Thursday, July 17, 2008

That's so good...

I'm actually not really in the mood to type up my day's goings-about so this might sound a bit ... er I mean read a bit boring, so sorry.

Woke up at 8:30am, ate some Rice Crispies (listened to them pop) and headed downtown to the City Market to watch one of the chefs do a cooking segment for Citizen's Gas. I was once again told that I look young, but this time it was followed with: "That'll be great when you're older." Yea whatever, I don't like looking young, I mean I am kind of but seriously .. okay whatever.

Chef Ben (he's such a silly goober) is really friendly and funny and he jokes all the time. He made this mustardy-sauce sauteed chicken and an oregano salad ... needless to say I didn't eat either of them. My mum and I were there for about an hour while he shot that first segment but left before he did his second segment: peaches wrapped in prosciutto, yea. x/

He went to see the new Batman last night (aka Weds) and he said it was amazing so I'm really looking forward to seeing it. Hopefully I'll get to fit it in sometime this weekend.

Anyways, we went to another store and did inventory. I had a Sprite and a mini cranberry-orange muffin (<33). We were there for nearly two hours and my mum had a manager's meeting at two (it was 1:00pm when we left) so we picked up Wendy's on the way back to corporate and if you can believe this ... they didn't have chocolate frostys. Yea that's right, you heard me, no chocolate, but they did have vanilla (not nearly as good, tasted a little coffee-ish). We get back to the office and I go into the system and start updated all the inventory we took and my mum disappears to her meeting at 2:15pm.

I go into her office and make a phone call to the dorm I'm going to stay in and guess what I get a new roommate (my old one got a single, what a ho, lol). I throw a minor internet tantrum, check the girl on Facebook and now I am actually incredibly indifferent about the situation. It's like I flipped a switch or something. Hopefully my school year won't suck total ass.

At about 3:45pm I'm finished with my work so I just kind of kick around on the internetz for a little bit hoping my mum will come back and give me something to do. I looked at the news on, looked at TreeHugger, PopSci, Threadless, DeviantArt even and she's not back for another hour and a half. 5:10ish she comes shuffling back all exhausted and I'm kind of sad I can't mess around any more but she tells me to update some more stuff and I do. We leave and then I'm home and checking up on my internets and watch Veronica Mars.

I just watched this show on NBC called Fear Itself and it's these hour long mini horror movies, a new one each week. There are going to be 13 episodes and they just did episode 6. I've only seen one other one and it kind of sucked but my mum and my sister are obsessed. This one reminded me of 28 Days/Weeks Later 'cause there was zombie-ness. I'm going to watch one we missed over vacation now because apparently it was good.

I don't have work tomorrow. I'm sleeping in and getting kidnapped tomorrow night. I have the house to myself this weekend.

Singing is fun.
I need a haircut.
I <3 Jim.


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