I'm jacked up on caffeine. I don't know why I thought it appropriate to drink a coffee-infused beverage at such an hour (actually it was like 3.5 hours ago) but now I'm paying for it.
I'm trying to finish homework that I don't understand and I'm all jittery. My hands are shaking and my mind is racing and I can't sit still. Sure some people say caffeine does nothing to you and I used to believe that but right now that shit is kicking in and I don't know if I'll be able to get to bed.
I made a new friend tonight. She's pretty awesome. Making new friends has been on my to do list but with all my fucking school work it's been pretty impossible.
I watched videos of Reefer Madness on YouTube today. In 1938 there was a film made to scare people out of smoking pot and in 2005 Showtime decided to turn it into a musical. It's about this cute little 50's high school couple that get caught up in the world of the Mary Jane and it stars my lovely little pixie Kristen Bell. It's got really catchy songs and of course KBell is impossibly adorable, except she looks ferociously hot in S&M garb. Like seriously jaw-dropping hot.
I'm listening to Albert Hammond Jr. He's pretty much amazing.
I'm going to try and do homework now. Try is the key word there.
Coffee isn't that horrible.
My toes are cold.
October break this weekend (4days bitches)
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Friday, October 3, 2008
They're falling
Guess what I can do?
Give up. Oh I'm gonna write a blog about crying.
Definitely, Maybe made me cry. Ryan Reynolds and Isla Fisher made me cry. Abigail Breslin made me cry.
I like crying, it's soothing. Helps getting out all those pesky emotions that you keep locked up in the back of your head, swirling and festering, until one day, one day you just let yourself go and the world crumbles at your feet.
Okay that was a little dramatic, I didn't cry that much. But I now always find myself crying over divorce, especially when there are children involved. I cry for lost love, for broken hearts, for those "what if" moments.
I think I need to cry some more, but I really haven't the time. Excuse me while I listen to some disheartening music, all the better to roil my emotions.
I really need a break from school.
Give up. Oh I'm gonna write a blog about crying.
Definitely, Maybe made me cry. Ryan Reynolds and Isla Fisher made me cry. Abigail Breslin made me cry.
I like crying, it's soothing. Helps getting out all those pesky emotions that you keep locked up in the back of your head, swirling and festering, until one day, one day you just let yourself go and the world crumbles at your feet.
Okay that was a little dramatic, I didn't cry that much. But I now always find myself crying over divorce, especially when there are children involved. I cry for lost love, for broken hearts, for those "what if" moments.
I think I need to cry some more, but I really haven't the time. Excuse me while I listen to some disheartening music, all the better to roil my emotions.
I really need a break from school.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Liz Lemon ftw!
I'm too tall for the shower heads in the bathrooms. Hitting your head on a blunt metal object is no way to start a shower.
But anyways, Friday was the foam party. It kind of sucked, but I still had fun.
There wasn't nearly as much foam as last semester 'cause the machines were on the fritz but there was enough to leave me slippery and kind of sticky at the end of the night. Slippery floors and dancing don't mix, that's one thing that you should always remember, but fortunately I never actually fell. There were some almost-topples but my legs just hurt a little more from trying to keep myself balanced while I was getting my groove on.
I danced with 3 strangers and a friend and the best dancer was the guy I knew. We did a grinding conga line, at most it was 4 couples, which turned out pretty well. There was also a 7-person and a 6-person conga line, all pretty damn fun. There was a plethora of bikini-clad college girls and, of course, shirtless guys. Near the beginning of the party I saw this white girl with the craziest hips I have ever seen. She was booty-bouncing like 100mph and winding her hips like Shakira ... it was amazing.
After a cold shower back in the dorm I was knocked out 'til 11:30am when I woke up to get ready for the football game. We played Oregon, who was ranked 14th while we were 48th (or something like that), and ended up going into double-overtime with them winning with a touchdown, 32-26. It was crazy and I was cursing like a sailor, but it was a great game: especially the 80-yard touchdown 15 seconds into the game!!
Ended up just hanging out with friends and watching Harry Potter & The Goblet of Fire 'til maybe 1am and then crashed again. Today I did homework and started watching season one of 30 Rock. I really don't want to go to classes tomorrow.
I heart Tina Fey.
It rained all day.
I ran out of chocolate.
But anyways, Friday was the foam party. It kind of sucked, but I still had fun.
