So if you hadn't been able to tell by the opening line, Gossip Girl has re-entered my life &I could not be happier. A weekly dose of Blake&Leighton, such excellent eye candy, fer srs kids. Bleighton ftw! But then again Waldsen is just easier to blog about because I have nothing but picspam proof of Bleighton.
say what? too cute!
With Waldsen there's so much video evidence &I can obsess about every scene they share. Blair&Serena are the best BFFs ever in the universe. Blair forgives Serena for sleeping with Nate. Serena helps Blair get through her bulimia break &through her mommy angst. Blair takes care of drunk Serena ... on multiple occasions. Okay well most of the time it's really Blair being incredibly awesome &putting up with Serena's shit, but Serena has to put up with the Blair Bitch which pretty much evens everything out. &Srsly, they are simply the cutest (&hottest) BFFs evar in tha univers!
So now every Monday (at least until Heroes starts) I'll be Bleighton squeeing hardcore ... after that it will be strictly KBell-Panettiere squee, except that my little blonde pixie won't be in all of the new season. Why oh why? I heart Elle, she's an electric bitch ... electric&foxy.
GG has KBell too ... GG = KBell.
Pretty makes me squee.
Vanila soft serve. <33
Gossip Girl ... jk
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