Thursday, May 29, 2008

My ice cream is on fire!

I got to sleep late today, what a treat. I even got to work late, but I don't care, 'cause my mum fibbed my clock in time 'cause we had to run an errand.

I spent the morning entering information into the company's database .. again. I don't think I could've been more excited! But anyways we left at 11:30 to go to lunch. We were supposed to go and give my laptop to this guy to fix but when we got to his office he was gone for lunch ... what a douche face. Oh and on the way there we got stopped by a train. When was the last time I even saw a train? It's been a while ... I counted the cars, 72. So. Damn. Long.

Had Wendy's for lunch, so delicious and so cheap and I <3> with a passion, I only wished that I had curly fries 'cause they make an excellent combo. We were scheduled to go to a training session downtown to learn this new software my mum bought to help with the web site so we spent 3 hours there.

Three hours learning a program that I figured out in the first 20 minutes. So the rest of the time I was goofing off and making fun of my mum for sucking really hard. I looked up the software my dad wants me to use for his web site and basically it requires me to re-learn HTML. It wasn't that hard to learn in the first place but I've forgotten a lot of it and it's all memorization, and tables take a lot of practice. And I'm shit at style sheets, I never learned how to do them very well, let along coordinate them into the code. Whatev.

Got back to work and did, guess what .... that's right, more database entry. But my buddy called me when she got off work so we talked about how our jobs entitle us to be people's bitches and how we would make excellent personal secretaries. But then ... my phone killed itself. Well technically I killed it 'cause it ran out of battery. One second she's just babblin' along then the next ... nothing. I said, "oh fuck."

Bellacino's turkey grinder for dinner. Orgasm plzkthx. Oh goodness those sandwiches are just delicious. Then I had a cherry and blue raspberry Popsicle for dessert (sugar free!).

Lost season finale, hey girl hey. Two hours of awesomeness but apparently I wasn't as amped up as I thought I would be 'cause I kind of got bored while I was watching. The Orchid station is awesome, I wanna bend the space-time continuum, no fair! And I'm happy that Juliet didn't die 'cause I didn't know what was going to happen to the people on the island. And amazingly I only teared up slightly when Jin blew up, that's right, blew the fuck up. C4 is crazy explosive in case you didn't already know. And Kate's creepy Claire dream was weird, but seriously it's Kate, she's weird.

Now I'm Katy Perrying it up. Oh I watched more old vlogs of We're Getting Nowhere, 'cause making fun of L-word just makes me laugh so damn hard. And now for some quotes.

Karman Kregloe: I can't have a baby, I could have a kitten.
Dara Nai: What about a litter? They just keep coming out like gumballs.

Jill Bennett: You can sleep with extras, they're nothin'.

[talking about hickeys]
Dara: Nobody wants them, they just happen ... like kids.

Karman: Could we be any crackereyer?

Jill: Aren't nuns always virgins?

So yea, those lines accompanied by uncontrollable giggle fits and random appearances of Jill's pretty kitty Luna and also of Bridget McManus make We're Getting Nowhere just fabulous. And I've just realized I didn't have my daily dose of Blue Blaze today. Liz where are you?!?

I want to go see The Strangers at the movies tomorrow because I've been in the mood to watch a scary movie for a long time but all my friends are chickens. Losers, or at least they scream or jump a lot. I think scary movies are funny, the only stuff that gets me is the jump out the screen looking shit.

I want another Frosty.
My nails are peeling a little.
Eight days 'til THE REGION!!!!


P.S. -- A Dairy Queen in the city burned down. The blog title is what I yelled when I saw it on the news. xD

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Shoot girl!

What's hot ... Jill Bennett.
What's not hot ... Jill Bennett with clothes on. I love you girl!

Oh Baby Bridget, I just love the way that butchy voice compliments the snuggly-softness of your teddy bear exterior. I was watching vlogs on AfterEllen all day, 'cause I was bored and there was nothing on the television. I started off with We're Getting Nowhere (or Gettin' as Bridget likes to say) reviews of a couple episodes of season 5 of The L Word (or L-word pronounced luh-wurd by Keener) and I just got a hankering for some Bridget McManus.

I've also fallen in lust with Jill Bennett, that girl is a sex pistol. And she has an infinity tattoo, seriously could it get any better? Seriously, I mean seriously, I sound like I'm on Weekend Update with Tina Fey (ilu <33) except I say seriously instead of really, which technically has the same effect.

Oh oh and when they're reviewing L-word episodes they have sock puppets to act out certain scenes and occasionally they get up and re-enact scenes themselves. And of course they make incredibly dirty jokes.

So I was bustin' out laughin' most of the afternoon, and I even got a dose of the Blue Blaze! Did you know Liz Feldman won 4 daytime Emmy's? Yea that's right, for her writing on Ellen. I watched Ellen today, at the time it was on, not on DVR later.

I woke up at 9:15am children. I was on a mission to be clean for my permit photo, and I figured that sleeping 10 hours a day isn't really all that healthy for me. I ran up and down my stairs and danced in my living room and jumped over a chair like a bajillion times and almost stepped on my cats and then collapsed in my room. And it was all to the tune of Katy Perry, she gets me pumped (also currently listening to her, it's like a ritual now).

Oh and yea, I have my permit now, which would be exciting if I was 16 again, but I'm all old and lame, but I did however get a perfect on my written test. That's right, you wanna pass that written test you gotta watch television, sing Katy Perry and eat pretzels while you read that manual. Also I'm really good at memorizing random facts. I registered to vote too!! So know I can wear my Vote declare yourself tee shirt and not be frontin', yea boI (accentuate that 'i' makes it sound cooler, or at least sound cooler in your head unless you read this out loud like I do to proof it before I post it).

The sweats I got from Target are so comfortable, I could just wear them for the rest of my life. I changed into jeans to go to the BMV, I don't know why. I've become self-conscious about my appearance in public, I don't like it. I can't look a mess, ever, well except in my house. I had that problem at school too, I didn't really like going to the bathroom in the morning in my pajamas, I had to be fully dressed before I could be seen by the newly awakened Barbie's from the floor. Self-esteem was down, down, down. I seek approval from my peers, why would I do that? omg, I'm such a teen.

I get to go to a seminar tomorrow and learn new web site creating software. So I get to nerd out really hardcore. I also am getting my laptop taken care of tomorrow, some guy is gonna try and replace the fan for me. I've been using the desktop since Friday to post so I can get used to not having my baby with me.

I ate a lot of pretzels today.
Baby blue looks good on me.
I want to get my tattoo soon, but I don't know where to put it.
I need to read some more.


Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I just wanna use your love

I've just come off of another YouTube Katy Perry binge, omg, this obsession hurts in a good way.

Okay but today I don't think could've been any more boring if it tried. I spent 3 straight hours inputting information into the company's database. My fingertips were cold and my wrists hurt and so did my shoulders and I really needed to scream. My mum ditched me for a lunch meeting that's why I was stranded.

When I listen to Pandora, my KT Tunstall station, there are those occasional songs where I get this incredible urge to sing at the top of my lungs, and I can't even hum or anything 'cause it's so damn quiet in the office. So I got home today and sang Katy very loudly. I can't wait for her album to come out (JUNE 17th!!!) so I can listen to it all the time without having to search the internet for performances. The best quality mp3s are on her site but there are only 4 songs there, so yea.

Every time I looked down at the keyboard today I got distracted by my nails, I did mention they're bright green right? I had a turkey club from Steak 'N' Shake for lunch, it was so good, too much mayo though, and those french fries. Delicious. I love potatoes so I love my french fries to taste as potatoey as possible, that's why BK fries are my favorite fast food taters.