There wasn't nearly as much foam as last semester 'cause the machines were on the fritz but there was enough to leave me slippery and kind of sticky at the end of the night. Slippery floors and dancing don't mix, that's one thing that you should always remember, but fortunately I never actually fell. There were some almost-topples but my legs just hurt a little more from trying to keep myself balanced while I was getting my groove on.
I danced with 3 strangers and a friend and the best dancer was the guy I knew. We did a grinding conga line, at most it was 4 couples, which turned out pretty well. There was also a 7-person and a 6-person conga line, all pretty damn fun. There was a plethora of bikini-clad college girls and, of course, shirtless guys. Near the beginning of the party I saw this white girl with the craziest hips I have ever seen. She was booty-bouncing like 100mph and winding her hips like Shakira ... it was amazing.
After a cold shower back in the dorm I was knocked out 'til 11:30am when I woke up to get ready for the football game. We played Oregon, who was ranked 14th while we were 48th (or something like that), and ended up going into double-overtime with them winning with a touchdown, 32-26. It was crazy and I was cursing like a sailor, but it was a great game: especially the 80-yard touchdown 15 seconds into the game!!
Ended up just hanging out with friends and watching Harry Potter & The Goblet of Fire 'til maybe 1am and then crashed again. Today I did homework and started watching season one of 30 Rock. I really don't want to go to classes tomorrow.
I heart Tina Fey.
It rained all day.
I ran out of chocolate.
Friday, September 12, 2008
10-9-8 and I'm breaking away
Today, I used my umbrella for the first time since school started. It rained last night so I was prepared with my umbrella tucked in an outside pocket of my backpack and once it started to rain I reached back and pulled it out like an arrow from a quiver. I know you got the visual, that's exactly what it looked like, I promise.
I like the click my umbrella makes when I press the button to release it. I wish it was a prettier color though.
On the way back from my math lecture this kid (who I could hear even with my headphones in) was talking about traffic patterns or some shit and he sounded like Mandark from Dexter's Laboratory. I mean exactly like him, so much so that I wanted to punch him in the face to make him stop talking.
I have a FOAM PARTY TONIGHT!!! It's gonna be slippery and loud. Just the way I like it.
I'm currently 99 pages into Pearl. Dutch names are weird.
I like the click my umbrella makes when I press the button to release it. I wish it was a prettier color though.
On the way back from my math lecture this kid (who I could hear even with my headphones in) was talking about traffic patterns or some shit and he sounded like Mandark from Dexter's Laboratory. I mean exactly like him, so much so that I wanted to punch him in the face to make him stop talking.
I have a FOAM PARTY TONIGHT!!! It's gonna be slippery and loud. Just the way I like it.
I'm currently 99 pages into Pearl. Dutch names are weird.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
La Rousse
It's been a couple months since I was so emotionally connected to a novel.
I love getting attached to a character. Not just finding something familiar in them and putting yourself somewhat in their place but actually feeling the way the character does. Getting scared when they do, being anxious, elated, distraught, uncomfortable. It's amazing how well some authors can pull you into the lives of their characters.
It took me a day and a half to read Tracy Chevalier's The Virgin Blue and now that I have finally finished the book I feel a little lighter. It was by no means meant to be a light-hearted book but I feel satisfied to have gone through the journey.
Never before have I cried while reading a book, never, but this book reduced me to tears and if I had the chance I would thank Ms. Chevalier for allowing me such an experience. To be brought to a solid emotion, not some weak fear or slight sympathy, by a novel is something that I think every person should be able to experience. Sure, a movie can give you the visuals and it might even make you cry more, but if you are connected enough to a book to create your own landscape, your own view of the characters then your emotions will be tied to the book whether you like it or not.
Sometimes I marvel at my own imagination. How I can turn someone's words into a world in my mind, how I can almost act out the plot like a play. In the back of my mind there are so many worlds I cannot even begin to remember where they've come from but I'm glad to have them stored away for moments when I need them most.
I highly recommend this book. I'm now off to read her second novel The Girl With The Pearl Earring, made into a movie starring a young Scarlett Johansson. I haven't decided whether being able to put a real face to the main character will help me to visualize, but I'm sure it will prove a wonderful read.
I love getting attached to a character. Not just finding something familiar in them and putting yourself somewhat in their place but actually feeling the way the character does. Getting scared when they do, being anxious, elated, distraught, uncomfortable. It's amazing how well some authors can pull you into the lives of their characters.
