Monday, August 4, 2008

V-hole, say what?

I was actually kept pretty darn busy at work today which amazed me as I've been short of things to do for at least the past two weeks. In the morning I was doing a bunch of little stuff for my mom and a little (ie 10 mins worth) of database checking then we were off to a meeting a lunch downtown at The City Market. They're have a fundraiser dinner/party thinger for People Helping People who are feeding children in El Salvador and the president (of El Salvador), his wife is coming for the even so they were just planning all during the meeting. Our store has a kitchen in the Market (I don't remember if I've mentioned that before) so our chefs are going to cook out there for a little bit, serve little appetizers and stuff.

My mom and I had lunch from this Italian place, I had some really good pasta salad and she had chicken salad, we both had pieces of a baguette. I got this really good drink from Naked (that's the company name kids) and it was this really thick almost smoothie like strawberry-banana concoction. Delicious.

Went back to work and got started on some binders for the builders. Spent the rest of the day printing and sleeving and putting together the binders. I was working as slowly as I could but I still managed to finish by the end of the day. Hopefully my mom will have something for me to do tomorrow.

Came home and jumped on the Internets. Did my normal checking around and watched the newest episode of This Just Out with Liz Feldman. So, she's awesome, she crashed the Pride parade in San Fransisco (ie she marched with whoever she wanted) and she even hijacked a float, and by hijacked I mean she got a girl to let her sit on the float with her. And, of course, all the while she was waving her Disneyy Gay Sword. To quote Liz: "By the power of Gay Sword!" She had Melanie Lynskey on who is the sweetest New Zealander ever in the universe. Liz was trying to get her to have a cursing throw-down and Melanie could barely manage four curse words. It was hilarious.

I watched two episodes of The Office and a couple episodes of The Whitest Kids You Know 'cause I felt like laughing some more. Had some super extra freakin' delicious pizza for dinner and then surfed the Internets again.

I only have two more days of work left. I have to go to the doctor in the morning to get my last Guardasil shot which is overdue by like 2 months I think, lol. My mom procrastinates just as much as I do! I was going to watch Rocky Horror but I think I'm just going to read instead since I have to get up early. I still <3 books.

Chocolate ice cream is delicious.
My cats hate when I hug them after a shower.
My back hurts.


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