I spent 2 hours doing a profile for a character I'm going to role-play on one of my super nerd sites. That's right, I role-play, it's like writing a novel in a group but you're only in charge of a select few characters that way surprises just pop up and you can take advantage of them without having to think of them. Though I do admit, it is incredibly nerdy, it's nice to pretend to be somebody else for an hour or so a day. It's like getting lost in a book.

BMV tomorrow, my dad is taking me yet he never told me when he was coming to get me, so I'm waking up at like 9am so I can exercise and shower before he gets here mid-afternoon, that's my prediction. Hopefully I'll actually get my license before the summer is over because after the 60 mandatory waiting period after you get your permit I've got less than 3 weeks to git'r'done, and since procrastination seems to be a big theme in my interest in driving, there could be a potential problem there.

I totally rocked my skinny jeans today.
I really want it to storm.
Snickerdoodles are delicious.
Katy Perry <333


Monday, May 26, 2008


Ohh shopping how you fill me with joy!

I woke up to the smell of freshly baked snickerdoodles, what a morning! And it was actual morning, ie before noon, so I helped myself to cookies and watched some Monty Python on BBC1, I'm so happy I have satellite. After a tiny lunch we, my sister, mum and I, set off to the mall.

I was looking strictly for a new pair of jeans, but seriously what girl actually leaves with only what she came for? Yea, that's right, none of them. H&M provided nothing substantial for my interests. I got some incredibly outrageous colored tanks at Buckle (bright yellow and this kind of orangey-red color). I got myself a pair of fabutastic skinny jeans at the Gap, that's right kids, Emma bought skinny jeans. Now I am perfectly aware that my hips aren't made for them, but I wanted new jeans and these babies look pretty damn good on me, not gonna lie to you. Dark wash, which wasn't really what I intended to buy, but they are super so I don't much care.

A trip into American Eagle (gift card thank you very much) produced 2 scoop neck tees (bright purple and navy blue) and a "Vote declare yourself" tee shirt, but what's funny is that I've not yet registered, doing it on Wednesday though. Permit renewal on Wednesday because I didn't feel like studying tonight. So back to clothing: a stop in Forever 21 turned out a cute royal blue dress, again, that's right I bought a dress. I think shopping with my sister provided me with some fashion insight, I keep forgetting how fashion forward she's been lately. PARAMORE TEE SHIRT FROM HOT TOPIC!! I always stop in Hot Topic too look at band tees and I am so happy I went in this time, my old Paramore tee shrunk in the dryer, boo suck.

Before Hot Topic I made a quick pit stop in Journey's because I wanted new sneakers but I couldn't pick anything out so I left empty handed. My current black pair of Chuck Taylor's have a giant hole in the right heel so I was considering a new pair of those but I decided to wear the crap out of my current ones before I resort to a new pair. I'm thinking about another pair of solid-colored Vans slip-ons, maybe grey or brown, I don't know.

Came home and had a mini fashion show in my room with background music provided by none other than m'lady Katy Perry. Who I am again listening too, I've fallen in love with her song Lost it's got such great lyrics and Katy's voice hits so many different pitches, it's beautiful. But anyways then my dad says that he and my brother are going to see Indiana Jones, so of course I'm off after dinner.

The movie was a little better than I expected. Though I've got plenty to nitpick about. Bad dialogue, too much CGI, bad accents, Harrison Ford wasn't cute. Shia however was a cutie in his 50s garb, I've realized that I've really got a thing for people that dress really vintage, ie 20s-50s. The style is interesting and people tend to look just fantastic in the clothing. Anyways, the action was pure Indy, the corny jokes were pure Indy, but yea....

SPOILERSPOILERSPOILERSPOILERS don't read if you don't want to know!

Aliens and Indiana Jones?!? Seriously, I'm just gonna say this again. I've heard the whole El Dorado/Atlantis advancement connection with aliens but seriously why would someone introduce that into an Indiana Jones film. Indy has nothing to do with Roswell, nothing to do with alien technology, nothing to do with any of that shit. I mean maybe if they toned down the alien appearance then they'd have gotten a better rating from me, but it was horrible. I could see inside the skull, it was like tin foil and syran wrap stuffed in there. And that alien, he must've been at least 8 feet tall. And if it wasn't shocking enough, giant spaceship under the lost city, rips the whole fucker up and flies off while the waterfalls cover up the damage by creating a giant lake. Stupid. And I knew Mutt (Shia) was Indy's son the first preview I saw, it's just natural that that'd happen.


Apparently has like a 79% positive rating though, but whatever.

So tomorrow I'm back to work, ugh. I really do not like all this busy stuff I've got to do, none of it is exciting in the least. I get to finish inputting builders names and information into the company's database. I might even be able to start making 200 page builder's information binders which will be SO.MUCH.FUN.

I watched Liz Feldman (all hail the Blue Blaze!) vlog today and she just makes her guests so uncomfortable I love it. Though they're always in on the jokes. She even did a shoutout to It's my work savior, I love that site.

My hands are really warm right now.
My fan is noisy.
I have to wake up at 7:15am.
Monty Python <33
Blue Blaze <333


You're my experimental game

I seriously can't get over Katy Perry's voice, she's got this rumbly thing going on, those low notes always get me. I actually skimped on her today, I skimped on music in general today. Now that I think of it, since my laptop has been on the fritz my leisurely music listening time has decreased quite drastically, oh gaud, must fix!

I went on a field trip to Target and finally bought Across the Universe 'cause even though I have a copy on my hard drive it's just better with extras, no doubt about it my friends. Mmm Jimothy Sturgess. I also bought some incredibly bright green nail polish, some crop sweat pants and a purty summer dress. That's right, I bought a dress, for wearing. It's crazy, but I liked the pattern and it's long (which is rare fro me) so I decided to get it.

Today was pretty boring, my sunburn prevented me from doing anything vigorous ...

Us girls we are so magical
Soft skin, red lips, so kissable
Hard to resist, so touchable
Too good to deny it
Ain't no big deal, it's innocent

Sorry I got lost in a Katy Perry haze, that last word requires a high note that I'm not supposed to sing after the house has gone quiet. But anyways, aloe all day, so much fun! When I went to Target I had to put pants on and it hurt like the dickens once more. But while I was there, I forgot to add earlier, there was a strawberry's & creme frappuchino in order, huzzah for those delicious calories.

I watched part of Kalifornia again, Brad Pitt is so fucking scary in this movie. I watch On the Town with Gene Kelley and Frank Sinatra, oh Turner Classic Movies the joy you bring me. Frank is the star of the month but the last time I watched TCM Judy Garland (<333) was the star so it was her all the time. Such a good deal for me.

The new Bridget was funny like always. I keep forgetting that Gillian Anderson is a natural blonde, Dana Scully was so pretty as a red-head. X-Files movie end of July! Oh and apparently the new Indiana Jones is really shitty ...


My sister told me that there were aliens in it. The crystal skull was an alien skull. Seriously? I mean seriously, Indiana Jones and aliens. WHAT THE FUCK??? I was so looking forward to seeing this but now it just seems like it'll be really shitty, but I'm making my dad take me to see it anyways. I don't care.


So now while I listen to I Kissed a Girl on repeat I'm going to paint my nails bright green!

I heart 3 Muskateers bars.
Judy Garland <33
Bridget McManus <333
Region in less than two weeks, say what?


Saturday, May 24, 2008

You need SPF 45 just to stay alive!