It took me a day and a half to read Tracy Chevalier's The Virgin Blue and now that I have finally finished the book I feel a little lighter. It was by no means meant to be a light-hearted book but I feel satisfied to have gone through the journey.
Never before have I cried while reading a book, never, but this book reduced me to tears and if I had the chance I would thank Ms. Chevalier for allowing me such an experience. To be brought to a solid emotion, not some weak fear or slight sympathy, by a novel is something that I think every person should be able to experience. Sure, a movie can give you the visuals and it might even make you cry more, but if you are connected enough to a book to create your own landscape, your own view of the characters then your emotions will be tied to the book whether you like it or not.
Sometimes I marvel at my own imagination. How I can turn someone's words into a world in my mind, how I can almost act out the plot like a play. In the back of my mind there are so many worlds I cannot even begin to remember where they've come from but I'm glad to have them stored away for moments when I need them most.
I highly recommend this book. I'm now off to read her second novel The Girl With The Pearl Earring, made into a movie starring a young Scarlett Johansson. I haven't decided whether being able to put a real face to the main character will help me to visualize, but I'm sure it will prove a wonderful read.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Couture plz.
Oh how I wish I was an Upper East Sider. The scandals, the money, the clothes, the foxy ladies, it's all too much.
So if you hadn't been able to tell by the opening line, Gossip Girl has re-entered my life &I could not be happier. A weekly dose of Blake&Leighton, such excellent eye candy, fer srs kids. Bleighton ftw! But then again Waldsen is just easier to blog about because I have nothing but picspam proof of Bleighton.

say what? too cute!
With Waldsen there's so much video evidence &I can obsess about every scene they share. Blair&Serena are the best BFFs ever in the universe. Blair forgives Serena for sleeping with Nate. Serena helps Blair get through her bulimia break &through her mommy angst. Blair takes care of drunk Serena ... on multiple occasions. Okay well most of the time it's really Blair being incredibly awesome &putting up with Serena's shit, but Serena has to put up with the Blair Bitch which pretty much evens everything out. &Srsly, they are simply the cutest (&hottest) BFFs evar in tha univers!

So now every Monday (at least until Heroes starts) I'll be Bleighton squeeing hardcore ... after that it will be strictly KBell-Panettiere squee, except that my little blonde pixie won't be in all of the new season. Why oh why? I heart Elle, she's an electric bitch ... electric&foxy.
GG has KBell too ... GG = KBell.
Pretty makes me squee.
Vanila soft serve. <33
Gossip Girl ... jk
So if you hadn't been able to tell by the opening line, Gossip Girl has re-entered my life &I could not be happier. A weekly dose of Blake&Leighton, such excellent eye candy, fer srs kids. Bleighton ftw! But then again Waldsen is just easier to blog about because I have nothing but picspam proof of Bleighton.
say what? too cute!
With Waldsen there's so much video evidence &I can obsess about every scene they share. Blair&Serena are the best BFFs ever in the universe. Blair forgives Serena for sleeping with Nate. Serena helps Blair get through her bulimia break &through her mommy angst. Blair takes care of drunk Serena ... on multiple occasions. Okay well most of the time it's really Blair being incredibly awesome &putting up with Serena's shit, but Serena has to put up with the Blair Bitch which pretty much evens everything out. &Srsly, they are simply the cutest (&hottest) BFFs evar in tha univers!
So now every Monday (at least until Heroes starts) I'll be Bleighton squeeing hardcore ... after that it will be strictly KBell-Panettiere squee, except that my little blonde pixie won't be in all of the new season. Why oh why? I heart Elle, she's an electric bitch ... electric&foxy.
GG has KBell too ... GG = KBell.
Pretty makes me squee.
Vanila soft serve. <33
Gossip Girl ... jk
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
That's What She Said
School sucks balls .. okay not really but having to wake up before 7am is really killing me. If the class (any class, even in the afternoon) is anything even remotely close to boring (ie I have nobody to talk to) then I get really tired &just kind of drift in&out. I don't quite fall asleep but my eyelids feel like lead curtains and I've the hardest time keeping my eyes open.
I only get like 6 hours of sleep which is something I can't really remedy because I don't get tired 'til after 12am &my roommate doesn't go to bed until then. It's times like now (okay well pretty much all the time) that I wish I had a single room. My music is confined to my headphones &even though it usually sounds better through them than my speakers I really wish I could blast my music &sing at the top of my lungs whenever I want rather than only when my roommate is out of the room.
