound dirty and yet I think dirty things" [does that sound like me or what?]
"I'm a conformist to non-conforming"
"You studied acting, I studied actresses"
"You know what I say alot on this show? V-hole"
General Prettyface puckers up and prepares for lovin'
"I act like and idiot, but I'm actually not ... an idiot"
"I have never seen a homeless person in a tuxedo"
"Ridonkikonkulous .. somebody put that in the Lizaurus"

So today Liz had EMILY FREAKIN' DESCHANEL on the show. Bones anyone? I mean I squealed out loud when I saw her name and I was smiling and laughing the whole time. Emily is pretty and all but Zooey, her little sister, is just a little indie goddess. She's my biggest celebrity crush without a doubt.

Proof enough, I mean really.

My hair is particularly curly at the moment.
I have work tomorrow.
Vanity Fair has great articles.


Sunday, June 1, 2008

Hot 'N' Cold

I woke up before noon, first accomplishment of the day.

There were already children in my house before I got up. My brother has made good friends with two boys that live down the street so they're at our house every single day without fault. One of them is very very tiny, he's a year and a grade younger than my brother, the other is like 5'5", a year older and in the same grade as my brother, that's 4th btw. He's a fucking giant.

But anyways, I had Cap'n Crunch for brunch while I watched the new episode of Brunch with Bridget! I love this girl so much, she's hilarious. Today her guest was another vlogger on AfterEllen, the girl who's in charge of the Ghostella videos. They're B-list horror shorts and so fucking hilarious. The two of them were off the wall and made me tear up laughing multiple times. At one point Bridget tried to do a handstand and she knocked down one of her posters and almost kicked her guest in the face, I buckled over laughing. I also wrote a comment in to win a photographed polaroid of the two by suggesting a Ghostella plot for Bridget's teddy bear Baby Bridget to star in.

Then I watched some vlogs from Cathy DeBuono, she's really sweet and hilarious and has a really awesome motorcycle.

I had another mini-meatball sub for lunch because my sister suggested it aloud. My mum and I made chocolate and peanut butter brownies. Food is delicious.

I went driving today! Okay it wasn't really that exciting, we went to a business park because my mum doesn't trust me around other moving vehicles yet and I can't blame her. I can't make a tight turn worth shit and I don't like going fast. I always say: "Cars are big metal boxes of death" ".. or doom," depends on the mood you catch me in. I topped out at like 31 mph, I was scared as hell, I'm such a pussy.

I'm thinking about all the ways I'm going to branch out next year because I've decided I need to make some new friends. Sure the old one are ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC, but new friends are cool too.

I've been listening to Katy Perry for the past hour and messing with my layout code on MySpace, I'm hooked again, it's kind of bad, but I don't care. xD

I wish Jill Bennett was my friend. I was watching her with Cathy DeBuono on some videos today and she is just the sweetest and most understanding girl I have ever seen and she's also from Indiana. Cathy would be great as a friend too, she's hilarious and like 6' tall which is so damn awesome. Oh Erin Foley should be my friend too, she's a comedian from Last Comic Standing, last season I believe, but she's a sweetheart. And I think me and Bridget McManus would be excellent friends because we have the same kind of ADD.

I need to be more confident.
I need to be more independent.
I want some more pasta salad.
I have work tomorrow.


Suck it!

So yesterday there disaster was rampant in the area! TORNADOES!! Or at least tornadic weather (idk if that's a real word, but the weatherman used it). I was gonna post but there were multiple quite near my house lightning strikes so I decided against it. Also we lost power for like a second and the computer restarted and I didn't feel like going through the incredibly slow and laborious log-in process to inform the readers of my boring as hell.

My music is very loud at the moment ... AND I LOVE IT!!!!!! (Katy Perry)

My sister and my brother both had friends over so when the tornado siren went off my mum, brother and his friend were in the closet (roomy mind you) and me, my sister and her friend were in the small bathroom. They were in the tub, towel on the bottom, both sitting on bean bags while I sat on the toilet. At some point I thought it would be fun to turn the lights off, idk why (I think I wanted to know how dark it got) and my sister just pulls out her camera and starts taking pictures. I stared at the flash a couple times, it hurt. You think she's weird for bringing her camera ... well on the first trip in I brought (because I'm always ready for tornadoes, I like being prepared, so sue me): a pillow, my teddy bear, shoes, book, book light, glasses case, phone, wallet, and my external hard drive. That's right, I bought my external with me, I'm a nerd and I know it.

Yesterday I slept in until 12:51 exactly, or at least that's the time that I appeared out of my cave 'cause I hollered a good morning to my sister and she remembered the time. I went on a field trip today, to none of other than the Wal-Mart and Trader Joe's, mmmm. We were driving along and pointing out all the trees and branches that fell down. We didn't have any tornadoes but we did have straight line winds which .. story time ... when I was in sixth grade I think we had horrible straight line winds at my old house (aka my dad's house). Sixteen trees on our property fell down and one of them clipped the corner of the house where my sister and I were sleeping, scared the fucking bejeezes out of us (only hit the rough though). We were up at 5am the next day to count trees and we were climbing all over them, our driveway was completely blocked. A tree fell on the back of my dad's gold Ford F150 (I loved that truck) and bent the bed, I don't really know what happened to that car. But yea, trunks everywhere and it took us forever and a day to clear the trunks because they were so thick. Those trees were older than the house (which is now near 160 years old).

Wal-Mart was boring. We got pretzel bread and a baguette from Trader Joe's. Oh. My. God. They have the best pretzel bread ever, it's sweet and has those big granules of salt on it, a little loaf like 6"x3"x1" (that's right I got technical) but it's so good, but we had to split it between my mum, sister, her friend and me. One person too many, but anyways DELICIOUS!

I spent the rest of the afternoon watching nonsense on the boob tube and stalk Jill Bennett's profile on MySpace ... well I just watched all the videos she had on there and some were pretty long so I kind of felt like a stalker. Watch this video, it's my favorite.

Jill's the one who screams a lot, eats the banana and shows her boy undies. Bridget McManus is the one with the chopsticks, she flips her hair for the camera and takes off her bra. Also Bridget and Jill are the one's that wrestle. And the famous Blue Blaze takes a scene or two, aka Liz Feldman, she's the one who talks about her grandma being a top. Don't you love the puppets?

Okay but anyways, I was going to hang out with people tonight, actually be social, but plans fell through. Boo suck.

I got really good chocolate from Trader Joe's.
My mum got me Mamba's yesterday.
I made a mini meatball sub for dinner.
I'm a fatty.
