Sunday, July 20, 2008

The wonder of college

After accidentally waking up at 1:21pm (oops) I got up for a quick lunch and proceeded to fill my day with one delectably blonde little pixie of a college PI, that's right that notorious vixen Veronica Mars. Between episodes (I've just finished the 8th today, 5th in the third season) I did my usual Internet surfing and tried to find reference pictures for my hair cut on Thursday.

Guess what? My pretty little PI came in handy. That's right, I've got me a KBell picture as my reference. After my mini-KBell obsessive quest of the day I am happy to report (to myself that is) that Elle Bishop will continue into the third season of Heroes, but only for like 5 episodes. What a rip off! Electrokinesis is the shit.

After dinner and my shower I managed a little narcissistic fashion show in my room. They happen a lot more often than I remember them to in high school. I think I'm finally becoming a little more comfortable in my own skin. I keep thinking about the whole new person I want to become my sophomore year in college. I'm going to try and be more confident, I've proven to myself through recent and past excursions that I'm much better at making friends than I used to be, so new friends is good. I can't wait 'til I can see all my girls on a regular basis and be able to hang out with them and just do whatever.

Speaking of...
My ladies are coming to visit this coming weekend! All four of my main gals from school are making the trip down/up to hang out with me and my not-so-geographically-challenged girls. I have no idea what we're going to do while they're here but I'm very happy that I get to see them, even though I'll get to see them in a month anyways. Just a nice little precursor to amp me up for when school actually starts up again.

I'm pretty anxious to start going to classes again and just be on campus. I'm a nerd, it happens whatever, so I just like school a little more than I should. I love having things to be done, having things due, having to worry about projects and assignments (tests not so much) but I just love school. I love the smell of new (and used) books, the school supplies, the class rules, the giant rooms filled with students, the buses, the busy sidewalks, riding my bike across busy streets and dodging people. I miss being able to walk down the hall to see a friend and eat their food. I miss people watching in the dining halls and checking out strangers when walking to class. I miss not being pestered by my family and not having to worry about family drama.

I am however going to miss my family (you too buckaroo) when I go back. I'll definitely miss my kitty cats.

I have a fancy lunch meetin' downtown tomorrow, I'm dressing up a little more than usual.

My stomach is topsy-turvy.
Books are awesome.
Cookies are great for breakfast.


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