For the past couple, &by couple I mean maybe 5 hours I've been listening to She & Him's album Volume One. I've become so enamored with Zooey Deschanel's voice that I don't think I could possibly get sick of her ever. &of course she's my main lady crush, I heart her to mega pieces. I watched a couple of her performances on YouTube &she's so damn incredible. Watch!
Soooo good. <33 Favorite song on the album? Tie between "Sweet Darlin'" & "Black Hole."
Yesterday after class I went to the record store across from campus &bought the new Uh Huh Her cd Common Reaction. It's a-mazing, today was filled with non-stop Zooey but yesterday it was pure Cam&Leisha. Their mellow even kinda folksy electronic &just great. My favorite song on the album is "Wait Another Day" but "Not A Love Song" is a close second.
CAT DAVIS!!! Wednesdays are Cat Davis days, that's right, she's claimed them ... well until Bones starts then Wednesday will be Cat Davis&Bones days. So she had this biggay duo Kathryn&Amy who make up the comedy band That's What She Said. They (including Cat) did all this amazing music improvisation &pulled out some wicked (dorky) dance moves. I laughed so hard the whole time. Monday Liz Feldman had her season finale with none other than m'lady Bridget McManus as her guest. So hilarious, lots of lols there, fer srs. Those two are a-mazing together. Oh &my new word is "a-mazing" pronounced "uh mawzing" just like kitty Cat says it. I heart her.
Beatlemania concert this Friday.
Purple glue sticks are awesome.
I'm addicted to MySpace again.
I only get like 6 hours of sleep which is something I can't really remedy because I don't get tired 'til after 12am &my roommate doesn't go to bed until then. It's times like now (okay well pretty much all the time) that I wish I had a single room. My music is confined to my headphones &even though it usually sounds better through them than my speakers I really wish I could blast my music &sing at the top of my lungs whenever I want rather than only when my roommate is out of the room.
For the past couple, &by couple I mean maybe 5 hours I've been listening to She & Him's album Volume One. I've become so enamored with Zooey Deschanel's voice that I don't think I could possibly get sick of her ever. &of course she's my main lady crush, I heart her to mega pieces. I watched a couple of her performances on YouTube &she's so damn incredible. Watch!
Soooo good. <33 Favorite song on the album? Tie between "Sweet Darlin'" & "Black Hole."
Yesterday after class I went to the record store across from campus &bought the new Uh Huh Her cd Common Reaction. It's a-mazing, today was filled with non-stop Zooey but yesterday it was pure Cam&Leisha. Their mellow even kinda folksy electronic &just great. My favorite song on the album is "Wait Another Day" but "Not A Love Song" is a close second.
CAT DAVIS!!! Wednesdays are Cat Davis days, that's right, she's claimed them ... well until Bones starts then Wednesday will be Cat Davis&Bones days. So she had this biggay duo Kathryn&Amy who make up the comedy band That's What She Said. They (including Cat) did all this amazing music improvisation &pulled out some wicked (dorky) dance moves. I laughed so hard the whole time. Monday Liz Feldman had her season finale with none other than m'lady Bridget McManus as her guest. So hilarious, lots of lols there, fer srs. Those two are a-mazing together. Oh &my new word is "a-mazing" pronounced "uh mawzing" just like kitty Cat says it. I heart her.
Beatlemania concert this Friday.
Purple glue sticks are awesome.
I'm addicted to MySpace again.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Oh college
So today was my first day as a sophomore &I actually missed going to class. It's amazing being on campus again &just being able to walk around all these people ... especially since walking to class I'm constantly bird watching, hey there college ladies. ;)
But anyways, I have classes with a couple people I know but didn't figure that out until class ended so next time I'll actually have somebody to sit with. Had my first meal at the dining halls, oh how I missed not having to make my own meals. I've just been nostalgic since I got here especially after seeing all my friends again.
Friday I moved in &unpacked everything then set off to visit friends. I really miss just being able to go down the hall to see them 'cause now I've either got to walk a block&ahalf or get driven over. Why did everybody decide to be all dependent? I don't understand.
I love my room &I love having my beautiful laptop here with me. I've named her now: Georgia Drew but I call her George or G.D. I named her after this character from BJ Fletcher Private Eye a web series on AfterEllen that I'm addicted too.
