Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Yargh, I'm a pirate

I woke up at 7:40am today, that's earlier than normal mind you, but I'm actually not tired considering I spent most of my morning half asleep.

Occasionally my mom will rent out part of the show rooms at the store locations for people to film cooking spots for their product or business or whatever and today we had Red Gold tomatoes or whatever in to film some recipes for their website. They set up in the very front (taking up three kitchen areas) around 8:30am this morning and were supposed to be out by 1pm at the latest. The owners really hate to have things closed off to customers (people working in kitchens=can't demonstrate them) so my mom chose the bosses' day off to film but still wanted to get them out with the afternoon to spare.

If the camera crew had just had their stuff set up it wouldn't have been so horrible but they had to hang up this giant and incredibly ugly sheet to help with lighting. The Red Gold people didn't even show up until near 9:30am and the talent (the lady to do the cooking on film) didn't show up 'til 10:25am, where at 10:30am we were supposed to start filming. They took near an hour for each shot doing the whole recipe once through then again with close ups and we had to keep stopping to switch out food and cameras and to tell people to shut up so they didn't up leaving until near 2:30pm. The Red Gold lady (grandma type) thought they could have until 3:30pm but my mom had never agreed so she had to set things straight and was still really upset during the whole thing because at lunch both bosses came in and shot some pretty dirty looks towards the filming and the ugly. So she practically had a heart attack.

We got back and I did busy work for the rest of the day then came home and chilled. My mom made some guacamole (tasty) and my sister and I helped her move bricks into the backyard for the little patio thinger she's building for the grill. We had really good spicy chicken tacos for dinner and I proceeded to fall in love once again with the web series B.J. Fletcher on AfterEllen because they had a blooper reel.

Man how I love blooper reels. And Lindy Zucker and Dana Puddicombe are so amazing. Dana has the thickest Canadian accent ever, it's adorable. I then proceeded to brush up on my Liz Feldman video. I <3 the Blue Blaze and I still want a blazer bra.

My dad came home with the Porsche he bought from some guy in Florida so while he and my mom went to pick up his van at the airport my sister and I played in the car. That's right, I pretended I was driving while sticking my leg out the window and she sat upside down in the passenger seat (I even made car noises). The back seat is literally like 1.5 feet wide, I had to sit sideways to even fit in there, as in I had my butt in one seat and my feet in the other. How in the world does that pass as a 4-seater?

Okay so I just wrote this obnoxiously long and (I think) humorous inquiry to my Facebook buddies for a partner in crime for Warped Tour because my Lieutenant has all but deserted me. She doesn't remember if she took off work and doesn't know if she can, what a ho, lol, jk. But yea, hopefully I'll be able to go because if I don't I will probably kill myself .. or at least cry all day.

My shoulders hurt.
I <3 Moulin Rouge.
Vanilla milkshakes are amazing.


1 comment:

dana.p. said...

It's Dana Puddicombe... blooper reels are pretty fun and go well with tacos! Season 2 goes up December 10th... hopefully we'll see you there and thanks for watching!
