Saturday, July 5, 2008

Michigan, hey look it's me!!

AHMAGAUD!! Look it's a me, Mario.

So I had to take notes on my vacation in the margin of my brand spankin' new Sudoku book to remember when I did things because my memory is shot.

It takes roughly 3 hours to get up to my grandparents' house and the ride up is never that horrible, actually I don't even remember how that ride went, lol. I woke up at 8 though, so we got there at 11 and they'd just woken up, late sleepers, gotta love 'em. Okay, so yea we unpacked in our rinky-dink little room in the basement. It's my grandma's sewing room with a couch and a tv and a bunch of little shelves with containers and stuff so my sister and I fix some make-shift dressers to put all our stuff in. Then it's off to the beach, but just for some lunch mind you, and we stop at this "fancy" little convenience store called The Whistle Stop and get some delicious sandwiches. Spent the next two hours eating lunch and walking along the beach. Did a little antique shopping along the Red Arrow Highway ... didn't find anything too good, actually we didn't buy anything at all but I took an obnxious amount of pictures that first day.

My sister and I watched that movie Where the Heart Is or something with Natalie Portman and her Wal-Mart baby. As soon as I realized what movie it was I yelled "WAL-MART BABY!" and my sister just looked at me funny. I forgot Ashley Judd was in the movie too so when I saw her all I could think of was this Brad Paisley song where he talks about wanting to get an acting gig making out with Ashley Judd. I had to sleep on a blow-up mattress which normally isn't that bad, but apparently I can't sleep on them right 'cause I always wake up with a neck ache.

Monday ... woke up at like 10am and just kind of lazed around and ate cheese pastry!! My grandma makes the best cheese pastry in all the universe and I ALWAYS eat too much of it while I'm there. More lazing around and then we head 20ish minutes north to go for a dune buggy ride! Our driver's name was Mark and he was very silly, which I've realized that it's probably like a job requirement or something because I've never had a somber dune buggy driver. There was a family from Germany in our buggy and the dad kept leaning on my hands when I was trying to hold on to the bar thinger to not slide into my sister. I got some sand in my eyes ... and in my mouth, but it was a great trip. After that we headed 15 mins away to go for a boat ride on the Kalamazoo River. We walked around the little town we were in while we were waiting to board and then went on the boat for an hour and a half. They took us into the harbor and we watched this wimpy little sailboat fall over a couple times then we went up river and turned around just before Lake Michigan then went back and docked. It was really peaceful, I kind of just chilled out and watched the water and thought, I'm a good thinker, lol. We got Pizza Hut on the way home, I had a pizone or whatever they're called and shared it with my sister. Y'know those 1lb. things in the commercial where they say "NO MOOCH!"

Tuesday we spent the bulk of the day at the beach. Got there and the water was so freaking cold so I read my Canadian science fiction book (lol) for a little while then helped bury my brother and cousin in a 3 ft hole they dug next to us. After a while I was getting pretty hot so I went out and goofed off in the water with my sister while my mom took the boys back because by that time we'd been there for 2 hours already and the boys were already tired. My mom came back and the three of us hung out and walked on the beach some more. They collected rocks and I tried to but I couldn't not skip rocks. OMG, I have the most intense rock-skipping obsession, so much so that on Wednesday my shoulder felt like an elephant sat on it, I'm so awesome. After a shower back at the house and some more lounging we had really tasty hamburgers my grandma made for dinner then went out to this ice cream place called Oink's. I got Moose Tracks. <33 comfy chair and watched Bones <33. It stormed a lot while we were in the movie but it decided to storm pretty bad once again at the Haven Hill house so the satellite went out a couple times so I did Sudoku and listened to my music and eventually went to bed.

Thursday my mom, sister and I left early and went back to my grandma's first house to go hang out at the beach and feed the birds. Dear lord, there were so many geese and ducks it was crazy (Facebook pictures kthx). The geese all got up really close, as in I could pet them close, and we went through two loaves of bread. I name two of the geese 'cause I'm awesome. When we got back to the house the others hadn't gotten back yet and my mom idnd't have her key so we had to wait outside for 15 minutes and I really had to pee so I was walking around the entire house. They got back and we hung out again then went to Captain Mike's fun park or whatever it was called. We did go-karts (they didn't have much go though) and bumper cars. My brother and my cousin did bumper boats and my sister and I did batting cages. My brother and cousin did this water balloon fight thing too which was hilarious then we played a couple video games inside and headed back home. After dinner we went out and caught a some fireworks (the traffic was hell) then came back and pretty much just konked out.

Friday (today kind of) my mom, sister and I went back to The Whistle Stop and got some breakfast then went to the beach again and walked along collecting rocks. This time I collected six ... and my shoulder hurts again. Went back, packed and drove home. I fell asleep listening to my music and woke up when my brother kicked my seat. Unpacked a little at home and caught up on my Internetz then went out to see some fireworks since it's the 4th of July, hello no duh.

Right now I should be packing but I decided to blog while my memories are fresh. We're leaving by 2pm tomorrow and driving at least 7 hours up towards Mt. Rushmore. My dad can't pick up the rental car 'til noon, it's a Pontiac Grand Prix, a sedan, idk if that was a smart choice. We're moving sites like 5 times on this trip so I have to be really careful not to lose anything. I'm trying to equip my mp3 player with road trip worthy music but I'm so damn tired. I can't wait to sleep in my bed. <33

Fireworks are loud.
I love you Kacey Kacey!!
KT Tunstall is awesome.


P.S. Another blog, if you're lucky, July 14th (the day before my 19th bday bitches)

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