My roommate is really nice &she actually talks to me which I don't know if I expected that now that I think about it. I haven't been able to hang out with all my friends from last year yet but I hope to see the rest of them by the end of the week.
Mondays are my longest days of the week, out@7am &in@5:30pm, it's crazy. Physics quizzes at 7:30 in the morning? Seriously, who can do that? Tomorrow & Thurs are the same, 3 classes with two 2-hour breaks in between. Weds I've got 4 classes & Friday only 3 but I start at 9:30am which is great. Tues-Fri I end at 2:30pm which is a-mazing!
7:30's suck balls.
Uh Huh Her is fabulous.
I really wanna go to a record store.
But anyways, I have classes with a couple people I know but didn't figure that out until class ended so next time I'll actually have somebody to sit with. Had my first meal at the dining halls, oh how I missed not having to make my own meals. I've just been nostalgic since I got here especially after seeing all my friends again.
Friday I moved in &unpacked everything then set off to visit friends. I really miss just being able to go down the hall to see them 'cause now I've either got to walk a block&ahalf or get driven over. Why did everybody decide to be all dependent? I don't understand.
I love my room &I love having my beautiful laptop here with me. I've named her now: Georgia Drew but I call her George or G.D. I named her after this character from BJ Fletcher Private Eye a web series on AfterEllen that I'm addicted too.
My roommate is really nice &she actually talks to me which I don't know if I expected that now that I think about it. I haven't been able to hang out with all my friends from last year yet but I hope to see the rest of them by the end of the week.
Mondays are my longest days of the week, out@7am &in@5:30pm, it's crazy. Physics quizzes at 7:30 in the morning? Seriously, who can do that? Tomorrow & Thurs are the same, 3 classes with two 2-hour breaks in between. Weds I've got 4 classes & Friday only 3 but I start at 9:30am which is great. Tues-Fri I end at 2:30pm which is a-mazing!
7:30's suck balls.
Uh Huh Her is fabulous.
I really wanna go to a record store.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Oh Lisa <3
I have switched my favorite Veronica, it's official: I heart Lisa Origliasso.
I've always thought of her as the prettier one but I always wanted to be like Jess with her crazy tattoos and piercings and killer voice. But now I just love Lissie more, she's cuter, tinier, stronger, has a great voice &is quite funny. I also like her fashion sense a little more than Jess' now.
picture k

Isn't she just spectacular? Yea, so I haven't come up with a name for my laptop today but I watched Cat Davis' new vlog on AfterEllen and now want a car so I can name it too.
She has a blue Scion XD and calls Kevyn (y b/c it's androgynous) her "shiny blue dyke-mobile" ... why is she so a-mazing? Oh I don't know, maybe 'cause she's from Greenfield, Indiana. That's like 20 minutes south of my current location. First Indiana spits out Jill Bennett &now Cat Davis. This girl is just full of the funny, jokes at every "hard gay left turn."
Her pick-up line: "Hi my name's Cat, y'know like pussy."
Seriously, I heart her too much. &She had Eden Riegel as her first guest who's from this web series Imaginary Bitches that I think I blogged about a really long time ago. I think Monday I caught up on all the episodes, Eden is adorable &imaginary friends who are bitches, fer srs, that's great stuff.
I found a new Veronicas song that I love to pieces, it's called "Everything." I listened to the Hook Me Up album at least 5 times today. I also watched all imaginable Veronicas videos on YouTube and stalked their MySpace a little. Oh oh oh and I DVR-ed their performance on TRL, they're so fab. They looked wicked cute & Lis has this great hat that I really want.
I get to pack all tomorrow, I'm foregoing a bike ride (did one today) so I'll be inside all day. I went grocery shopping today so I've got plenty of snacks for the start of the year, dunno how long they'll last.
I heart Lissie. <33
The V-Rons are wicked rad.
Electro-pop is heaven.
I've always thought of her as the prettier one but I always wanted to be like Jess with her crazy tattoos and piercings and killer voice. But now I just love Lissie more, she's cuter, tinier, stronger, has a great voice &is quite funny. I also like her fashion sense a little more than Jess' now.
picture k

Isn't she just spectacular? Yea, so I haven't come up with a name for my laptop today but I watched Cat Davis' new vlog on AfterEllen and now want a car so I can name it too.
