Monday, August 11, 2008

Shooting stars hey hey!

A phone call at exactly 10:49am (one minute before my alarm was to go off) I received a phone call informing me that I was to be picked up at 15 after for an afternoon with my ladies. Twenty-five minutes turned into nearly forty-five as my ride forgot her wallet in our friends' car, she is ever so clever. We pick up the wallet, another friend and switch cars then we're off to the mall!

I bought a pair of brown knit slacks from Fossil (<33333333), a scarf from H&M and tube socks from Wet Seal just because I could. I split bourbon chicken with a friend for lunch that was more of a linner since it was at 3:30pm. We separate for dinner and conjoin once more around 6:45pm for another POOL PARTY!!!! Swimming for roughly an hour and three quarters then we all bumble on back home. Showering, episodes of House, book reading and too much thinking in my brain parts gets me to bed around 2am.

Today I wake up at 9:03am, 11:21am and then officially at 12:21pm. The new episode of This Just Out with Liz Feldman appears on the Internetz after my lunch of cheese and salsa quesadilla and I proceed to laugh myself silly. Liz has one half of the Canadian duo Tegan and Sara, aka Tegan, and the two are just telling joke non-stop. It's funny as hell and after my normal Internetz check-ups I watch it again followed by several episodes of House. I just got off a Tegan and Sara YouTube binge where I watched a mess of videos they made while they were producing their latest album The Con, I <3 that album. I remember last year when I was still watching tv during the day at school I found MTV U and watched their video for "Back Into Your Head" and fell in <3 with them. BTW, they're twin Canadian lesbians who currently don pretty trendy mullets. That just cracks me up.

There's supposed to be a meteor shower or summat tonight ... I think I'm going to try and go outside and look for some shooting stars. That is only if the mosquitoes decide not to ravage my apparently delicious skin. I got two bug bites on my ankle last week when I went fishing and I itched one super freakin' hard so it scabbed something awful but still itched. They're better now.

Oh ... I woke up really late so I didn't feel like biking so I just exercised in my house and my legs didn't hurt when I was showering all the gross off but when I was walking up and down the stairs later I thought I was going to collapse. I guess that means I exercised just enough. :]

Tomorrow I'm going to go for a bike ride. And maybe sort out my closet.

Chocolate milk is delectable.
Tegan Quin is HI-larious.
Dragons are cool.


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