Monday, July 21, 2008

Holy rusted metal Batman!

My morning at work blew by unbelievably fast as I was busy catching up on some college paper work, a little web site updating and I even managed to organize the giant bookcase in my mom's office. We set off to lunch downtown at this chinese restaurant PF Chang's with some women from one of the local tv stations and spent the next hour and a half just talking about work and whatever. I had really good chicken lo mein. <33

I even managed to snag myself a belt at a store across the way before we had to get back to work (the restaurant was in the mall). It's reversible, that's how I like my belts, black on one side and brown on the other; and it's from Fossil, heck yes.

Got back just in time for my mom's meeting to be canceled at work which left me doing some very boring inventorying (again) and I got to do a purchase order for some new cookware. That wasn't all that boring but after that little bit of fun I managed to get myself back into that fantastic little database updating task. So. Much. Fun.

Home for 15 minutes (and two hotdogs) and then we were off to see Batman!

Magnificent cinematic piece, oh yes. I was very happy. Heath Ledger, goodness, that tongue thing and his face, he was amazing. Post-mortem Oscar I think it could be a possibility. I predicted a good chunk of the things to happen but was surprised by almost the same amount. I know people said the movie could've ended somewhere around an hour and a half, but seriously?

SPOILERS (though the only cool kid to read this has already seen the movie, lol)

How are you going to leave The Joker locked up? That could definitely not have been the end of the movie, come on, use your brains. I was very upset to see Rachel die, I mean kill a Gyllenhaal? Whatever. And Two-Face too? I was sure that he could've carried another movie, but now he's gone and there's no more Ledger so no more Joker, who's Batman's next villain going to be? Anyways, the stunts were good, I wasn't so much digging Bale in this movie, his Batman voice made me think he was hurting his vocal cords and Batman just kind of got on my nerves. He was too damn impulsive and selfish. Batman as the scapegoat, that was a little better, but still, I was all about The Joker in this movie. It was fantastic and I would absolutely go see it again.

Now I cannot wait for The X Files movie to come out. I'm hoping that I'm not going to be let down, but seeing Dana Scully and Fox Mulder in action again is all I'm really looking forward to. The movie previews during Batman weren't very good, I wasn't hooked into any of them, except I'm likely to give in and go to the new Bond. Daniel Craig is pretty good as Bond, I'm not gonna lie to myself anymore. I just got hooked on a brunette 007 so it was hard for me to turn my ways. But Quantum of Solace, what the hell kind of name is that for a movie?

Tomorrow I get to go watch another cooking segment get filmed in the morning which means I have to wake up 20 mins early, ick. Tonight I've gotta find me some better reference pics for my hair do and maybe watch a little pixie PI to put me to bed.

Dentist on Wednesday.
Orange slushies are delicious.
Work is stupid.


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