She has a blue Scion XD and calls Kevyn (y b/c it's androgynous) her "shiny blue dyke-mobile" ... why is she so a-mazing? Oh I don't know, maybe 'cause she's from Greenfield, Indiana. That's like 20 minutes south of my current location. First Indiana spits out Jill Bennett &now Cat Davis. This girl is just full of the funny, jokes at every "hard gay left turn."
Her pick-up line: "Hi my name's Cat, y'know like pussy."
Seriously, I heart her too much. &She had Eden Riegel as her first guest who's from this web series Imaginary Bitches that I think I blogged about a really long time ago. I think Monday I caught up on all the episodes, Eden is adorable &imaginary friends who are bitches, fer srs, that's great stuff.
I found a new Veronicas song that I love to pieces, it's called "Everything." I listened to the Hook Me Up album at least 5 times today. I also watched all imaginable Veronicas videos on YouTube and stalked their MySpace a little. Oh oh oh and I DVR-ed their performance on TRL, they're so fab. They looked wicked cute & Lis has this great hat that I really want.
I get to pack all tomorrow, I'm foregoing a bike ride (did one today) so I'll be inside all day. I went grocery shopping today so I've got plenty of snacks for the start of the year, dunno how long they'll last.
I heart Lissie. <33
The V-Rons are wicked rad.
Electro-pop is heaven.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Technology <333
After waking up & deciding to be lazy & not go on my bike ride I took a shower. While I was standing nekkid in front of my window, which I often do and I'm trying to stop 'cause I don't have a curtain and people can see me from the street, I saw a DHL truck drive by and the driver look up at the house. After squealing 'cause I thought he saw my bday suit, I thought wouldn't it be funny if he was bringing my laptop.
&he did, fer srs kids.
He was all sign this, so I scribbled, shut the door and ran to get scissors and open the box. First thing I did was kiss it, that's right physical affection for my laptop, I hugged it too.
So after 4 hours of customization, ie copying over files, downloading programs and just making it look beautiful, my fancy little baby was all ready for use. I knew my old laptop was slow but oh my goodness, my new baby (which I'm going to name I just haven't picked out a sufficient title yet) is fast like a cheetah!! &the speakers sound amazing and it's all shiny and silver on the inside and midnight blue on top. I'm reconsidering putting stickers on it 'cause it's just so damn purty at the moment.
I have, at random periods during the day, been kissing my laptop, just above the screen @ the middle. I am just so enamored with this pretty piece of technology, I think my life is now complete .. okay not really but I'm so effin' happy right now!!
I checked out a bunch of LOLXENA's after lunch (http://lolxena.blogspot.com) so I had Xena on the brain most of the day. Maybe I should name my laptop Gabrielle ... idk, whatever. I also wrote a bit of fanfiction today ... okay it was more like fangirlreallyreallywishesitwouldhappen fiction but whatever.
I heart my laptop.
I'm starting to pack tomorrow.
I heart my laptop.
After waking up & deciding to be lazy & not go on my bike ride I took a shower. While I was standing nekkid in front of my window, which I often do and I'm trying to stop 'cause I don't have a curtain and people can see me from the street, I saw a DHL truck drive by and the driver look up at the house. After squealing 'cause I thought he saw my bday suit, I thought wouldn't it be funny if he was bringing my laptop.
&he did, fer srs kids.
He was all sign this, so I scribbled, shut the door and ran to get scissors and open the box. First thing I did was kiss it, that's right physical affection for my laptop, I hugged it too.
So after 4 hours of customization, ie copying over files, downloading programs and just making it look beautiful, my fancy little baby was all ready for use. I knew my old laptop was slow but oh my goodness, my new baby (which I'm going to name I just haven't picked out a sufficient title yet) is fast like a cheetah!! &the speakers sound amazing and it's all shiny and silver on the inside and midnight blue on top. I'm reconsidering putting stickers on it 'cause it's just so damn purty at the moment.
I have, at random periods during the day, been kissing my laptop, just above the screen @ the middle. I am just so enamored with this pretty piece of technology, I think my life is now complete .. okay not really but I'm so effin' happy right now!!
I checked out a bunch of LOLXENA's after lunch (http://lolxena.blogspot.com) so I had Xena on the brain most of the day. Maybe I should name my laptop Gabrielle ... idk, whatever. I also wrote a bit of fanfiction today ... okay it was more like fangirlreallyreallywishesitwouldhappen fiction but whatever.
I heart my laptop.
I'm starting to pack tomorrow.
I heart my laptop.
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