Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Ring around the rosey

I spent at least 6 of my 7ish work hours doing database shite today. I got from H all the way to P which I'll just pick back up tomorrow. My mom almost gave me the day off tomorrow 'cause she didn't have anything for me to do but then remembered that we had a lot of out of the office meetings so I'm working again.

Procrastination during databasing is almost inescapable so today I surfed the forums at Warped Tour. I figured out that people don't like Katy Perry being at Warped but she does sound good live. Charlotte Sometimes apparently sounds fantastic live and bands like to be given gifts by their fans. I also learned about WEI, the Warped Eco-Initiative, which goes around and helps recycle bottles and cans around the concert grounds so even though I didn't sign up to volunteer I'm going to try and get in to help with whatever it is they're doing.

The sign I'm going to make for Katy Perry will say something along the lines of: "Katy's My Killer Queen / Lolita Queen with Killer Pipes" but that's not anything definite. I'm going to do the signs tomorrow after I get home from work but while I'm at work I'm going to print out some good pictures of my favorite bands on the purty color printer so I can have something for them to sign. It's supposed to rain at some point on Thursday so I'm hoping that I'll get stuck under a tent with a band I like and we become the best of friends, lol. Gotta be optimistic. I at least want to get a hug from Katy Perry or at least another one from Andrew from Ludo, or maybe one from Charlotte the lead singer of Charlotte Sometimes (she's supposed to be a sweetheart).

I went to this restaurant called The Mongolian Grill for lunch (I don't really know what's Mongolian about it). Basically you make a bowl full of stuff like meat and veggies and the like and they fry it up for you and then you eat it with rice. Katy Perry followed me from the office to the car to the restaurant. My mom says: "I hear this song at least once a day," and I was thinking I listen to this song at least 3 times a day. So I got hit on by the guy cooking our food, it was weird with my mom there, but he was kinda cute.

When I got home from work we (my dad, brother and I) set off to see The X Files: I Want to Believe. I ate too much buttery popcorn and had a refill on my orange slushie. Basically it was just and extended episode of The X Files tv show which I definitely didn't mind, I just kind of expected a little more. The plot was that this guy was really sick with cancer and he had his people kidnap other people and transplanting body parts to his severed head. It was so fuckin' weird, but I <3 Dana Scully. It's weird, I don't usually root for couples on TV but I distinctly remember wanting Dana & Fox to get together and in the movie they're a couple which made me happy. I figured that my replacement couple for Dana & Fox is Bones & Booth from Bones on FOX.

After reading an article on AfterEllen about Michaela Conlin (Angela Montenegro from Bones), I stumbled upon www.obsessedwithbones.com which is a blog in which they, you guessed it, obsess about Bones. I watched a couple videos from the panel they did at this year's Comic Con and Hart Hanson (the creator) said that Booth and Bones would be naked in a bed together this season. My jaw actually dropped. At some point during the interview Michaela was talking about how her ex-gf will be showing up in Season 4 and David Boreanaz (Booth) goes: "She kissed a girl and she liked it ... Booth likes it." I laughed so damn hard.

I started watching The Eye with Jessica Alba because my mom rented it and it's due tomorrow. I got about 40 minutes in and completely lost interest. I mean Alba is pretty and all and Parker Posey is in it too but I just didn't like it.

My day was chalk full of Warped band music. My friend said she might get somebody to work for her on Thurs. so that she could go but then I told her the tickets were $37 and she changed her mind. So ... I'm going stag at Warped.

I'm tired.
My neck hurts.
Parker Posey is a fantastic name.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love booth so much. i also enjoy how often your blog makes me LOL out loud while i'm at work.