I woke up this morning to an empty house and was very very confused. I practically fell out of bed and carefully made it down the stairs, realizing once I was down there that I hadn't put my glasses on, but that didn't really matter. Big ol' bowl of cheerios for breakfast and then my mum yells from downstairs "hurry up! garage sale and baseball game!" so I put semi-real clothes on (aka some long shorts, a tee shirt and flip flops) pull up my hair and run down the stairs. I run back up to grab my phone and some money and then we're off. I get some sunscreen for my face in the car and the garage sale turns out to be crap.

Baseball game for an hour and a half. My brother just entered the major leagues which I don't really understand 'cause he's only 10 but whatever. The other team was winning by 5 runs in the 7 minutes that we missed but we ended up beating them 18 to 7, apparently my brother's team is obnxiously good at stealing bases. Little cheaters. I avoided another farmer's tan but I didn't really think about my legs so the tops of my knees are currently the shade of a ripe strawberry and they burn like the dickens. See.....

My mum rented a powerwasher to clean off the deck because we're re-staining it tomorrow so for like 3 hours my sister and I took turns playing with the thing and spraying each other. It was cool, but my knees started hurting so I stopped and went inside to watch this movie called Kalifornia with Brad Pitt, David Duchovny and Juliette Lewis.

Btw, did you know there's a new X Files movie coming out the end of July? That's right, I'm excited!! (and my inner nerd surfaces, lol)

I told my mum about volunteering at Warped Tour and she volunteered to drive me there, so I'm gonna try and do that now. I want to make sure that I can see all the people I really want to see while I'm there. I don't know, I've got a while before I really need to submit my mini-application or whatever so I'll have to lurk around the forums for a bit.

My best buddy is leaving me, I'm kind of depressed. But we've already worked everything out, I think I'll be pretty good at a long distance relationship. She told me before dinner so I had steak to cheer me up but then I lost it in the shower then I watched Empire Records (I absolutely adore that movie) and then surfed the intarwebs. do it! Coincidently my lady, aka Katy Perry, graced the pages of their latest edition, so yay!

Now Kate is making me feel better after I cried again like 15 minutes ago. I think this teddy bear thing we worked out is going to prove to work very well.

Tomorrow I'm staining the deck and trying not to get a sunburn ... btw, my mum went to the grovery store and came back with a special present for me, wait for it ... wait for it

SPF 70, that's right kids, and SPF 55 too, but I think the 70 will prove more useful. To quote Katy: I "need SPF 45 to stay alive." I'm awesome, don't hate. Surprise! Look it's my baby!
Don't you just want to hug her to pieces I know I do, then she usually runs away, she's not a fan of smothering :].
My sunburn hurts.
I want some chocolate.
I still love Katy Perry <333
I need some water.

Friday, May 23, 2008

The taste of her cherry chapstick

My newest unhealthy obsession has decided it was her prerogative to fill my whole day with her sultry voice and gorgeous face. This Santa Barbera native is just sex on legs, and that voice, goodness. I told you about her last night in my fit of tears, that's right kids ...

KATY PERRY is the new love of my life, okay not seriously but I've become heavily addicted in the time span of less than 12 hours. I went to bed with her in my head and woke up with her still, good way to start off the day ... I mean afternoon.

I went to bed at 2am last night because I was a total wreck and the only way I could fix myself up was to stalk Katy's blog/vlog. My bestest buddy got me hooked on her latest single, I Kissed a Girl, it's so damn catchy I listened to it at least 50 times today. She's got a really unique voice, it's kind of jazzy, but it's still really pop-friendly. Katy herself is just a bundle of fabulous, she's got this 50s style thing going on and I've always had a weakness for anybody well-dressed so Katy is on the top o fmy list. She looks a bit, okay more than a bit, like Zooey Deschanel who will forever hold a place in my heart, so +infinity points for Katy!

I've watched every video imaginable of her on YouTube and been all over her site, she even turned me back to Perez which I'm sorry to say is kind of a vice for me, it's so raunchy I love it.

There's always this summer crisis for me on whether or not I should re-invent myself for the next school year. I kind of did the first year of college, I was a little more indie which was good but my style didn't really affect much of anything. Girls that make skinny jeans look fabulous have always gotten that drop-jaw effect from me so I'm trying to work out a way to look fab myself in a pair of those babies. My hips aren't really built for skinny jeans as my mum says but I'm a little less hippy than she is so there's no way to know for certain. I'm trying to lose weight, trying to gain more muscle, it's not seemed to show anything lately but I'm still trying to work on fixing up my diet. I'm thinking that if I do lose enough weight then there will be a definite style change for the better next year.

BTW I woke up quarter to 1pm today. It was great, I belted out some Katy (perfected those high notes baby) and ate a mini pizza, tasty tasty. Oh, yesterday at lunch I was supposed to go and get my driver's permit (again) but my mum had a meeting. So I was gonna go today but my dad was out of town. BMV, like I've said before, is not so friendly on the weekend so Monday it is. My mum did, however, pick me up a new book because apparently mine was old, yee-haw.

I've noticed that recently pop music has kind of scooted in through the back door of my musical listening and I think it's about time. Pop has really been kind of shitty as of late so I'm happy that there's been a pick up in quality.

I found this really hip 80s dress in my closet (it's my mum's) so I tried it on and seriously I looked fierce (tranny fierce maybe not). Maybe once I lose a bit of weight I'll amp up my 80s glam, it could happen, don't hate. I surely have the big hair for it kids.

So I learned last night that my lady is gonna be at WARPED TOUR!!!! Super excited yes I am, two guaranteed stops at tents, #1 is gonna be Katy, #2 is gonna be my buddy Andrew from Ludo. I saw Love Me Dead on Fuse today and I was happy. Shamelees plug check it out!! List of must-sees at Warped:
-Katy Perry
-Cobra Starship
-Charlotte Sometimes
-Angels and Airwaves

That's all I remember right now, but yea, I need to do some music research. I was on the Warped website today and the forums say they're looking for volunteers at local venues so I was like heck yes!! Then I realized that it might take away from my music viewing pleasure, but Warped is eco-friendly this year and they've got a solar stage and they're recycling and it's just fantastic. Problem is I don't have transportation so... dude I don't even have transportation to the concert in general. I haven't bought my ticket yet, I need to find a posse to tag on to. I've got a friend up north that wants to go and she might need a ride down and this is just rawr!!

If I get my permit on Monday then I have to wait 60 days before I can take my driver's test which is just before Warped so I could drive but it's on like a Thursday or something so no car there. Disaster waiting to happen.

Katy Perry <333
Ice cream sandwiches <33
Eddie Izzard <3
Rain x[ boo suck


Thursday, May 22, 2008

It's raining even though it's not

It's happened again, well it hasn't happened in quite some time, but it was brought on by an incident that stunned me on Tuesday. That's right, television got the better of me. Tonight was the two-hour season finale of Grey's Anatomy, and I've just finished unraveling in the orange dark of my room.

There is no more fuel for my tears and I don't feel like feeding the downpour so I'm dehydrating on purpose. But now they've come back and the screen is blurry and my glasses are speckled but I'm still going to write because I really, I just really need to vent. And I really need a hug.

Season finale of a drama show means just as the genre says, drama in an overdose. Drama means emotion and usually in the case of Grey's it's every level of sadness you could possibly imagine, but this time was the first time in a very long time that I cried because I was happy. There are connections from this show to my life that I really don't like finding but they just appear and wreck me to pieces as easily as you can knock down a tower of cards.

