Thursday, August 14, 2008

Waiting on the next best thing

I came back particularly exhausted last night so I opted to skip out on my blog entry as today would provide me with enough energy to actually complete a full sentence.

So I woke up around 11am ... well actually at exactly 11am because that's what time my alarm was set to start screaming at me. I had leftovers for lunch and pretty much just lounged around my room until 3:45pm when I was picked up for an evening at the State Fair.

A quick bite of pasta salad (Italian vinaigrette, the good stuff) and some coffee cake followed quickly after the entrance to another friend's house. A phone call from a once-roommate produced the raging, door slamming, curse word slinging alter-ego of said friend. Ranting and a peculiar and awkward phone call to the new and Korean roommate cleared up some trouble but brought up some more. Bad at phone calls, good at texting. :]

So the fair grounds ... we (all 6 of us, 4girls&2boys) wander around the fair for a while checking out all the farm-related stuff first. Old-timey whatever, lots of tractors and equipment and even more pictures. I bought too much penny candy and ate it all: 25 pieces for 25cents. Played mini-golf (for free) and I jumped around a lot because of the sugar (I also sucked really hard and came in last place, yes!).

Dinner of pizza and Mountain Dew yielded to a quick stop into the 4H building to check out all the projects and gawk at bugs we didn't know and didn't want to know could be found in surrounding counties. We played in a patch of corn outside the building which resulted in screamings of "Oh my gosh look at that bug!" "It's huge!" "Gross" and then of course running out of the corn.

More pictures along the way of course.

We took a mini-quiz and won a plastic Purdue cup. Saw a giant cheese carving .. 1 lb of cheese means 10lbs of milk, yea that's right, I learned things. Then somebody lost her cell phone so we did the frantic search ... it was in the corn. Phone searching made me late to get to the Dairy Barn so I couldn't get an effin' milkshake. Lemme just tell you I was about to kill a bitch. I went to the horse barn with previously raging friend and got to pet a couple horses but most of the aisles were shut off for the night so I was even more angry. Then the bunny barn was closed so I was even more angry. But then we met up with some guy friends and watched them lose at games at the Midway and argue with all the carnies. Quite funny. I also ate more than 2/3 of a funnel cake by myself, such a bad idea.

I pulled a muscle in my hip and limped all the way back to car. I was in agony, and I had to walked down and up stairs. But sitting in the car made me feel better so by the time I got home I was feeling pretty good. Then I just konked out.

Woke up around 11:30am this morning and went for my 4mile bike ride. I managed to get back before a storm I didn't know was coming until 10 minutes after my shower it was pouring and there was plenty of lightning to go around. I watched an episode or two of House, then got online and finally posted my intro post for the rp I've been working up to for forever. The post was two pages in Word .. I got a little carried away but I'm happy I'll now have something to write about on a constant basis.

I got bored and skimmed through the five episodes of GG that I have ... I looked at all the Serena&Blair moments because I heart them together. BFFs 4ever fer srs.

Oh Oh Oh ... I got my mom to go and buy tickets for her, my sister and me for Sara Bareilles on November 1st so I'm super excited. I'm going to go through and try and clean my closet or something tomorrow, maybe start sorting things out. I'm going to go shopping to stock up on stuff this weekend with my mom so I want to start getting everything ready.

Tomorrow is Friday.
I still heart The Veronicas.
Chocolate ice cream is delicious.


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