Sunday, August 3, 2008

I'm becoming a book collector

Nearly 18 days 'til I'm back at school. I'm starting to become terribly impatient.

Friday I slept in until almost 1pm. It was amazing. My sunburn ached and my ears were still ringing but I felt incredibly refreshed. The Internet held me captive until near 6:30pm when Girl's Night kicked into gear. We (ie me and four friends) went to a aint your own pottery place and proceeded to ... well paint our own pottery. I painted a mug but I didn't have much of an idea of what to paint when I got there so I just picked some pretty colors and did whatever, and wrote my name too. We ate a very late dinner at Appleby's and I had Three Cheese Chicken Penne, soooo GOOD.

When I got home (around 11) I wasn't all that tired. The Internet took me captive again, doing what I really can't remember, until 2am when I settled into my book. I finished it by 3:10am and pretty much just straight konked out as soon as the lights were out.

Woke up Saturday morning at 11 and went to the new Goodwill outlet. It's basically just bins of stuff you shift through. I bought 4 books, 3 were 25cents and the fourth was 50cents. I'm awesome.

The Robber Bride by Margaret Atwood
Girl With A Pearl Earing by Tracy Chevalier
The Virgin Blue by Tracy Chevalier
The Raw Shark Texts by Steven Hall

I <3 books.

Went to Target and I bought a new button down grey shirt (amazing) then went to Office Depot to get school supplies for everybody. When I got home I was in an organizing mood so I got all my school supplies collected up and they're now sitting in a box and a container next to my desk. At 7:10pm a friend came and picked me up and we went to see the new Mummy movie and let me tell you, piece of crap.

It was corny as hell, there was too much CGI, Rachel Weisz wasn't in it. That last one was what really got me. There was some pretty good action and Brendan Fraser is pretty funny but they didn't have the real Evey so I was like feck that shat betch. We got some ice cream at Coldstone (french vanilla and heath pieces <33) and just talked about a lot of stuff. One of the girl's I went with used to live in Indiana but moved to Arizona and then her family moved back to Indiana but she goes to college in Arizona (yea) so she talked about school there. They have an tunnel system under their campus and they go spelunking on the weekends. I wish I had something that cool to do on my campus.

Today I slept in until 12:30pm, I have no reason why. Nobody really bothered to wake me up. Internets, House MD and more Internets. I went fishing in the local park and was the first and only one in the family to catch a fish. A cute little bluegill, don't worry we let him go. It was hot as balls out so we left after an hour and came home to eat dinner. I watched another episode of House MD and finally put my Warped Tour pictures on Facebook. Oh oh oh, I re-watched the whole first season of BJ Fletcher Private Eye, I really need a "Lock and Load" tee shirt. I also watched the new Brunch with Bridget and laughed so hard because Cathy Shim was on!! I <3 her ... she got Bridget half-naked ... mind you the naked was behind a Chinese fan but still.

Over the past three days I listened to TAT's EP 23 times. It's only 16 minutes long but seriously, that's kind of bad even for me considering it's only 5 songs, so now I'm on shuffle. It's been pretty kind so far.

Tomorrow I have to leave the house by 8am so my mom and I can leave early, for what reason I have no idea. Three more days of work <33.

Tatiana DeMaria, I still <3 you.
Coldplay is freakin' awesome.
I have lots of books.


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