There are things that I don't ever talk about, things that I really need to talk about but feel every level of uncomfortable when it really matters. Like tonight when I should be talking about the explosion of feelings that just appeared out of nowhere, the anguish and the agony that felt like the chance to cross my bridge of tears was tonight. The fact that I am a complete mess on the inside, that I have issues that only a select one know about and I'm just happy that I've got her to lean on when I really need it.

I've got issues out the wazoo, things that I really need to deal with and when something even remotely connected appears suddenly in my life, ie Grey's, I just fall apart at seams I didn't even know that I had.

And now for actual discussion of the episode. The concrete boy was great, the neuro test was predictable and so were Meredith and Derek, though Meredith's mother realization was a great little twist in there. Erica and Callie were also predictable but what made me cry the most, but I really don't need to talk about that because I'll start crying again. Lexi and George were cute together and that kiss I thought would happen too. The only thing that I didn't predict was the Rebecca/Eva, Alex and Izzie thing, that was too emotional and Alex cried and I cried sad tears for him.

So I've gotten over myself now and my best buddy has introduced me to a fabulous new voice to fill the silence of my empty house. Katy Perry. Hopefully the rest of her music is good too.

I listened to KT Tunstall for at least 7 hours today, such a good day at work, even though work was boring as hell. I spent most of the day inputting information into the computer and my back hurt horribly at the end of the day.

And I'm crying again and I'm kind of hyperventilating and I really miss you Kace.


Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Hold on to what you've been given lately

David Cook won American Idol but I could care less.

I now have concrete affirmation in my love for KT Tunstall. Tonight was seriously the best night in the entire world, ever in the universe and is quite definitely the best concert I have been to. Kate is too adorable, I love her to bits....

Okay so the concert started at 7:30pm but the opening act was this cute little Irishman Patty Kacey and Fiona M'lady he called her, they were great. He was on guitar and she was on keyboard, he was sweet and sounded a bit like James Blunt and she's just got the loveliest voice, melodic and gentle, quite nice, his was a bit gruff but still good. They did 5 songs which lasted about a half hour with his little quips between. They re-organized the stage and got rid of a couple amps, pushed the set back a bit and then Kate came out and I was so. damn. excited.

She's got on her fantastic boots, I love those things to pieces they are just incredible, I've been lusting after them for quite some time. Kate is just so tiny, she's like 5'5" I think and compared to all the guys in her band she's a little munchkin. Her guitars are just as big as she is, I loved it. She played 17 songs, two were in the encore. I was afraid she'd play something from her Acoustic Extravaganza cd which I've only just recently come to listen to and am not an expert on it but she played the two songs that I loved the most so I knew them pretty well. She didn't however play my favorite song from her first cd, 'False Alarm', but everything that she did sing was absolutely fantastic.

When she sang 'Black Horse & The Cherry Tree' the single from Eye to the Telescope everyone got up and went to the front of the room and started dancing and shite. I was sitting fourth row so I had a great view for the the first half of the concert but then those retards went and ruined it so I could only see Kate well when I stood up but there were short people behind me (like usual) so me and my mum had to sit down when we wanted to stand. I actually really wanted to go stand up in the front but I didn't feel like having to battle with people to get a good space. Everybody was clapping and singing along and it was just awesome.

I think my favorite songs of the night were 'Beauty of Uncertainty,' 'Funnyman,' and 'Stoppin' the Love.' The last one was the last song she sang at the concert, second of two encore songs and it was great. She's got a special guitar that she uses for each type of song and for 'Black Horse' and 'Stoppin' she's got this old acoustic with stickers on it that's kind of worn up, she said "This is the part where my guitar is scared for it's life 'cause I beat the shit out of it." She's just so adorable when she curses, in one of her songs 'Ashes' from Acoustic Extravaganza she says fuck a couple times and I squeed on the inside 'cause she's so adorable.

My mum said something about how tiny she was and I was like "She's so adorable!!" Then my mum asked if she was a lesbian, which threw me off but we'd just previously been talking about how many lesbians were there. Seriously, they were everywhere, coupled up and linked at the arms and leaning against each other. It was cute but I've never seen so many vagitarians in my life, goodness. Btw, Kate isn't gay she's got a fiance (unfortunately), she got engaged the beginning of the year.

When she first ended I screamed my heart out because I was so damn excited and I loved her so much. I knew she was going to come out for an encore but it was like 3 or 4 minutes before she did and I was clapping and screaming intermittently and by the time she came back out I was hoarse and my hands were throbbing. I always look forward to a hoarse voice after concerts, tells me just how much I loved it, I kind wanted to lose my voice though but my mum told me to stop yelling so much 'cause I was hurting her ears and the woman next to me (lesbian) gave me a couple dirty looks 'cause I was out-screaming her. That's right, I rock. I just need to learn how to wolf-whistle then I can really get on people's nerves.

Oh I got this fantastic tour tee, it's green and has a wicked cute graphic of Kate on the front. If you have noticed I like calling her Kate, that's her real name, the KT is just a play off her last name, well the 'T' part is.

I got home and ate an ice cream sandwich and my voice sounds a little better. I was missing notes when I was singing in the car though. Those high notes were disagreeing with my voice box. During one of her songs, I can't remember which one, it's all a beautiful blur, one of her notes just kind of disappeared so she said that it came out in some bar in Tennessee.

Kate's Random Fact: Did you know that animals that lay eggs don't have bellybuttons?

Now you do, I love her to pieces. She had the cutest outfit on two, skinny jeans tucked into her boots, dirty silver studded belt and a black lace shirt with a black bra underneath. I was really looking forward to like meeting her for a signing or whatever but she didn't do one. And I was quite sad to find out that her sparkly silver electric guitar wasn't there, actually she didn't have any electric guitars, she had acoustics and that was it, but there was a cello there too, that was cool.

I have work tomorrow.
I love Kate!!!!! <33
Need me some awesome boots.
Going to "The Region" on June 6th -------- I'M SO EXCITED!!!!
KT Tunstall for the rest of the week, guaranteed.
Monday is Memorial Day.


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Dancing in the street

Being a bitch isn't that bad, it's waking up to do so that's the problem. I smacked my alarm and shoved my face under my pillows and ducked completely under my covers for an extra 10 minutes. No sleeping involved mind you, I was just cold. If I need to wake up early I have no problem with it, I'm not tired, I can be awake just like that *snap* which today kind of got on my brother's nerves, but I don't care.

My mum told me that the office building was ugly, so naturally I expected ugly but seriously this building is atrocious. It looks like your basic office park kinda building on the outside, long series of random businesses, drab color, right next to the highway, that wasn't so bad. But on the inside, everything is neutral, the paint is off white, the cubicals (visible straight from the door mind you) are gray and blech. It's the corporate offices, so there isn't the pretty appliance showroom like the other location my mum used to work at, and the storage warehouse is connected. Storage means drivers and drivers mean dirt so everything has a fantastic layer of dust. I had to dust off my desk as soon as I got there, it was gross.

My day was filled with mind-numbing tasks, like re-organizing cds and inputing contact information and redoing spreadsheets. Boring, boring, boring and that was actually all for my mum. Nobody else really has anything for me to do, the big hauncho, Bob, had me staple some stuff for him, very large pile of something mind you, but it was still boring. The company works with a lot of house builders so apparently the bulk of my work will be putting together copies of binders that the builders put together for their workers. Super fun!

The cubicle I occupy is across from Bob and my mum and next to the IT guy, his name is Aaron, he's very tall, kind of loud and his cubicle is a mess of wires and computer parts. He's cool.

I went about customizing my computer as best I could. New desktop background, downloaded Mozilla Firefox and AIM so I can talk to my mum when I'm at work and don't have to yell to her in her office. I learned how to use Microsoft Outlook and re-organized all my desktop icons.

I have rediscovered Pandora, it's an internet radio kind of site. You type in the name of an artists or band and it creates a radio stream of music from that person/group and people that sound like them. I was listening to my KT Tunstall channel all day!!

Watched the season finale of GG, it wasn't that great. I didn't think anything could top last week, too many emotions then. I felt bad for Serena, but nothing was so dramatic that it shocked me, the Blair/Chuck thing I didn't think would last ... and it didn't.

I love pretzels.
White grape juice is delicious.
My feet are still cold.
Why doesn't the paper of Battlestar Galactica have edges?

Ooooooh, the Blue Blaze is on my mind ... ilu Liz Feldman and of course your sexy blue blazer.


and 'cause I'm a giant retard ...
PS I talked to the most awesomest person in the whole entire world ever in the universe today, coincidentally she is from "The Region" don't know where that is? Means you're not cool, the end.


Monday, May 19, 2008

Our endless, numbered days

Is television really supposed to pry more emotion from me than my real life? Am I really that detached to reality and so devoted to fiction? I mean seriously.

Okay so yesterday my Internet connection exploded or something, no I'm being dramatic, it just kind of disappeared therefore a post was not established. Yesterday was great, I woke up late (like usual), ate pancakes and then hung out with a really great friend at the park for like two and a half hours. We "hiked" which in reality means we just walked the trails and made mild excursions away from the defined path to goof off. I really wanted to climb a tree but I couldn't find a good one, or at least once I realized I really wanted to climb a tree we'd passed all the really good ones.

It's weird now how easily I find myself babbling on when I talk to people. I mean I don't normally talk that much, or at least I didn't used to but a year of college spit out an Emma that can run her mouth if given the opportunity. I also find that I cut people off mid-sentence sometimes and usually want to kick myself in the face for it. I'm sorry I'm an ass, the end.

Season finale of Bones started me off with tears, I should've known better, can't kill off Booth, that would just be ridiculous. I got over that quickly, mostly because Brennan punched Booth in the face, that made me feel much better, I even laughed. The rest of the episode was really great, just how the whole season's underlying plot unfolded. I came up with initial hunches and they were completely wrong, I didn't throw everything together until like a minute before they actually revealed the truth. Zack? Really? I cried, I'm gonna miss him as a main character, 'cause I imagine being in a mental facility will mean he's not a series regular anymore. I don't think they'll be able to even create another character like Zack, he was just so adorable, and I felt so bad for him.

Then House. Jesus.

I was expecting to cry, I mean I never really liked Amber but it's just sad to know that Wilson is so upset and the fact that the character was developed and you got to know the softer side of her just made it easier to connect. Thirteen didn't say anything until 6 minutes into the whole episode and she was quiet most of the rest of the time, I couldn't really tell what was bugging her. Then, of course, House points it out, I tried to forget about the fact that she might have Huntington's because that means that she'll get progressively worse over the course of episodes. House tested her mid-season and I thought he might've looked at the test results even though he threw them in the trash. But she really does have Huntington's now so I'm kind of pissed off. This does mean, however, that she's going to have her own story line or something next season, you couldn't have left that episode without wanting to know what's happening with her. Maybe they'll actually delve into her life in general because we know a lot about Talb, but he's a boring philanderer and Kutner, well he doesn't actually seem all that interesting, though he's just adorable, I want to hug him often. Thirteen, I mean Remy, has much more potential for an interesting underlying plot. And Cuddy was holding House's hand, how cute, more story line there, guaranteed.

Okay and the end of the episode they ended everything with one of my favorite Iron & Wine songs "Passing Afternoon," so literally as soon as the song started I was already bawling my eyes out. Wilson lying in bed with Amber, that just tore me up, so after the episode ended I was crying still because I couldn't get the song out of my head then I went and played it on my mp3 player and cried some more. Now I'm listening to Iron & Wine still 'cause it makes me feel better. I'm going to have some interesting dreams, I really don't know if that's a good thing though.

I start work tomorrow. Which means I wake up at 7:15am, I don't know how I'm going to cope. Apparently I have my own computer at my own little desk. My mum has declared that I am going to, first and foremost, be her assistant just because I'm going to be in her office most of the time. "I thought I was going to be a temp, everybody can make me do their stuff" "Yeah but you'll be mine first" "But I'm still everybody's .... temp then" "Yeah" and that deliberate pause was to emphasize that fact that I almost called myself everybody's bitch in front of my mum, oops. I'm kind of excited, but I would love to just be lazy and write all day tomorrow or something, I don't know.

KT Tunstall is on Wednesday.
There is no candy in my house.
I want some Sunny Delicious.
I love Iron & Wine.
Waking up early is for losers .. with jobs.
My hair is going to be beautiful tomorrow morning, oh yes.


Saturday, May 17, 2008

La la la

I woke up early to study my driver's test book a little more before I had to go and take the test to get my permit (again) this morning. So I smack my alarm, hobble downstairs (my hair was lookin' fab-u-lous btw) and my mom looks really confused to see me awake. I get half way down the stairs and ask if we're still going to the BMV and she decides that it'd be too busy so we're going later this week. Then I trudge up the stairs and collapse in my bed and sleep with a pillow over my head for 3 more hours (that's 'til noon 30 kids).

My dad decided today that he wants me to plan the trip to Yellowstone, so I'm kinda stressed. I don't really know exactly what I want to do while I'm there. He says he's got a lot of stuff for me to look at but I've got a month or so to get this thing done. Two days to get up, spend 5 or 6 days there then two days back, probably leave right after the 4th of July. I'll have to find a campground, look for some good hiking trails, some lakeside beaches, idk. Gas is so expensive in the west too and we'll be driving, I think we'll get a rental car, but that's up to my dad.

I spent my whole day watching re-runs of season 3 of So You Think You Can Dance. I love this show!! I got addicted last summer. My favorite dancers were Hok, Jaimie and Lacey. And I forgot how tall Cat Deely was, she's like 6'4" with heels, it's crazy. I wish I had dancing skills, I've always really liked contemporary dance, it's beautiful. And hip-hop is just amazing, I think I'd just die if a met a b boy or a b girl, they're just fantastic.

Preakness was tonight, Big Brown won, he actually might hook the Triple Crown which is pretty awesome. But the race wasn't that exciting. My dad kept reminding me that I owe him $4 from the Derby, boo suck. While we were chillin' waiting for the race my brother brought out the giant box of Legos he got from a yard sale today and we played with all the Harry Potter characters. They were from the first movie so they had a Cerberus (three-headed dog) and I made him eat Harry and Ron while Hermoine was blinged out on his back with a gold flying key and her pimp silver wand. I'm so awesome.

Oh, I don't even know how I forgot to mention this yesterday because it made me really happy. Ellen DeGeneres is getting married!! The state of California overturned the ban on gay marriage so soon it may be the only other state besides Massachusetts that allows gay marriage. I've always been a supporter of the LGBT community so it's great to know California (the home of all things LGBT) is finally gaining some more leverage. And for people who didn't know LGBT stands for Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transexual, easy enough to remember, people usually forget the T though.

The pains that rattle my muscles, good gracious, that's what I get for not stretching yesterday. The tops of my thighs yell at me every time I stand up which just makes me feel more out of shape, so much fun. I've been a bum all day hoping it'll go away for tomorrow.

I'm not going into work on Monday 'cause my mum wants to set up a work station or something for me so I'm not completely lost when I go in. What's really cool is that I'm allowed to dress pretty casual (aka jeans) and that means I need to go and get another pair 'cause I'm low on not-holey pairs.

I love SNL.
My feet are really cold.
I hate great chicken wings for dinner.
I hope it's nice out tomorrow.
Technically it's 3 days 'til KT Tunstall!!


... ps love ya Kace!

Friday, May 16, 2008

I'm begging you for mercy

There's a giant as hell blister on the back of my right foot and it's murdering me slowly. So much for actually jogging, I have no endurance, breathing is strained and my lungs were on fire. I am too out of shape.

Pessimism over .. know why, because I saw the new Narnia tonight!!!

I was looking forward to this movie for months, okay well years since I couldn't wait for the next movie after the first one. There was action wall to wall the whole movie so my eyes were glued to the screen the whole time. I just love everything about Narnia, the characters, the dialog, the costumes, the creatures, the scenery, it's just too amazing. It's movies like this that leave me dreaming for weeks upon end. The soundtrack is simply amazing and Regina Spektor was the closing credits song so I just about imploded in my seat.

The cast has grown so much and they are just incredibly gorgeous. William and Anna are simply fantastic, seems I've fallen head over heels for those pretty blue eyes once again (yes coincidently these two lovelies both have dazzling blue eyes). William is just as handsome as can be and Anna is breathtaking, the last dress she wore in the movie was beautiful. As High King Peter William was at his best during his fight scene with Miraz and as High Queen Susan Anna was at her best facing the Telmarian cavalry alone in the woods. I just cannot get over how fantastic this movie was. Hopefully I'll have some Narnia-infused dreams tonight.

I'm getting my permit (again) tomorrow, I'm sure to have lots of fun waiting in the BMV office for hours.

I got a job!!! I'm pretty much a temp at my mum's work, 3 days a week $8 an hour which is great. My dad also wants me to help him with his web site this summer as well, so there might be some extra cash flow in there as well.

Currently it's still 5 days 'til KT Tunstall, I cannot wait!!
WMC was cancelled, I'm quite upset.
I miss my friends.

Oh new music, Duffy, The Bird and the Bee and Charlotte Sometimes. Fantastic stuff.


Thursday, May 15, 2008

If only you could see me now

Loud singing always makes me happy, well at least moderately loud singing. My brother has conferences the rest of the week (aka just tomorrow) so he came home early and my now daily ritual of singing too loudly in the shower has had its volume turned down. But KT Tunstall is kind of hard to sing incredibly loud ... jeez I love her voice .. and her. Five days!!

There's a chance I might get into see her for a private concert before her big, which is blowing my mind. A local radio station is having a contest: Come up with green ideas for the community, home life, work life what have you, send it in and you can win! My mum e-mailed me, I don't know how I'd be able to handle that much Katie, she's just so fantastic. I think she might've been one of my first musician crushes, ooo sharing time ... no thank you.

I acquired the rest of the current episodes of Women's Murder Club today, Pancake I still love you to pieces. "Please don't give me the laser vision, it makes me nervous," oh hugs for you Cindy Lou.

Chinese for dinner!!! I ate healthy all day then my dad comes over "You girls want me to get you chinese for dinner?" Seriously was that a real question? I didn't eat as much as I wanted to, I'm trying to teach myself to eat smaller portions, but y'know chinese just doesn't really work that way.

Grey's was fantastic. It left me fluttery, and if you know me you probably know why. But George was soooooo adorable with Tuck, he's such a cute little baby. I felt bad for Lexie, Meredith is really a bitch and I seriously wanted to punch Cristina in the face. Eric Dane needs to stop being so handsome but Sloan needs to stop being such a horndog. I really cannot wait for next week's two-hour season finale.

Lost made me cry at the beginning. I felt so bad for Sayid, Kate and Sun. Sayid and Kate didn't have anybody to go back to and Sun didn't have Jin. The rest of the episode, I don't know, I mean it was good because it's Lost, but I just wasn't paying attention. The bomb thing at the end, wow, that's a twist. And the Orchid station or whatever, I really don't know what that's all about but it's going to prove to be great plot for the next episode. Claire's mom at Jack's dad's funeral, oh dear. As soon as I heard that accent I said, "oh shit Claire's mom"; and Jack couldn't say anything to keep his story straight, he looked like he was about to cry. Two weeks 'til that finale, it will be excellent.

Office season finale on DVR is a must for tomorrow.
More Women's Murder Club now.
I need to start waking up earlier.
I sent in another job application.
Library trip this weekend maybe.
Getting my permit (again) on Saturday ... hopefully.
My feet are cold.

KT Tunstall in 5 days.


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Meow see...

Worked myself to the quick today. It rained again so I didn't feel like running outside. Inside again and man did I work 'til it burned. Elliptical for a mile then some serious leg work on this machine my mum has, idk what it's called but I did 100 diagonal squats with some serious tension. I got up off the machine, straight collapsed on the ground. I was lying like I'd fallen off a building, sprawled out with limbs haphazardly strewn this way, that way and even that other way. Breathing heavy, had to take a break but one of my cats just comes over and starts yelling (aka meowing incredibly loudly) at me to get up and let him outside. He's such a pest, so I hobbled my way to the back door and then collapsed in the living room again. Tops of my thighs hurt so much, but it's a good burn.

I finally got out of the house. Target isn't much of an excursion but I don't really care, it counts in my book. I bought boxers, I'm so awesome. Knit and super comfortable, my new sleep wear, and some new shorts too. Also I healthied (ah new verb!) up my lunch choices, because I was stuck with shitty homemade cheese quesadilla again today.

Speaking of boxers ... Lindsay Boxer how I love you. I've been re-watching me some Women's Murder Club 'cause I love those girls dearly. Pancake is still my favorite, no doubt about it. I'm thinking that I'll end up getting the James Patterson books from the library and reading up this summer. I'm not usually too keen on mystery but murder mystery is always a good start and since I can put faces with the characters the plots will definitely be able to keep my interest, well at least hopefully they will.

I think maybe I'll go to the movies this weekend, hopefully with somebody other than a family member, that would be nice. No guarantees because since all the cool kids I know are cool enough to have jobs it seems like they'll never have any free time. Narnia is out, I still want to see Baby Mama ... idk.

Syesha got kicked off Idol, so it's David vs. David as predicted at the top 10.

I hope it doesn't rain tomorrow.
My breath is minty fresh. xD
I love Pancake.
I love my kitties.
Sleep is good.
KT Tunstall in 6 days.


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I am me, the universe and you

Mowing the lawn is much harder than I remember, especially since mine has a delightful downslope to it. The lawnmower made my hands vibrate like crazy, they were shaking hard enough for it to hurt after only a minute or two which, of course, was just fantastic. It was a nice day and it's supposed to rain tomorrow so good thing I did it today ... I mean good thing my mum told me to do it today. :]

I spent most of the day on the Internet because I am just that fabulous. Most of that time was on, good site, don't discriminate it's not nice. I watched the newest Brunch with Bridget (ilu Bridget McManus <3) and Liz Feldman's new vlog (still want a blazer bra!). Those women, I mean seriously, funny as hell. I love them to pieces they make me laugh so damn hard.

I vacuumed and scared the cats. I reorganized some of my music. I did my laundry (finally), and I even managed to watch like 4 episodes of Stargate SG-1 and Women's Murder Club.

Great episode. I saw my little Pancake (<33 ilu Cindy Lou) and Lindsay finally caught the Kiss-Me-Not killer. Well caught isn't the best word more like gets-strangled-by-then-shoots-three-times-in-the-chest-and-kills-him, but whatever. And her daddy got shot and I cried ... television needs to stop making me cry.

My mom thinks I'm going to end up temping in the local business park which sounds like so so so much fun. Filing papers, copying papers, handing out papers, hopefully recycling papers.

I watched last night's episode of Gossip Girl too. Dear Lord, I was crying for Serena, poor baby her life is so messed up I'm just happy she's got Blair to fall back on (and Chuck and Nate too). I love to hate Georgina, it's just too much fun. Dan has been getting on my nerves for the longest time so even though he makes Serena happy I kind of like that he's veering away from her. And seriously, Blake Lively (Serena) is too pretty, kind of hurts to look at her sometimes, but I just can't help it.

Rain is predicted for tomorrow.
I want some chocolate.
It's kind of cold in my room.
My glasses need cleaning.
I love Aubrey Dollar.
I love Blake Lively.
KT Tunstall in 7 days.


Monday, May 12, 2008

Shoot the moon and miss completely

I found God in a catalytic converter in Topeka on a Monday night ... I've had that line stuck in my head since Saturday, yargh! Good song though, I still love Andrew <33

Yesterday was Mother's Day, love you mom! (but that would be weird if she read this so...) I went to a decorator's showcase house or whatever it's called. Basically, incredibly rich people give up their houses for a couple months and different designers come in a redo their own room in the house then people go through and vote on their favorite ones. It's interesting to walk through and the house was gorgeous, but I wasn't a fan of a lot of the rooms, the decor was fun to look at though. I've always been a fan of a beautifully decorated room so it was a plus for the day, it was rainy so nothing else really happened.

Wait, I ran two miles last night. Ran, not so much, ellipticals are not good for running, but whatever, and I did another two just before lunch today. Productivity was at a minimal because it was kind of chilly outside. I caught up on Gossip Girl even though I missed tonight's episode.

Okay, OMG, Bones was fantastic. Eric Millegan who plays Zack was in a theater version of Harold and Maud when he was a little younger so I knew he could sing, but man can he sing, he's just fantastic. And Emily Deschanel (Temperance Brennan aka Bones) belted out some Cyndi Lauper, she's good too but not as good as her sister. Then, then of all things that I wasn't expecting, Seeley takes a bullet for Brennan and I just bawled my eyes out. I was crying until House came on then I gathered my composure and watched diligently.

What a fantastic episode, seriously. And Cuddy, well dear lord I knew Lisa Edelstein was svelt but man. And I got caught up in my emotions during the bus crash scene with House and Amber. I kind of liked her as Cutthroat Bitch, but she's grown on me as Wilson's girlfriend and just to see anybody in that kind of situation well it just had me on the edge of my seat with my heart in my throat. My pulse was actually heightened thanks to that scene and it would go back down until I started listening to some Norah Jones. Calms the nerves, soothes the soul, such a pretty voice.

And speaking of, I'm not trying to be self-obsessed or anything but I think that my singing is getting better. I listen to Sara Bareilles in the shower because I just love singing to her so much and since there are pretty decent acoustics in the room I can hear myself singing, I sound pretty damn good, or at least better than I remember. Wow, that all sounded really self-absorbed, I'm so awesome, but I've come to love my voice and I don't care who knows it. Suck it bitches.

I love Remy Hadley.
I hope it doesn't rain tomorrow.
Still need to do my laundry.
I like staring at my ceiling for unaccountable hours of time.
The Ellen DeGeneres Show is simply fantastic.
KT Tunstall in 8 days!!!


Sunday, May 11, 2008

Love Me Dead

Holy frak kids!

I went to my sister's lacrosse game and watched her lose very very badly. It was sectionals, so they did pretty good for the season in general and the other team was pretty good but my sister was still really upset. So while she was sulking my mum and I went to Pole Day at the race track, race cars!

We were up in one of the suites because my mum got the tickets free from one of the radio station representatives that she works. Up high, closer to the sun, high above the track, it was pretty damn boring. Sunburn and minor headache resulted, but, my friends, FREE CONCERT FTW!!!

We went down to check out what kind of stuff they had at the center of the track and what do I see? Heck yes, listing for a free concert by Ludo followed by Yellowcard, what what?

So I'd just found Ludo last week while I was watching Fuse TV and seriously they are fantastic. Their lyrics and Andrew's (the lead vocals) voice makes me think a bit of The Aquabats and they are so incredibly energetic in concert. Andrew makes really funny faces and their keyboardist,Tim, is just jumping around stage the whole entire time. I met with Andrew afterwards and he's just the sweetest guy, I got my picture taken with him and told him I'd definitely stop by his tent when they come back for Warped Tour at the end of the summer. Can't wait!

Yellowcard did an acoustic set which was really great. Sean, the violinist, is excellent and Ryan (vocals) sounds just the same as he does on the cd, maybe even a little better. They kept getting distracted by the cars as they drove by because it's so damn loud but it was a great set.

There was a completely plastered blonde in front of me and my mum during Yellowcard, it was so damn hilarious. She kept screaming and jumping around, then there was also the randomly smacking her brother's ass and making out with her boyfriend. Oh, and she opened the flood gates after the second song so she left two more times after that to pee and made quite a scene pushing through people. There was also a very annoying guy behind me who kept singing obnoxiously loud, and of course he had a horrible voice.

Came back home and listened to Ludo online for a bit and then watched Cloverfield with my family and had dinner. All in all, incredible day.

My sunburn hurts.
I wish I had a strawberry milkshake.
Tomorrow is Mother's Day.
It was a little windy out today.
Andrew (Ludo) is kind of short.
It's dark out.


Friday, May 9, 2008


Rain makes me sleepy and I really don't like it. I slept an extra hour later than planned because I looked out the window and it was raining, still. Rain outside means exercise inside, two miles on the elliptical.

I read some of my book again today, The Year's Best Science Fiction 18th Annual Collection. Short stories are best for during the school year but I still find the stories interesting. It all gets my mind a-tickin' and a-buzzin'.

I finished my friend's birthday present, I wish there was a little more to it, but I think she'll like it.

My mum got an autographed Dierks Bentley cd today (apparently he's really hot and skinny in person).

My day was more suck than ever. Nothing exciting whatsoever.

It was cold out today.
Word searches are easy time wasters.
Vanilla ice cream is delicious.
I still love zombie movies.
I love singing to Sara Bareilles.
I need a Paramore poster.


Thursday, May 8, 2008

May flowers, I think not

I was expecting rain but I was trying to be optimistic, or at least I tried when I was going to bed last night. But my optimism hasn't yet proven to control any type of earthly force so I awoke at 9:45am to the incessant beeping of my alarm and a constant and unrelenting rain. As consequence I slapped at the clock to turn off the alarm and slept in until 12:30pm. I win at lazy days.

Except I felt bad waking up that late so I ended up exercising inside for a bit, showering and then wasting away my day in front of the television. CSI: Miami, Crossing Jordan, The X Files, Stargate: Atlantis and Stargate: SG-1 ... it's like my daily ritual or something. I've memorized when they're on.

I even forwent Grey's and Lost for back to back Resident Evils, oh yes, zombies top all. Besides, the mighty Internet can let me watch them tomorrow.

I went to bed last night feeling a little guilty about not posting yesterday, how much of a nerd am I? Apparently most businesses now do job applications over the same mighty Internet. That's all the wisdom I've rummaged from yesterday's goings-on. No, wait, one more thing: I love Bellacino's turkey grinders with the passion of a thousand lovers (I was going to say burning suns but that really didn't make any sense).

Wait again, my dad and I watched part of Rent together yesterday. I watched the whole thing he left early, he was getting mighty uncomfortable with all the gay lovin' I think. My papa is a pretty rightest kind of guy, the only thing leftist about him at all is that he's in full support of alternative energy (yay!).

For some reason I feel like writing something, anything. I'm listening to my "I wish I had somebody" playlist 'cause it's late and I feel a little emo, it happens, shut up.

I love Rachael Yamagata's voice.
I want a large sandwich and a strawberry smoothie.
I don't like when my cats get wet and rub on me.
I need to do my laundry.
Mother's day is on Sunday.
It's kind of hot in my room.
I still think Milla Jovovich is too pretty.



Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Such a pretty voice

I was productive again today, well I exercised at least. The rest of the day was major lounging around and catching up on my lack of sci-fi during the year (Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis ftw).

I also, quite fortunately, remembered to finally download the new M. Ward and Zooey Deschanel album, She & Him Volume One. Now seriously, Zooey has one of the prettiest voices I have ever had the chance of hearing (and of course the girl herself is just gorgeous). It's '20s style, real jazzy maybe even early country if you listen close enough. It's bluesy enough to make you dream and it's a real surprise coming from such a little lady like Zooey. I always have a really hard time getting You Really Got A Hold On Me out of my head whenever I hear it and I'm going to bed with this sultry voice as my lullaby.

Buzznet provided me with some Hayley scoping, of which I've not done in quite some time. I saw that cutie on The Sauce on Monday and she's just so adorable it hurts.

My computer crashed when I was going to watch some House before bed (Thirteen craving) so I resorted to the other Deschanel sister. I was so delighted to figure out that Emily and Zooey were sisters, I mean it's very apparent now but before it didn't really occur to me. An episode of Bones with commentary was what ended my visual stimulus for the night and Zooey's lulling me to sleep as I type.

No jobs today, scheduling conflict, tomorrow morning is go.


Monday, May 5, 2008

Exercise does a body good

So I woke up before noon and exercised.

That's right I was productive, it's amazing. I biked 3.5 miles bitches, I was so damn tired when I got back to my house. There's a park around the corner where I bike the track they've got, I'd go somewhere a little prettier but I like to know how long I'm going for, maybe if I get the urge I'll make a new route for myself somewhere, but I really don't know.

After a cold shower, so good, I collapsed in my chair and chilled with a steak quesadilla, delicious, I made it, I rock (oooh run-on sentence). Television, computer file organizing and emptying the dishwasher lead me to the completion of Guitar Hero II on medium. Freebird was my finale, I irl lol'd (how you like that chatspeak homies).

Apparently I'm going to apply for some jobs tomorrow, exciting I know. Let's see, Books-A-Million, PetSmart or Michaels, those are my choices. I refuse to work in the food service industry, I don't like working with food, or at least other people's food, can't take the pressure. Books is my first choice because I think I'd prolly go nuts if I got a job there, I would be devoted to no end. I love books, the end.

I jumped on the trampoline with my cat today.
My brother got hit in the face with a baseball.
My laptop burnt my lap.
I still love SIRIUS radio.
My room looked exceptionally orange this morning.
Seely Booth is too sexy.
I love Remy Hadley.
Cake frosting is only good in small doses.


Sunday, May 4, 2008

I am an Oompa Loompa of science

Fear me.

So I've just finished watching what's already been established as the first season of The Big Bang Theory, i.e. all 14 episodes. Don't worry they're only like 20 minutes each so that's like 3 hours or so of my day, whatever.

I woke up at noon again and was informed of brownies and a field trip!! En route to said field trip, nothing exciting, Wal-Mart boo, there was mention of a car wash. Last time I went through a car wash in the car was let's say maybe 5 years ago, so I said heck yes of course. I out-loud wished for my camera in the car so my mom said we'd do it again, but that was blatant sarcasm ... or was it??

I came home and glued to face to the computer (BB) then went for a trampoline excursion. Now seriously I remember it being a work out but dear lord my legs were tired after less than 10 minutes. It's a hardy bounce mind you, the springs are worse for wear and there's a little less bounce than I remembered but it's been a couple months. Bouncing along, bounce-sit-down-bounce-somersault, not a good idea. Disorientation left me lying on my back staring at the sun, oh yes, not a repeat performance. Total lie, I'll do it again tomorrow or something.

Internet surfing led me to my newly acquired Sunday viewing, Brunch with Bridget, on Bridget McManus is adorable, she has the attention span of a two year old ... which means she acts just like me! Then I watched a new web series called Imaginary Bitches, which is about this twenty-something girl who has to invent imaginary friends because her real ones are all shacked up and not up to chatting and hanging out or whatever, but the twist is (because apparently being crazy isn't twist enough) is that all her imaginary friends are total bitches. Yea, I know, sounds kind of lame but it was actually kind of funny, new episode each Friday I think so I'll try and check out a couple more webisodes before throwing it away completely. (btw

Ribs for dinner, serious Guitar Hero II afterwards. My fingers hurt, I suck at Psychobilly Freakout and Trogdor (medium mind you, I lack in skillz). More computer face time and well, yea, my night is to end with another movie I think.

Last night I watched Ultraviolet (tech craving satisfied thank you) and I keep forgetting how pretty Milla Jovovich is. I'm just upset I can't watch all Resident Evils now, I forgot to download them, I suck. Tonight I don't really know what I'm going to watch, I kind of want to wake up at a decent hour tomorrow and start biking but there is no guarantee.

I don't think anybody is reading this yay!


Saturday, May 3, 2008

Know what I do in the shower

So as I was getting my techno-groove on in the shower, I had an epiphany.

I know it's common for men to do a lot of thinking in the bathroom, yes that's gross, but unfortunately it's true. I tend to follow the same path, well not the exact same path, that's still gross. My serious thought takes place in the shower and that, my dears, is where this incredible blog sprouted: under scalding water, mid-robot with suds in my hair, heck yes, I rule!

Finishing my freshman year of college has made me do some serious self-evaluation and I'm not so keen on what I'm looking at, in more than a couple ways. And of course, the fact that I've had to leave all of my recently adopted college family has me pretty much a wreck. I MISS YOU GIRLS TOO MUCH!!! (as indicated by the caps and triple exclamation point ending)

I have decided that it would be best for me to catalog my summer with an incredibly retarded and likely fantastically stalker-friendly blog, I'm a genius. Besides updates on me I'll showcase recent obsessions and well, whatever the hell I want. Hopefully people will actually read this, well at least people I know, creepers no thank you!

So now I'll start off with a summation of today's events, quite productive if I might say so myself.

Noon - finally got out of bed, I am so awesome.
Noon 01 - Cocoa Krispies
Noon 05 - that one time when my mom got back - Guitar Hero, medium rocks hard, yes it does.
That one time - 6:30pm - what what KENTUCKY DERBY ... I didn't win any money, boo suck.
7:00 - 9:20pm - Iron Man, ftw. **
Then shower and this nonsense, hah.

** Okay so I had pretty high expectations going into this movie and I am happy to say that it was incredible. Perked up my techy instincts and now I'm jonesing for more tech movies, which is what I'll end up watching once this post has played out. And seriously, summer movies are going to burn through my money so fast: Prince Caspian, Indiana Jones, The Happening okay that's all I remember but there are definitely more, no doubt.

And now comes the end of my post, I think I'll try and post at least once a day, but there is no guarantee considering that my piece of shit fuck crap laptop has decided to kick up the suck factor since I've been home. Seven, count that 7, no notice shutdowns since I've been home, overheating is a bitch I tell you!
